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Prophatius: more detail |
1. Jacob Ben Machir Ibn Tibbon - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Jacob ben Machir ibn Tibbon, of the Ibn Tibbon family, also known as prophatius. Proven al, Jewish astronomer; born, probably at Marseilles, about 1236; died at Montpellier about 1304 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_ben_Machir_ibn_Tibbon |
2. The Astrolabe By James E. Morrison such as the Saphea Arzachelis, the Mathematical Jewel of John Blagrave, the Rojasandthedela Hire astrolabes, and the astrolabe quadrants associated with the names of prophatius http://www.ircps.org/publications/aestimatio/pdf/Volume5/2008-07-03_StephensonBW |
3. TripAtlas.com - About Orbital_node prophatius Judaeus and the Medieval Astronomical Tables, Richard I. Harper, ''Isis'' '62', 1 (Spring, 1971), pp. 61–68. 11. Lexicographical Gleanings from the Philobiblon of http://www.tripatlas.com/Ascending_node |
4. Prophatius Astrolabe Quadrant… (NAV1060) - National Maritime Museum Object name prophatius astrolabe quadrant F12881, Obverse of astrolabe quadrant National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London About our images http://www.nmm.ac.uk/collections/explore/object.cfm?ID=NAV1060 |
5. Qantara - Astrolabe Quadrant For a long time, prophatius’ account led people to believe, wrongly, that the instrument in fact originated in medieval Europe, and that it was handed down to the Arab world http://www.qantara-med.org/qantara4/public/show_document.php?do_id=273&lang= |
6. Astrolabes And Quadrants Prophatius Astrolabe Quadrant Astrolabes and quadrants – prophatius astrolabe quadrant. The National Maritime Museum has approximately seventy astrolabes in its collection, one of the largest in the world, and http://www.nmm.ac.uk/collections/search/listResults.cfm?category=astrolabes& |
7. Jacob Ben Makhir Ibn Tibbon Bulletino di bibliografia e di storia delle scienze matematiche e fisiche 9 595–614. Toomer, G. J. (1973). “prophatius Judaeus and the Toledan Tables.” http://islamsci.mcgill.ca/RASI/BEA/Jacob_ben_Makhir_ibn_Tibbon_BEA.htm |
8. Starholder - History This prophatius style astrolabe quadrant also has an horary quadrant for telling time. The two projections on its side are sights. The back features a trigonometric graph http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/students/03to04/Astrolabes/Starholder_history.html |
9. A (mostly) Differential EquationsCrossword Puzzle Institute at Utrecht University, named after this 20 th century topologist 75 exam taken prior to entrance into grad school (abbr.) 76 translator also known as prophatius 77 http://www.maa.org/mathhorizons/Puzzles/Nov05-DE-Xword/Nov-p.30-31.pdf |
10. The Astrolabe Quadrant description of an astrolabe reduced to a quadrant with no moving parts was in 1288 by Jacob ben Mahir ibn Tibbon (12361304), more widely known by his Latin name of prophatius http://www.astrolabes.org/quadrant.htm |
11. Orbital Node Review ; Claudia Kren, Isis, 68, 2 (June 1977), pp. 194–205., pp. 196–197; http//links.jstor.org/sici?sici=00211753%28197121%2962%3A1%3C61%3APJATMA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B prophatius Judaeus http://www.aadet.com/article/Orbital_node |
12. Orbital Node Explained http//links.jstor.org/sici?sici=00211753%28197121%2962%3A1%3C61%3APJATMA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B prophatius Judaeus and the Medieval Astronomical Tables http://everything.explained.at/descending_node/ |
13. Orbital Node - Citizendia and J. Knapton and 18 others, 1728, vol. 1. ^ Planetary Latitudes, the Theorica Gerardi, and Regiomontanus, Claudia Kren, Isis, 68, 2 (June 1977), pp. 194–205. ^ prophatius http://citizendia.org/Orbital_node |
14. Ascending Node 10. ^ prophatius Judaeus and the Medieval Astronomical Tables, Richard I. Harper, Isis 62, 1 (Spring, 1971), pp. 61–68. 11. ^ Lexicographical Gleanings from the Philobiblon of http://english.turkcebilgi.com/ascending node |
15. Yawiki.org Entry For Ibn_Tibbon Jacob ben Machir ibn Tibbon, known as prophatius, (Marseille (probably) c.1236 Montpellier, c.1304), an astronomer. He was a grandson of Samuel ben Judah ibn Tibbon. http://yawiki.org/proc/Ibn_Tibbon |
16. Classical Science Press The Astrolabe - James Morrison Chapter 18 The prophatius Quadrant Chapter 19 - Gunter’s Quadrant Chapter 20 - Sutton's Quadrant Chapter 21 - Horizontal Instruments Chapter 22 - Astrolabe Variations http://classicalsciencepress.com/books/Astrolabe-James-E-Morrison.html |
17. Jacob Ben Machir Ibn Tibbon Ask.com Encyclopedia Jacob ben Machir ibn Tibbon, of the Ibn Tibbon family, also known as prophatius. Proven al, Jewish astronomer; born, probably at Marseilles, about 1236; died at Montpellier http://www.ask.com/wiki/Jacob_ben_Machir_ibn_Tibbon?qsrc=3044 |
18. References For Tibbon G Sarton, Introduction to the history of science II (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1931), 850. G J Toomer, prophatius Judaeus and the Toledan tables, Isis 64 (223) (1973), 351355. http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Printref/Tibbon.html |
19. Tibbon Biography Biography of Jacob ben Tibbon (BB^Y1305) Jacob ben Tibbon is also known by the Latin version of his name, prophatius Judaeus, and in Provence he is known by the name Don http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Biographies/Tibbon.html |
20. Announcing, The Astrolabe By James E Chapter 18 The prophatius Quadrant . Using the prophatius Quadrant. Making the prophatius Quadrant . Chapter 19 - Gunter’s Quadrant . Introduction http://www.astrolabes.org/theastrolabe.htm |
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