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21. Answers.com - Who Is Theodorus Of Cyrene Theodorus of Cyrene was born in Cyrene and spent most of his life in Athens, Greece. He was a Greek mathematician of the 5th century BC who was admired by Plato (who mentions http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_is_Theodorus_of_Cyrene |
22. Theodorus Of Cyrene Many later authors have attempted to determine the technique he used. One popular conjecture involves a Spiral comprised of contiguous Right Triangles with Hypotenuse lengths http://www.seattleluxury.com/encyclopedia/entry/theodorus_of_cyrene |
23. Theodorus Of Cyrene Just so you know, for some topics we license content from Who2, ADAM True Knowledge. http://science.kosmix.com/topic/Theodorus_of_Cyrene |
24. Theodorus Of Cyrene - On Opentopia, Find Out More About Theodorus Theodorus of Cyrene was a Greek mathematician of the 5th century BC who was admired by Plato (who mentions him in several of his works, most notably the Theatetus) . http://encycl.opentopia.com/term/Theodorus_of_Cyrene |
25. Theodorus Of Cyrene - Definition Greek mathematician of the 5th century BC who was admired by Plato, who mentions him in several sources. Little is known about his accomplishments; however, he is atrributed to http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Theodorus_of_Cyrene |
26. Theodorus Of Cyrene Biography of Theodorus (BB^Y398 BC) Born 465 BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) Died 398 BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Theodorus.html |
27. Temp1 Day AgoTheodorus Of Cyrene -Born 465 BC In Cyrenewww.bethel.k12.or.us/scho Theodorus of Cyrene. Theodorus of Cyrene was a 5th century B.C. mathematician and was born around 100 years after Pythagoras. (Cyrene is now called Shahhat, in Libya.) http://www.bethel.k12.or.us/schools/shasta/zima/Neal/wheel.htm |
28. Theodorus Of Cyrene Theodorus (465 BC398 BC) Theodorus was a Greek philosopher in the Cyrenaic school of moral philosophy. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Theodorus.html |
29. Answers.com - Uncategorized Questions Including Who Is Theodorus Uncategorized Questions including Who is Theodorus of Cyrene and What is tennesse represented for http://wiki.answers.com/Q/FAQ/4423-371 |
30. Theodorus The Atheist - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This article is about Theodorus the Atheist from Cyrene. For the mathematician also from Cyrene, see Theodorus of Cyrene. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodorus_the_Atheist |
31. Spiral Of Theodorus On GetGlue It was first constructed by Theodorus of Cyrene. The spiral is started with an isosceles right triangle, with each leg having a unit length of 1. Another right triangle is http://getglue.com/topics/p/spiral_of_theodorus |
32. Theodorus Of Cyrene Born 465 BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) Died 398 BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Printonly/Theodorus.html |
33. A Lesson On Spirals The root spiral generated in the exercise below has been attributed to Theodorus of Cyrene (~465399 BC). Theodorus was Plato’s tutor. In Plato’s Theaetus, Socrates makes http://courses.wcupa.edu/jkerriga/Lessons/A Lesson on Spirals.html |
34. Theodorus Of Cyrene Theodorus of Cyrene was an Greek mathematician of the 5th century BC who was admired by Plato, who mentions him in several sources. Little is known about his accomplishments http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Bios/TheodorusOfCyrene.html |
35. Theodorus Of Cyrene Theodorus of Cyrene was a Greek mathematician of the 5th century BC who was admired by Plato (who mentions him in several of his works, most notably the Theatetus) . http://english.turkcebilgi.com/Theodorus of Cyrene |
36. Theodorus Of Cyrene BookRags.com Theodorus of Cyrene. Theodorus of Cyrene summary with 1 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/theodorus-of-cyrene-scit-01123/ |
37. Theodorus Of Cyrene Information, Theodorus Of Cyrene Reference Information and research on Theodorus of Cyrene on FindTarget Reference online encyclopedia. Find articles and information resources on Theodorus of Cyrene. http://reference.findtarget.com/search/Theodorus of Cyrene/ |
38. Theodorus Of Cyrene Theodorus of Cyrene Theodorus of Cyrene was a mathematician, astronomer, musician, philosopher, and the tutor of Plato. Internet Activity Activity 12.4 http://www.np.k12.mn.us/TechIntegration/math/mathalg/Remote/httpxxxgoxhrwxcomxh4 |
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