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Renyi Alfred: more books (16) | ||
21. Ars Mathematica R NYI Alfr D THE LIFE OF ALFR D R NYI (1921 1970) The explosive development of all the sciences has made our age one of specialized research. Fewer and fewer scientists take an active http://www.typotex.hu/index.php?page=content&content_id=162 |
22. R Nyi Alfr D - Wikip Dia R nyi Alfr d (Budapest, 1921. m rcius 20. – Budapest, 1970. febru r 1.) magyar matematikus, akad mikus. http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rényi_Alfréd |
23. Renyi Biography Biography of Alfr d R nyi (BB^Y1970) Born 30 March 1921 in Budapest, Hungary Died 1 Feb 1970 in Budapest, Hungary http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Renyi.html |
24. Library Opening hours MondayThursday 9 AM - 5 PM Friday 9 AM - 4 PM If you have a card to enter the institute when it is closed, you can use it to enter the library as well. http://www.renyi.hu/konyvtar/main.html |
25. Www.renyi.hu Int zm ny nk orsz gos s nemzetk zi h l zati kapcsolat t az NIIF Program biztos tja http://www.renyi.hu/ |
26. Loci Convergence Mathematical Quotations Renyi, Alfred. If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy, I do mathematics to keep happy. http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/47/?pa=quote&sa=browseQuotesFrontEnd&sortLe |
27. Attila Maroti - Hungary LinkedIn Experience Assistant Professor, University of Southern California http://www.linkedin.com/pub/attila-maroti/10/73/9a0 |
28. Contract MAGYAR TUDOM NYOS AKAD MIA. R nyi Alfr d Matematikai Kutat int zet http://www.junkdna.com/contract_pellionisz.htm |
29. Sulinet R Nyi Alfr D Ars Mathematica (K Nyvaj Nl ) R nyi Alfr d Ars Mathematica (K nyvaj nl ) A Typotex Kiad nemr g jelentette meg R nyi Alfr d sszegyűjt tt r sait. A k tet (a t bbi k zt) tartalmazza a http://www.sulinet.hu/tart/fcikk/Kca/0/28585/1 |
30. Alfrd Rnyi - Article And Reference From OnPedia.com He wrote several joint papers with Paul Erds. External link. MacTutor biography; Renyi, Alfred Renyi, Alfred Renyi, Alfred Renyi, Alfred Renyi, Alfred http://www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/alfrd-rnyi |
31. Details Alfred R Nyi R nyi, Alfred; Location Aarhus. Author Jacobs, Konrad (photos provided by Jacobs, Konrad) Source Konrad Jacobs, Erlangen http://owpdb.mfo.de/detail?photo_id=3493 |
32. Blaise Pascal Letters on Probability, by Renyi, Alfred, translated by Vekerdi, Laszlo. Detroit, Mich. Wayne State University Press, 1972. (These are some of the letters Pascal wrote to Fermat.) http://math.berkeley.edu/~robin/Pascal/bibliography.html |
33. Editions Jacques Gabay - Alfred RENYITranslate This PageReprints Encyclopedie De A mathematician is a person whose primary area of study is the field of mathematics. Mathematicians are concerned with particular problems related to logic, space, transformations, http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=RENYI Alfred |
34. MTA R Nyi Alfr D Matematikai Kutat Int Zet Nincs aktu lis esem ny. Ha n tud egyet, aj nljon! Kor bbi konferenci k. A Conference in honor of the 70th birthday of Endre Szemer di (konferencia) (angol nyelvű http://konferenciakalauz.hu/helyszinek/871-mta-renyi-alfred-matematikai-kutatoin |
35. Biographies Of Alfr D R Nyi Biographies of R nyi Alfr d and more R nyi Alfr d biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/2705-R_eacute_nyi_Alfr_eacute_d.html |
36. Alfred Renyi LibraryThing If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. This entry includes… Alfred Renyi; Alfr d R nyi ; Alfred R nyi ; Combine with… http://www.librarything.com/author/renyialfred |
37. Accented Hungarian Characters Neumann J nos John von Neumann 1903–1957; Tur n P l Paul 1910–1976; Haj s Gy rgy 1912–1972; Erdős P l * Paul 1913–1996; R nyi Alfr d http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~komlos/accents.htm |
38. Sz M T G P Alkalmaz Sa A Matematikai Oktat Sban - R Nyi Alfr D A matemetika olyan,mint a te Helen l nyod, aki minden k r j re gyanakszik, hogy az val j ban nem is t szereti, hanem csak az rt http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~kovzol/SzAAMT-2001/beadott/TuriE/ |
39. MR Matches For MR=107294 MathSciNet bibliographic data MR107294 (21 6019) 60.00 Erdős, Paul; R nyi, Alfr d On the central limit theorem for samples from a finite population. http://ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0107294 |
40. R Nyi Alfr D S Rja Vissza a c mlapra http://www.agt.bme.hu/varga/foto/farkasreti/renyi.html |
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