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1. Abraham Bar Hiyya - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Abraham bar Ḥiyya haNasi (also Abraham ben Chija) ( Abraham ben Hiyya alBargeloni Abraham Judaeus , Abraham ben Chiya albargeloni Ha'Nasi Rabeinu Avraham Bar Chiya HaNasi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savasorda |
2. Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi Facts, Discussion Forum, And He was a sort of minister of police (Zachib alShorta, hence savasorda which literally means something like 'chief of police' but probably indicates a position of a courtier), and http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Abraham_bar_Hiyya_Ha-Nasi |
3. YouTube - Savasorda's Channel Age 37 Joined October 05, 2008 Last Visit Date 6 months ago Subscribers 0 Country Belgium http://www.youtube.com/user/Savasorda |
4. Hem.passagen.se Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi, often known by the Latin name savasorda, is famed for his book Liber embadorum published in 1145 which is the first book published in http://hem.passagen.se/ceem/summary.htm |
5. Savasorda Synonyms, Savasorda Antonyms Thesaurus.com No results found for savasorda Did you mean Savant ? Thesaurus Subside Subsidy Siesta Soused Supposed Sagacity Set aside Suavity Haphazard Safeguard Secede Harvest Servant http://thesaurus.com/browse/Savasorda |
6. Moritz Steinschneider - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Abraham Judaeussavasorda und Ibn Esra , in Schl milch 's Zeitschrift f r Mathematik und Physik , 1867; Abraham ibn Esra , ib. 1880. Characteristic is Steinschneider's philosophic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moritz_Steinschneider |
7. Savasorda Define Savasorda At Dictionary.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Savasorda |
8. Abraham Bar Hiyya - Wikipedia, La…Translate This PageAbraham Bar Hiyya (o Abra savasorda who is also known as Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi was a jewish mathematitian and astronomer. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Bar_Hiyya |
9. Savasorda - Definition Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi (1070 - 1136) was a Spanish Jewish mathematician and astronomer, also known as savasorda (from the Arabic S hib as-Shurta). http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Savasorda |
10. Abraham Bar Hiyya He is sometimes known as savasorda, a corruption of an Arabic term indicating that he held some civic office in the Muslim administration of Barcelona. http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/micro/micro_1_93.html |
11. Savasorda, Also Known As Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi And Abraham savasorda, Also Known as Abraham Bar Hiyya HaNasi and Abraham Judaeus. savasorda, Also Known as Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi and Abraham Judaeus summary with 1 pages of http://www.bookrags.com/research/savasorda-also-known-as-abraham-bar-scit-02123/ |
12. EenzijDig 'gentSe FeeSten' DebAt OVeR Het ISRA LiScH-pAleStijnS Laten we de gebeurtenis maar hun gang gaan zeker. En als de Joden nu eenmaal uitgeroeid zijn, Oei, we hebben ons vergist… . Isra l schuldig verklaard aan alle onheil DOOr savasorda http://lezersbrieven.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/19-savasorda.pdf |
13. Rosa Planas - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Abraham savasorda; Rosa Planas Ferrer Abraham savasorda; Rosa Planas Ferrer. Literatura espa ola actual. Siglo XXI. Cristianos. Jud os. Creencias. http://www.123people.com/s/rosa planas |
14. Abraham Savasorda The Blackwell Dictionary Of Judaica Blackwell Reference Online is the largest academic online reference library giving instant access to the most authoritative and upto-date scholarship across the humanities and http://www.blackwellreference.com/public/tocnode?id=g9780631187288_chunk_g978063 |
15. Sefardi Authors Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda, ca. 1065ca. 1136 Alfonso, de Valladolid (See Abner, of Burgos, b. ca. 1270) Barrios, Miguel de, 1635-1701 PQ6279.B35 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/subject/iberian/Sefarauthors.html |
16. Seforim Online - Out Of Print, Hard To Find Hebrew Seforim For Sefer Hegayon HaNefesh, by one of the great Rishonim of the early 12th century, Rabeinu Avraham Bar Chiya HaNasi savasorda, is a philosophical mussar book. http://www.seforimonline.org/seforimdb/index.php?table_name=seforim_database& |
17. Mishnat Ha-Middot = Mischnat Ha-middot Die Erste Geometrische Mishnat haMiddot = Mischnat ha-middot die erste geometrische Schrift in hebräischer Sprache ; nebst Epilog der Geometrie von Abraham bar Chijja.. Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda http://www.worldcat.org/title/mishnat-ha-middot-mischnat-ha-middot-die-erste-geo |
18. YouTube - Savasorda's Channel Share your videos with friends, family, and the world http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Savasorda&view=subscriptions |
19. Abraham Bar Ḥiyya [Abraham Judaeus; Abraham Savasorda] (fl. 12th Blackwell Reference Online is the largest academic online reference library giving instant access to the most authoritative and upto-date scholarship across the humanities and http://www.blackwellreference.com/public/tocnode?id=g9780631187288_chunk_g978063 |
20. Savasorda Lezersbrieven Die De Pers Niet…Translate This PageLezersbrieven Die also known as savasorda (fl. in Barcelona before 1136) mathematics, astronomy. In Arabic he was known as Ṣāḥib alShurṭa, “Elder of the Royal Suite,” denoting some type of http://lezersbrieven.wordpress.com/savasorda/ |
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