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21. Busau Church Records, Busau, Crimea 563 Rahn, Johann (2 Feb 1834) 571 Rahn, Johann (11 Mar 1871) 753 Rahn, Johann (28 Mar 1890) 945 Rahn, Johann (27 Jun 1891) 573 Rahn, Katharina (19 May 1876) http://www.mennonitehistory.org/projects/church/busau/busau_r.htm |
22. Johann Caspar Rahn On Artnet Johann Caspar Rahn (Swiss, 17691840) - Find works of art, auction results sale prices of artist Johann Caspar Rahn at galleries and auctions worldwide. http://www.artnet.com/artist/606710/johann-caspar-rahn.html |
23. List Of Mathematicians (R) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Rahn, Johann (Switzerland, ? ) Raiffa, Howard (USA, 1924 - ) Rainville, Earl D. (USA, 1907 - 1966) Rajagopal, Cadambathur Tiruvenkatacharlu (India, 1903 - 1978) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematicians_(R) |
24. Carl Gock's Rechen-Buch RAHN, Johann FORNEY, Abraham GRAFF, William RIESER, Johann SAUL, Jacob SAUL, Johanns SCHMIDT, Jacob WEBER, Carl FINK, Christian BECKER, Johannes BOUDI, Johannes WEIDNFAL, Paul http://berks.pa-roots.com/ItemsOfInterest/RechenBuchNames.html |
25. L'burg Land Grants R (landr.html) RAHN Johann Lorentz . . . LaHa B12 . . tr RAMAGE Christoph Rudo E-4 Rudo E- 4 nf Oakl 39 Oakl 39 nf nf RAMICHEN Conrad . nf nf . nf nf 177 Ac http://www.seawhy.com/landgr.html |
26. Danzig Mennonite Church, West Prussia Membership List, 1886 Penner, Wilhelm Brauereibesitzer/Stadtverordnete St.Albrecht 95 Quiring, Cornelius Rentier Danzig 96 Rahn, Eduard Kaufmann Danzig 97 Rahn, Johann http://www.mennonitegenealogy.com/prussia/Danzig_Membership_1886.htm |
27. Marriage Index Rahn, Johann Jr. to Miss Elisabeth Renn 26 Dec 1905 . Seidel, Edward to Miss Irma Isaak 17 Apr 1943 . Ziemann, Eldor to Miss Gertrude Gertie Isaak 19 Nov 1939 http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ndmercer/Marriages/MarriageIndex.htm |
28. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1622 AD Viviani, Vincenzo Born 4/5/1622 Died 9/22/1703 1622 AD Rahn, Johann H. Born 3/10/1622 1622 AD http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Math |
29. The Science Bookstore - Chronology Rahn, Johann H. Born 3/10/1622 1622 AD Francois, Rene, Baron de Born 7/7/1622 1622 AD de Sluse, Rene Born 7/7/1622 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=4 |
30. Mennonitische Rundschau Obituaries 1950-2001 Rahn Johann 1880 1958 Barwick, ON Can 1959 Jan 21 12 Rahn Justina Friesen 1910 1998 St. Catharines, ON Can 1999 Feb 27 Rahn Maria Ewert 1874 1964 Filadelfia, Fernheim http://www.mhsbc.com/genealogy/mr/mrr.htm |
31. KENDALL COUNTY TEXAS FAMILY CHARTS Nov 2, 1812 .. 3 Dorothea Johanne Friederike RAHN 1814 b Aug 29, 1814 .. 3 Johanne RAHN .. +Johann http://www.txgenweb2.org/txkendall/fherb.htm |
32. Johann Wibe FacebookPrivate ProfileIt's Free And Anyone Can Join. Already A Memb Swedish, b. 1865 d. 1916) Rahmi, Bedi (Turkish) Rahming, Norris (American, b. 1886 - d. 1959) Rahmn, Julie (Swedish, 19th C) Rahmstorpff, Peter R (Dutch, b. 1606) Rahn, Johann http://www.facebook.com/people/Johann-Wibe/100000478999938 |
33. Stefan Wiese-dohse FacebookPrivate ProfileIt's Free And Anyone Can Join. Already Rahn, Johann Heinrich. Teutsche Algebra, Oder Algebraische Rechenkunst, zusamt ihrem Gebrauch.Z rich Johann Jacob Bodmer, 1659. First edition. 1668. http://www.facebook.com/people/Stefan-Wiese-dohse/1180211266 |
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