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1. Ptolemy Project Studies modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. Focus assembly of concurrent components. Key underlying principle use of well-defined computation models that govern interaction between components. http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/ |
2. Ptolemy An astronomer, mathematician and geographer who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. We know very little more of his life. He classified the Greek geocentric view of the universe, and calculated the apparent motions of the planets. http://space.about.com/cs/astronomerbios/a/ptolemybio.htm |
3. Ptolemy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek Κλαύδιος Πτολεμαῖος Kla dios Ptolema os; c. AD 90 – c. 168), known in English as ptolemy (pronounced /ˈtɒləmɪ/), was a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemy |
4. PTOLEMY’S UNIVERSE Stephen Hawking's Universe The Web companion piece provides detailed explanations of the most important ideas and developments in human understanding of the universe. The Web http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/universes/html/ptole.html |
5. Ptolemy II Set of Java packages supporting heterogeneous, concurrent modeling and design. Open Source, BDL http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemyII/index.htm |
6. Ptolemy I Soter - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ptolemy I Soter I was a Macedonian Greek general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323 BC – 283 BC) and founder of both the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemy_I_Soter |
7. Ptolemy Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek Klaudios Ptolemaios; A.D. circa 85 circa 165), known in English as ptolemy, was a Greek astronomer who probably lived and worked in Alexandria in Egypt. http://www.fact-index.com/p/pt/ptolemy.html |
8. Ptolemy S Ptools Using tools of yesterday, and tools specially created for this site, ptolemy Ptools will give you geometry projects to do with your 3D computer games as well as projects to take outside and explore the world. http://library.thinkquest.org/19029/ |
9. Ptolemy Biography From Answers.com (born c. AD 100 — died c. AD 170) Greek astronomer and mathematician. He worked principally in Alexandria. It is often difficult to determine which findings in his great http://www.answers.com/topic/ptolemy |
10. Ptolemy.co.uk Mathematics And Philosophy Education On May 6th the British People voted for a hung parliament. There is a tradition in journalism to seek to reduce complex issues down to the simple; to form a narrative which http://ptolemy.co.uk/ |
11. Ptolemy, The Man ptolemy (aka Claudius Ptolemaeus, Ptolomaeus, Klaudios Ptolemaios, Ptolemeus) lived in Alexandria (in Egypt) from approx. 87 150 AD. Very little is known about his personal http://obs.nineplanets.org/psc/theman.html |
12. Sensei's Library Ptolemy Sensei's Library, page ptolemy, keywords . SL is a large WikiWikiWeb about the game of Go (Baduk, Weiqi). It's a collaboration and community site. Everyone can add comments or http://senseis.xmp.net/?Ptolemy |
13. Ptolemy Summary ptolemy (about 85about 165) ptolemy was the most influential of Greek astronomers and geographers of his time. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ptolemy.html |
14. Ptolemy And Astronomy Die Astronomie des Klaudius Ptolemaios . ptolemy created a universe that lasted a thousand years. Copernicus created a universe that lasted four hundred years. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/PtolemyAstronomy.htm |
15. Famous Astronomers Features profiles of various astronomers of fame, from Galileo to ptolemy. http://library.thinkquest.org/23830/astronomers.htm |
16. Online Encyclopedia And Dictionary - Ptolemy This article is about the geographer and astronomer ptolemy. For Alexander the Great's general, see ptolemy I of Egypt. For others named ptolemy or Ptolemaeus , see ptolemy http://fact-archive.com/encyclopedia/Ptolemy |
17. Ptolemy S Cafe Construction plans with images, equipment, astrophotos, lessons learned, and other projects. http://obs.nineplanets.org/obs/ |
18. Ptolemy (Egyptian Scientist And Mathematician) Britannica ptolemy (Egyptian scientist and mathematician), c. ad 100c. 170an Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer of Greek descent who flourished in Alexandria during the 2nd http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/482098/Ptolemy |
19. HowStuffWorks Ptolemy ptolemy is an important part of the history of Ancient Greece. Read the biography of ptolemy at HowStuffWorks. http://history.howstuffworks.com/ancient-greece/ptolemy.htm |
20. Ptplot 2D data plotter and histogram tool implemented in Java. Ptplot can be used as a standalone applet or application, or it can be embedded in your own applet or application. Open Source http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/java/ptplot/ |
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