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21. Giambattista_della_Porta Mythical-Buddies.com Porta, Giambattista della ALTERNATIVE NAMES Giambattista della Porta; Giovanni Battista della Porta SHORT DESCRIPTION Italian scholar DATE OF BIRTH http://www.mythical-buddies.com/index.php?q=Giambattista_della_Porta |
22. The History Of The Discovery Of Cinematography - An Illustrated Porta, Giambattista della. Della fisionomia dell'huomo Venetia Presso Christoforo Tomasino, 1644. Vellum over paste boards, soiled . 6071003 http://precinemahistory.net/ |
23. John Baptist Porta - The Author And His Work With Porta, Giambattista della. Phytognomonica. Francofurti Apud Ionnem Wechelum Petrum Fischerum consortes, 1591. This work describes the science of Physiognomy, that is http://homepages.tscnet.com/omard1/jportat3.html |
24. PORTA, Giambattista Della (1535?-1615). Natural Magick In PORTA, Giambattista della (1535?1615). Natural Magick in twenty books. London Thomas Young and Samuel Speed, 1658.. http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/lot_details.aspx?pos=9&intObjectID=506278 |
25. Porta, Giambattista Della, 1535?-1615 Chemical Heritage Foundation Core Memory Plane http://www.chemheritage.org/discover/chemistry-in-history/topics/people-and-orga |
26. Giambattista Della Porta (Italian Philosopher) Britannica Giambattista della Porta (Italian philosopher), 1535? Feb. 4, 1615Naples ItalyItalian natural philosopher whose experimental research in optics and other fields was undermined by http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/470999/Giambattista-della-Porta |
27. Porta,_Giambattista_della Websites, Porta,_Giambattista_della Porta,_Giambattista_della websites, Porta,_Giambattista_della sites, list, links, directory, catalogue, search, finder, index, linklistr.com http://www.linklistr.com/society/Porta,_Giambattista_della.html |
28. PORTA, Giambattista Della (1535-1615) PORTA, Giambattista della (15351615). De distillatione lib. IX . Quibus certa methodo - Rome ex typographia Reu. Camerae Apostolicae, 16. 6116316 http://www.vialibri.net/item_pg/6116316-1608-porta-giambattista-della-distillati |
29. Giambattista Della Porta Summary BookRags.com Giambattista Della Porta. Giambattista Della Porta summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/giambattista-della-porta-scit-0312345/ |
30. PORTA, Giambattista Della (1538-1615). Pneumaticorum Libri Tres PORTA, Giambattista della (15381615). Pneumaticorum libri tres. Quibus accesserunt curvilineorum elementorum libri duo. Naples; G.G. Carlino,. http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot_details.aspx?intObjectID=5309921 |
31. Porta Biography Biography of Giambattista della Porta (BB^Y1615) Born 1 Nov 1535 in Vico Equense (near Naples), Italy Died 4 Feb 1615 in Naples, Italy http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Porta.html |
32. Physiognomy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Selected images from Porta, Giambattista della De humana physiognomonia libri IIII (Vico Equense, 1586). Historical Anatomies on the Web. National Library of Medicine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiognomy |
33. La Magie Naturelle; Ou, Les Secrets Et Miracles De La Nature Author Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?1615 Publisher Paris, H. Daragon Language French Call number Q155 .P814 Digitizing sponsor University of Toronto Book contributor Gerstein http://www.archive.org/details/lamagienaturelle00portuoft |
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35. Giambattista Della Porta Biography Summary BookRags.com Giambattista della Porta Giambattista della Porta The Renaissance scientist and dramatist Giambattista della Porta (15351615 http://www.bookrags.com/Giambattista_della_Porta |
36. Giambattista Della Porta Giambattista della Porta Giambattista della Porta1 Born late 1535 Vico Equense, Italy Died 4 February 1615 Naples, Italy Residence Naples Nationality Italy Fields http://jazz.openfun.org/wiki/Giambattista_della_Porta |
37. Free Ebooks Catalog - Mybebook.com Catch up on classic books. Take your pick from over 20.000 free classic titles L' Olimpia by Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?1615 Bibliographic Record http://mybebook.com/download_free_ebook/porta-giambattista-della-1535-1615_ebook |
38. Philadelphia Rare Books And Manuscripts Porta, Giambattista della. Della fisionomia dell'huomo . In Napoli Appresso Gio. Giacomo, e Constantino Vitale, 1610. Folio (30.7 cm, 12.125 ). π 2 A–Z 6 (F3+χ1) Aa–Ff 6 http://www.prbm.com/quotes/featured_book_A_Pair_of_Portas.php |
39. Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca Porta, Giambattista della Compiled by Richard S. Westfall Department of History and Philosophy of Science Indiana University Porta, Giambattista della http://www.wicca-chat.com/naturalmagic/naturalauthor.htm |
40. Giambattista Della Porta Biography Giambattista della Porta biography. Who is Giambattista della Porta? Giambattista della Porta bio. http://biography.yourdictionary.com/giambattista-della-porta |
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