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1. Biographies Of Heinrich Tietze Biographies of Tietze Heinrich and more Tietze Heinrich biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/3372-Tietze_Heinrich.html |
2. Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze (August 31, 1880 – February 17, 1964) was an Austrian mathematician, famous for the Tietze extension theorem. He also developed the Tietze http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Franz_Friedrich_Tietze |
3. 20090816 [OCLC] Old 100 1 Tietze, Heinrich, ‡d 1880New 100 1 Tietze, Heinrich, ‡d 1880-1964. n 50046656 Old 100 1 Valency, Maurice Jacques, ‡d 1903-New 100 1 Valency, Maurice, ‡d 1903 http://www.oclc.org/rss/feeds/authorityrecords/20090816.htm |
4. Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze 18801964. Heinrich Tietze was a student at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna, starting his studies there in 1898. http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/periodictable/html/Tc.html |
5. HABSBURG tietze heinrich o.s. 18 germany crew schumann hermann o.s. 19 germany crew albers louis o.s. 16 germany crew kaulluak hermann o.s. 15 germany crew garbade george o.s. http://mariners.records.nsw.gov.au/1889/04/085hab.htm |
6. Tietze Summary Heinrich Tietze (18801964) JOC/EFR May 2000. The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Tietze.html http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Tietze.html |
7. T Index Tietze, Heinrich (816) Tikhonoff, Andrey (1069*) Tikhonov, Andrei (1069*) Tilly, Joseph de (179) Tinbergen, Jan (708*) Tinseau, Charles (144) Tisserand, F lix (95) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/T.html |
8. Tietze Biography Biography of Heinrich Tietze (BB^Y1964) Born 31 Aug 1880 in Schleinz (E of Neunkirchen), Austria Died 17 Feb 1964 in Munich, Germany http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Biographies/Tietze.html |
9. CategoryMathematician Stubs - Slider Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze; Heinrich Martin Weber; Hellmuth Kneser; Hemachandra; Henri Pad ; Henry Eyring; Herman Chernoff; Herman Goldstine; Herman J. J. te Riele http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Category:Mathematician_stubs |
10. Heinrich Tietze On Numbers Heinrich Tietze lectured on mathematics to students at the University of Munich who were studying a wide variety of different subjects. These students came from every faculty of the http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Extras/Tietze_numbers_1.html |
11. Loci Convergence Portrait Gallery Tietze, Heinrich Franz (1880 1964) Titchmarsh, Edward (1899 - 1963) Toeplitz, Otto (1881 - 1940) Torricelli, Evangelista (1608 - 1647) Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried von (1651 http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/1/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=1371&a |
12. References For Tietze References for the biography of Heinrich Tietze K Seebach, Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Tietze.html |
13. Euler's Theorem As The Path Towards Geometry By Emil Saucan In The Tietze, Heinrich. 1965. Famous problems of mathematics. New York Greylock Press. Thurston, William P. 1990. Mathematical Education . Notices of A.M.S. http://emis.library.cornell.edu/journals/NNJ/Saucan.html |
14. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Heinrich Tietze Name School Year Descendants; Karl Apfelbacher LudwigMaximilians-Universit t M nchen 1939 Georg Aumann Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit t M nchen 1931 http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=57471 |
15. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi - Kosmix Reference, Videos, Images Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze. Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze (August 31, 1880 – February 17, 1964) was an Austria n mathematician, famous for the Tietze extension theorem. http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Friedrich_Heinrich_Jacobi |
16. List Of Austrians Encyclopedia II - List Of Austrians - Science Hans Asperger, Hans Hahn, Hans Hass, Hans Kelsen, Hans Makart, Hans Moser, Hansi Hinterseer, Hedy Lamarr, Heimito von Doderer, Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze, Heinrich Harrer, http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/List_of_Austrians_-_Science/id/1295477 |
17. Tietze, HeinrichTranslate This PageTietze, Heinrich. Heinrich F. F. Tietze Wurde Tietze, Heinrich NATO Tietze, Jan Microsoft Corporation Tietze, Jeanette Stuart Hall School for Boys Tietze, Juliane http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/buecher/autoren/tietze.html |
18. Chris Tietze, Auditor, The SF/AGO Newsletter - ZoomInfo Business Tietze, Heinrich NATO Tietze, Jan Microsoft Corporation Tietze, Jeanette Stuart Hall School for Boys Tietze, Juliane http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Tietze_Chris_1361894477.aspx |
19. A Quotation By Tietze A quotation by Heinrich Tietze The story was told that the young Dirichlet had as a constant companion all his travels, like a devout man with his prayer book, an old, worn copy of http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Quotations/Tietze.html |
20. Ber Analysis Situs / [von] H. Tietze. Author Tietze, Heinrich, 1880Title ber analysis situs / von H. Tietze. Publication Info Ann Arbor, Michigan University of Michigan Library http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=umhistmath;cc=umhistmath;view=to |
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