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1. R Nyi Alfr D Id Zetek - Id Zetek R Nyi Alfr D Toll B L R nyi Alfr d id zetei Rengeteg id zet R nyi Alfr d toll b l - R nyi Alfr d id zetek http://www.szegedlive.hu/idezetek/renyi_alfred_1051.php |
2. R Nyi Alfr D - (H Res Magyarok) Meghat Roz S R nyi Alfr d T maH res magyarok - Online Lexikon R nyi Alfr d (Budapest, 1921. m rcius 20. - Budapest, 1970. febru r 1.) magyar matematikus, akad mikus. http://mimi.hu/magyarok/renyi_alfred.html |
3. Alfr D R Nyi Quotes - Science Quotes - Dictionary Of Science In D. S. Richeson, Euler's Gem The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology (2008), Preface, ix. Also attributed incorrectly to Paul Erdos, who did often repeat it. http://www.todayinsci.com/R/Renyi_Alfred/RenyiAlfred-Quotations.htm |
4. Alfr D R Nyi - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Renyi, Alfred Alternative names Short description Date of birth Place of birth Date of death Place of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfréd_Rényi |
5. Publications Of Erdos In Graph Theory Zbl 203.56902 • Erd s, Paul; R nyi, Alfr d , On the existence of a factor of degree one of a connected random graph, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17, 359368 (1966). http://www.emis.de/classics/Erdos/graph.htm |
6. R Nyi, Alfr D R nyi, Alfr d (Budapest, March 20th, 1921 – Budapest, February 1st, 1970) Mathematician, who made important contributions in combinatorics, graph theory, but mostly in theory of http://www.omikk.bme.hu/archivum/angol/htm/renyi_a.htm |
7. Papers Orsz gos Algebra Szemin rium,.R nyi Alfr d Matematika Kutat int zet, Budapest, April 26, 2004. „Csoportalgebr k egys gcsoportj nak szerkezete” (invited speaker) http://zeus.nyf.hu/~baloghzs/publikaciok.html |
8. ECommons@Cornell R Nyi, Alfr D eCommons@Cornell Cornell University Library Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Eugene B. Dynkin Collection of Mathematics Interviews http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/handle/1813/17446 |
9. R Nyi, Alfr D - Universit Montpellier II D Partement De If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become ( ) D partement Enseignement des Math matiques http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/-Renyi-Alfred- |
10. Journals.impan.gov.pl R nyi Alfr d Institute Re ltanoda u. 1315 Budapest, 1053, Hungary; Department of Mathematics York University Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada http://journals.impan.gov.pl/fm/Inf/181-1-4.html |
11. Alfr D R Nyi Institue Of Mathematics R Nyi Alfr D Alfr d R nyi Institue of Mathematics R nyi Alfr d Matematikai Int zete is part of the international higher education directory of Hungary. Search 114954 vacancies and http://www.university-directory.eu/Hungary/Alfred-Renyi-Institue-of-Mathematics. |
12. PHOTO ALBUM (from http//www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=RENYI+Alfred) Bela Bollobas, Erdos's student and close collaborator, at Notre http://www.nd.edu/~networks/Linked/newfile6.htm |
13. Mathematical Quotations R R nyi, Alfr d. If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy, I do mathematics to keep happy. P. Tur n, The Work of Alfr d R nyi , Matematikai Lapok 21 http://math.furman.edu/~mwoodard/mqs/ascquotr.html |
14. ESTIMATION OF THE LYTIC CAPACITY OF HUMAN SERUM BY EXPERIMENTAL Tibor Bak cs , Mikl s Szab ^, L szl Varga , Rosey Mushens* and G bor Tusn dy Department of Probability, R nyi Alfr d Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest http://www.math-inst.hu/~mathimm/compl_cons.pdf |
15. Renyi Summary Alfr d R nyi (19211970) JOC/EFR December 2008. The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Renyi.html http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Renyi.html |
16. Magyar Letrajzi Lexikon 1000-1990 Kezdőlap. R nyi Alfr d (Bp., 1921. m rc. 20. – Bp., 1970. febr. 1.) matematikus, egyetemi tan r, az MTA tagja (l. 1949, r. 1956), Kossuthd jas (1949, 1954). http://mek.niif.hu/00300/00355/html/ABC12527/12897.htm |
17. Ars Mathematica (R NYI Alfr D) This edition contains R nyi's writings on popular science (Dialogues on Mathematics, Letters on probability, Diary on Information Theory) that had been published as separate http://www.typotex.hu/konyv/en/Renyi_Ars Mathematica |
18. The Beginnings Of A List Of Scientific (and Other) Texts Using R nyi, Alfr d A Diary in Information Theory 1984, trans. Zsuzsanna MakkaiBencs th (Chichester John Wiley and Sons, 1987) R nyi, Alfr d Dialogues on mathematics 1965, tr http://faculty.ed.uiuc.edu/westbury/paradigm/myers3.html |
19. K Nyv Ars Mathematica (R Nyi Alfr D) K nyv ra 3135 Ft, Ars Mathematica R nyi Alfr d, Egy k tetbe gyűjt tt k ssze R nyi Alfr d Dial gusok a matematik r l, Levelek a val sz nűs gről, Napl http://www.libri.hu/konyv/ars-mathematica.html |
20. R Index R nyi, Alfr d (2253*) Rey Pastor, Julio (1716*) Reye, Theodor (309*) Reymond, Paul du Bois (1709*) Reynaud, Antoine-Andr (507) Reyneau, Charles (351) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/R.html |
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