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Prthudakasvami: more detail |
1. Prthudakasvami - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Categories Indian scientist stubs Asian mathematician stubs 9thcentury mathematicians Indian mathematicians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prthudakasvami |
2. Ancient Indian Mathematicians In Our Archive In Chronological Order prthudakasvami Rajagopal Ramanujam Ramanujan Sankara Sommerville Sridhara Sripati Varahamihira Vijayanandi Henry Whitehead Yativrsabha Yavanesvara http://www.edunewz.com/2007/08/ancient-indian-mathematicians-in-our.html |
3. Prthudakasvami Biography Biography of prthudakasvami (BB^Yabout 890) prthudakasvami is best known for his work on solving equations. The solution of a first-degree indeterminate equation by a method http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Biographies/Prthudakasvami.html |
4. Irrational Number revision of Apollonius's Conics AD 820880 Al-Mahani Iran commentaries on Books 5, 10 of the Elements, one of the modern authors, equation involving cubes AD 830-890 prthudakasvami India http://www.mongolinternet.com/Batmunkh/MathHistoryTable1.pdf |
5. Prthudakasvami (print-only) prthudakasvami is best known for his work on solving equations. The solution of a firstdegree indeterminate equation by a method called kuttaka (or pulveriser ) was given by http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Printonly/Prthudakasvami.html |
6. Category9th Century Mathematicians - Wikipedia@pedia Mahavira (mathematician) M cont. Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir; N. AlNayrizi; P. Prithudaka; prthudakasvami; S. Sankara Narayana; T. Thābit ibn Qurra; V http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/9/t/h/Category~9th_century_mathematicia |
7. Prthudakasvami Summary prthudakasvami (about 830about 890) prthudakasvami was an Indian mathematician best known for his work on solving equations. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Prthudakasvami.html |
8. Prthudakasvami Biography of prthudakasvami (830890) prthudakasvami is best known for his work on solving equations. The solution of a first-degree indeterminate equation by a method called http://mirror.math.nankai.edu.cn/mirror/www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mat |
9. BHARATA Root Of All Western Civilization prthudakasvami, 830 AD * 16. Sankara, 840 AD * 17. Sridhara, 870 AD * 18. Aryabhata II, 920 AD * 19. Vijayanandi, 940 AD * 20. Sripati, 1019 AD * 21. http://coorg.tripod.com/india7.html |
10. Prthudakasvami - VisWiki prthudakasvami Equation, Mathematician - VisWiki The main article content on this page (titled prthudakasvami ) was retrieved on the fly from Wikipedia (i.e., your page access http://www.viswiki.com/en/Prthudakasvami |
11. Matem Tica Na Ndia - BrahmaguptaTranslate This PageBrahmagupta Forneceu Muito Po The ninth century saw mathematical progress with scholars such as Govindasvami, Mahavira, prthudakasvami, Sankara, and Sridhara. Some of these such as Govindasvami and Sankara were http://www.malhatlantica.pt/mathis/India/Brahmagupta.htm |
12. References For Prthudakasvami References for the biography of prthudakasvami V Mishra and S L Singh, First degree indeterminate analysis in ancient India and its application by Virasena, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 32 http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Prthudakasvami.html |
13. Ibn Ishaq - Kosmix Reference, Videos, Images, News, Shopping And prthudakasvami; Sankara Narayana; Thabit ibn Qurrah; Yaqub ibn Ishaq alKindi; more Arab physicians (28) Ibn al-Baitar; Abd-el-latif; Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Ibn_Ishaq |
14. About Prthudakasvami prthudakasvami (c. 830 India c. 890) was a mathematician best known for his work on solving equations. http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prthudakasvami |
15. Mathematicians Born Before 500 AD (830 890) prthudakasvami (835 - 912) Ahmed (840 - 900) Sankara Narayana (850 - 930) Abu Kamil (850 - 929) al-Battani (870 - 930) Sridhara http://faculty.spokanefalls.edu/InetShare/AutoWebs/troyr/Mathematicians Index.do |
16. Prthudakasvami prthudakasvami Born about 830 in India Died about 890 in India prthudakasvami is best known for his work on solving equations. http://www.anusandhan.net/kids/old/prth_8.jsp |
17. Indian Mathematics Index 830 prthudakasvami 840 Sankara 870 Sridhara 920 Aryabhata II 940 Vijayanandi 1019 Sripati 1060 Brahmadeva 1114 Bhaskara II 1340 Mahendra Suri http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/Indians.html |
18. CategoryAsian Mathematician Stubs - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia prthudakasvami; Q. Abū Sahl alQūhī; R. Srinivasacharya Raghavan; M. S. Raghunathan; Cadambathur Tiruvenkatacharlu Rajagopal; Ramaiyengar Sridharan; Ramanathan Gnanadesikan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Asian_mathematician_stubs |
19. Sujit's World prthudakasvami 830 890 prthudakasvami was an Indian mathematician best known for his work on solving equations. http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~nair/indianmathematics.php |
20. Vedic Mathematics. prthudakasvami 1350 Madhava; 120 AD Yavanesvara 840 Sankara 1370 Paramesvara; 476 Aryabhata I 870 Sridhara 1444 Nilakantha http://www.sanalnair.org/articles/vedmath/india.htm |
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