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21. DBLP Tibor Rado 1965; 1 Shen Lin, Tibor Rado Computer Studies of Turing Machine Problems. J. ACM 12 (2) 196212 (1965) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/r/Rado:Tibor.html |
22. Rad Tibor1 Day AgoRad Tibor (Budapest, 1895. Lete. Budapesten Megkezdett Műegye Institute for Educational Policy Rad , Tibor American Mathematical Society Rad , Vera Royal Institute For Deaf and Blind Children http://hu.advantacell.com/wiki/Radó_Tibor |
23. Rado Biography Biography of Tibor Rad (BB^Y1965) Born 2 June 1895 in Budapest, Hungary Died 12 Dec 1965 in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Rado.html |
24. Tibor Rad BookRags.com Tibor Rad . Tibor Rad summary with 1 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Tibor_Radó |
25. Tibor Rado Department Of Mathematics Department of Mathematics • The Ohio State University 100 Math Tower • 231 West 18th Avenue • Columbus, OH 432101174 Phone (614) 292-4975 • Fax http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/history/biographies/rado/RadoMemoriam.html |
26. Famous Mathematicians With An R Hans Rademacher Richard Rado Tibor Rado Johann Radon Johann Rahn Cadambathur Rajagopal Chidambaram Ramanujam Srinivasa Ramanujan Jesse Ramsden http://famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_R.htm |
27. Rad Tibor Rad Tibor. Rad Tibor (Bp., 1895. j n. 2. Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1965. dec. 28.) matematikus. A budapesti műegyetemen tanult 1913-15-ben, azut n a szegedi http://www.versenyvizsga.hu/hun/eletrajzok/radotibor.html |
28. Busy Beaver - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In computability theory, a busy beaver (from the colloquial expression for industrious person ) is a Turing machine that attains the maximum operational busyness (such as measured http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busy_beaver |
29. Biographies Of Tibor Rad Biographies of Rad Tibor and more Rad Tibor biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/2675-Rad_oacute__Tibor.html |
30. Biography-center - Letter R ibn Kab • Rabin Yitzhak • Rabinow Jacob • Raborn George Washington, Jr. • Rachal Darius Cyriaque • Rachmaninoff Sergei • Rackham Arthur • Racknitz Johann Von • Rad Tibor http://www.biography-center.com/r.html |
31. MR Matches For MR=28935 MathSciNet bibliographic data MR28935 (10,520h) 27.2X Rad , Tibor On the problem of Ge cze. Ann. Scuola Norm. Super. Pisa (2) 14, (1948). 21–30. http://ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=28935 |
32. R Index Rad , Tibor (1929*) Radon, Johann (1373*) Rahn, Johann (1986) Rajagopal, Cadambathur (258*) Ramanathan, Kollagunta (1422*) Ramanujam, Chidambaram (1636*) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/R.html |
33. Rad Tibor Ltal Nos Iskola S Gy Gypedag Giai M Dszertani C mk k ltal nos iskola. C m Győr, J zsef Attila u. 4. Telefon 96/412313, 96/526-183 http://altalanos-iskola.cgr.hu/rado-tibor-altalanos-iskola-es-gyogypedagogiai-mo |
34. Rad Tibor Ltal Nos Iskola S Gy Gypedag Giai M Dszertani A Rad Tibor ltal nos Iskola s Gy gypedag giai M dszertani Int zm ny bemutat sa. Az iskola saj toss gai, az iskola t rt nete. http://radoiskola.hu/ |
35. Logop Dia - Rad Tibor Ltal Nos Iskola A logop diai ambulancia munk j nak ismertet se. A sz kszer des, kes, b kess ges Any m szava gy ngy s f nyes http://radoiskola.hu/logopedia.html |
36. A Community Of Scholars - R Only Institute For Advanced Study This project is an ongoing effort to record the scope and depth of the Institute Rad , Tibor http://www.ias.edu/people/cos/r |
37. Science Fair Projects - Tibor Rado The Ultimate Science Fair Projects Encyclopedia Tibor Rado http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/science_fair_projects_encyclopedia/Tibo |
38. Győr - Ltal Nos Iskol K - Rad Tibor Ltal Nos Iskola S Itt azonnal megtekintheti t rk pen, f nyk pes utcan zettel, hogy a 9028 Győr, J zsef Attila u. 4. c m hol tal lhat . Ezen k v l tov bbi ltal nos iskol k http://holmivan.valami.info/oktatas-iskolak-terkepen/iskola,1079 |
39. WikiAnswers - What Are Names Of Ohio Prisons In Existence 1930 Rad , Tibor. Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography; Jan 1, 2008; 700+ Words four http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_names_of_Ohio_prisons_in_existence_1930 |
40. Rad Tibor (radotibor) Rad Tibor, Pitvaros, 32 ves, kapcsolatban, Pitvarosi Teleh z, ismerősei (153), k z ss gei (5), k pei (12) http://network.hu/radotibor |
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