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81. Ibn Abd-el-Hakem The Islamic Conquest Of Spain A translated excerpt from the History of the Conquest of Spain by the Egyptian, Ibn Abd-el-Hakem (870 or 871 CE); from the Medieval Sourcebook. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/conqspain.html |
82. Mosque Of Amr Ibn El-As The Egyptian Tourism Ministry provides an illustrated history and description of the oldest mosque in Egypt, founded in 642 AD and rebuilt several times subsequently. http://touregypt.net/AmrIbnMosque.htm |
83. Ibn-Alhaytham Pharmaceutical Industry Generic pharmaceutical company manufacturing generic pharmaceuticals and food supplements. Company profile, product list, and contact details. English/Arabic http://www.ibn-alhaytham.com |
84. IBN Consulting Immigration service with offices in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Stellenbosch. http://www.ibn.co.za/ |
85. Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi eyh-i Ekber Muhyiddin ibn Arabi, eserleri ve dergilerde hakk nda kan yaz lar n anlat ld blog sitesi. http://ibnarabi.blogcu.com/ |
86. Les Pages Philosophiques Ibn Rochd Consacr principalement Ibn Rochd, plus connu sous le nom d Averro s. Biographie, survol de sa philosophie, r f rences et liens. http://www.ibnrochd.netfirms.com/ |
87. Le Service D Accueil Des Urgences Du CHU Ibn Rochd De Casablanca Le service d accueil des urgences du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca prodigue des soins de qualit plus de 300 patients par jour, dont une vingtaine de cas graves http://www.urgences-maroc.ma |
88. IBNS Vancouver Chapter Official Home Page Welcome to the Canadian Chapter (Vancouver) of International Bank Note Society. All collectors or merchants of world paper money are welcome to join us. Chapter meeting visits are free http://www.ibns-vancouver.org/ |
89. IBN-Online - Wassersportmagazin Am Bodensee Informiert zu Wetter, Termine und bietet Ergebnisse von Bootstests an. Mit Forum und umfangreicher Linkliste zum Thema. http://www.ibn-online.de/ |
90. Warisan Asy-Syaikh Ahmad Ibn Idris Biografi asy-Syaikh Ahmad ibn Idris al-Fasi al-Maghribi, pengasas at-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Ahmadiyyah al-Idrisiyyah. http://warisan-ahmad-idris.tripod.com/index.htm |
91. Wikipedia Abu_Bakr_Mohammad_Ibn_Zakariya_al-Razi Detailed article with links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Bakr_Mohammad_Ibn_Zakariya_al-Razi |
92. Al-Farabi Artikel im Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikon. http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/a/al_farabi_a_n.shtml |
93. Elegy (Marthiya) On Husayn Arabic And Persian An academic paper exploring the place of elegies on Hoseyn in literary and religious tradition, Persian and Arabic. Includes some examples in translation. http://al-islam.org/al-serat/Elegy.htm |
94. Karbala And The Imam Husayn In Persian And Indo-Muslim Literature Academic paper examines the martyrdom of the Prophet s grandson at the hands of the Umayyad troops, and its impact on later literature and culture. http://al-islam.org/al-serat/Karbala-Schimmel.htm |
95. Husayn Profile of the Third Imam, second son of Ali and Fatima, grandson of the Prophet; died after the battle of Karbala. From the Encyclopedia of the Orient. http://i-cias.com/e.o/husayn.htm |
96. Imam Husayn And Karbala A collection of articles and audio resources, from a Shia perspective, about the Third Imam and the Battle of Karbala. Some are devotional, others deal with aspects of history. http://al-islam.org/topical.php?sid=305657393&cat=93 |
97. Imam Hasan Bin Ali An online book offers a biography of the second Imam, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad; covers in detail the treaty he signed with Mu awiyah. http://home.swipnet.se/islam/imamhassan.htm |
98. Hassan Profile of the Second Imam, son of Ali and Fatima, grandson of the Prophet; from the Encyclopedia of the Orient. http://i-cias.com/e.o/hassan.htm |
99. Imam Hasan A collection of articles and audio resources about the Second Imam, from a Shia perspective. http://al-islam.org/topical.php?sid=305657393&cat=92 |
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