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1. Stirling, James Naval officer and explorer who travelled briefly inland from Sydney before exploring and promoting settlement on the Swan River in Western Australia in 1827. http://www.dictionaryofsydney.org/person/stirling_james |
2. Biographies Of James Stirling Mathematicians Biographies of Stirling James and more Stirling James biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/3199-Stirling_James.html |
3. James Stirling, Member, Team, M A Tax - ZoomInfo Business Information Stirling, James St Andrews University Stirling, James Aitken Scientific Ltd Stirling, James Hebe Society Stirling, James http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Stirling_James_449969171.aspx |
4. Stirling, James - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Stirling Scottish naval officer and colonial administrator, the first governor of Western Australia 1828–39. Having explored the west coast of Australia in 1827, he persuaded the http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Stirling, James |
5. Digital Collections - Maps - Stirling, James, Sir, 1791-1865 Stirling, James, Sir, 17911865. Chart of Swan River from a survey cartographic material 1829. MAP RM 746. More information http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-rm746 |
6. James Stirling Brief biography of this Scottish-born experimentalist in Great Buildings Online, with details of some of his buildings. http://www.greatbuildings.com/gbc/architects/James_Stirling.html |
7. Stirling, James - Definition Of Stirling, James By The Free Online Stir ling (st r l ng) A borough of central Scotland on the Forth River westnorthwest of Edinburgh. Its medieval castle was the birthplace of James II of Scotland. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Stirling, James |
8. BBC Audio Interviews James Stirling Listen to extracts from a BBC interview with the British architect of the History Library at Cambridge University. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/stirlingj1.shtml |
9. Stirlig James McLaughlin - Photo Gallery You need to upgrade your Flash Player. http://stirlingjames.com/ |
10. Just Born Stirling James Braedon Weddings Just Born Stirling James. Posted on April 2, 2009 Posted in Families, Weddings. Doug and Lydia are some friends we met shooting a wedding early last year and they just http://braedonsblog.com/2009/04/02/just-born-stirling-james/ |
11. James Hutchison Stirling A brief article from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy detailing Stirling s intellectual career. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/s/stirling.htm |
12. Stirling, James Definition Of Stirling, James In The Free Online Stirling, James . Born 1692; Died Dec. 5, 1770. Scottish mathematician. Fellow of the Royal Society of London (1729). Stirling’s most important publication was Methodus http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Stirling, James |
13. Stirling, James (1692-1770) From Eric Weisstein's World Of English mathematician who was a friend of Newton and who completed Newton's classification of cubic curves in his work Lineaetertii ordinis Neutonianae (1717). He also derived http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Stirling.html |
14. Stirling S Secret Of Hegel A selection from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature, published in the early 20th century. Briefly discusses this key work by Stirling. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0131.html |
15. 1911 Encyclop Dia Britannica/Stirling, James - Wikisource STIRLING, JAMES (16921770), Scottish mathematician, third son of Archibald Stirling of Garden, and grandson of Sir Archibald Stirling of Keir (Lord Garden, a lord of session), was http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclopædia_Britannica/Stirling,_James |
16. Artnet.com Resource Library Stirling, James Stirling, Sir James (Frazer) (b Glasgow, 22 April 1926; d London, 25 June 1992). Scottish architect. The son of a ship’s engineer and a schoolteacher, he spent his childhood http://www.artnet.com/library/08/0814/T081470.asp |
17. The Life Of Plantation Field Hands Excerpt from Stirling s 1857 book Letters from the Slave States, a journal of his visit to the American South. Part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1857stirling.html |
18. Stirling James Realty - Rochester, New York (NY) Company Profile Stirling James Realty company profile in Rochester, NY. Our free company profile report for Stirling James Realty includes business information such as contact, sales and financial http://www.manta.com/c/mmlswwd/stirling-james-realty |
19. Architects Stirling, James Free Listings Download Canadian Content explores Stirling, James. Includes free listings and information about Stirling, James from the CanConDir. http://www.canadiancontent.net/dir/Top/Arts/Architecture/History/Architects/S/St |
20. Stirling, James Frazer - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Stirling, James Frazer (1926–1992) Scottish architect. He was possibly the most influential of his generation. While in partnership with James Gowan (1924– ), he designed an http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Stirling, James Frazer |
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