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21. List Of People By Name Sy Sykes, Eric, (born 1923), British comedian Sykes, Jubilant, musician Sykes, Roosevelt, musician Sykes, Wanda, comedian Sylow, Ludwig, mathematician http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_people_by_name__sy.html |
22. Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
23. McGraw-Hill's AccessScience Jordan, (Marie Ennemond) Camille (1838–1922) Sylow, Ludwig Mejdell (1832–1918) http://www.accessscience.com/overflow.aspx?searchStr=Group theory&stype=5&am |
24. S Index Sylow, Ludwig (486*) Sylvester, James Joseph (2398*) Synge, John (1155*) Sz sz, Otto (751*) Szeg , G bor (479*) Szekeres, George (1991*) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/S.html |
25. List Of People By Name Sy - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article Sylow, Ludwig, mathematician Sylvanus, Erwin, dramatist, author Sylvester, James Joseph, (18141897), mathematician Sylvester, Joshua, (1563-1618), poet http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/List_of_people_by_name:_Sy/ |
26. Sylow Theorems - Factbites Sylow biography In 1862 Sylow lectured at the University of Christiania, substituting for Broch. Sylow proved what is perhaps the most profound result in the theory of finite groups. http://www.factbites.com/topics/Sylow-theorems |
27. N. H. Abel, . Galois - Werke Und QuellenTranslate This PageSylow, Ludwig; Lie, S Sylow, Ludwig, mathematician Sylvanus, Erwin , dramatist, author Sylvester, James Joseph, (18141897), mathematician Sylvester, Joshua, (1563-1618), poet http://www.scitron.de/abelgalois.htm |
28. S Index Suvorov, Georgii (170) Swain, Lorna (598) Sylow, Ludwig (486*) Sylvester, James Joseph (1146*) Synge, John (1155*) Sz sz, Otto (751*) Szeg , G bor (479*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/S.html |
29. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des AuteursTranslate This PageSOMMERFELD Arnold S Ludwig Sylow; Ludwig Wittgenstein; Luigi Bianchi; Luigi Cremona; Luigi F Menabrea; Luther Eisenhart; Machgielis Euwe; Maclane; Mandelbrot; Marcel Brillouin; Marcel Grossmann http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Auteurs.asp?Lettre=S |
30. Www.math.harvard.edu MATHEMATICIANS Authors Oliver Knill 2000 Literature Started from a list of names with birthdates grabbed from . mactutor in 2000. http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.txt |
31. Gruppentheorie-Glossar – WikipediaTranslate This PageSylow, Ludwig (* 12. Deze Le cronologie di Psicopolis. Indice alfabetico dei matematici . Indice alfabetico dei matematici Cronologia dei matematici http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruppentheorie-Glossar |
32. Isis Current Bibliography Bibliographic…Translate This PageSylow, Ludwig Mejde Ludwig Sylow, f dd 12 december 1832, d d 7 september 1918, var en norsk matematiker som bevisade grundl ggande resultat inom gruppteori, d ribland Sylows satser. http://www.ou.edu/cas/hsci/isis/website/thesaurus/IsisCB.Personalnames.S-Z.html |
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