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Tsu Ch'ung Chi: more detail |
1. Biographies Of Tsu Ch'ung Chi Mathematicians Biographies of Tsu Ch'ung Chi and more Tsu Ch'ung Chi biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/3420-Tsu_Ch_ung_Chi_.html |
2. Zu Chongzhi - VisWiki Zu Chongzhi Bonaventura Cavalieri, Tsu Chung-Chi (crater), Mil , Proof that 22/7 exceeds π, Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song - VisWiki http://www.viswiki.com/en/Zu_Chongzhi |
3. Tsu Chung-Chi (crater) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Tsu ChungChi is a relatively small lunar impact crater on the Moon 's far side. It lies to the west-southwest of the crater Leonov, and to the northeast of the large walled plain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsu_Chung-Chi_(crater) |
4. Zhui Shu (Method Of Interpolation) - China Culture This book was written by Zu Chongzhi (sometimes written Tsu Ch'ung Chi). He was an outstanding mathematician but sadly the text of the Zhui shu has not survived. It is known http://kaleidoscope.cultural-china.com/en/135Kaleidoscope5316.html |
5. Answers.com - Who Is Tsu Chung -Chi Tsu Ch ung Chi, better known as Zu Chongzhi, is a prominent mathmetician and astromomer. He was born in 429 in Jiankang and died in 500. He created the Daming calendar and http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_is_Tsu_Chung_-Chi |
6. Histoire Du Calcul De Pi 1 3.15555 = 142/45 Liu Hui 263 5 3.14159 Siddhanta 380 3 3.1416 Tsu Ch'ung Chi 480? http://pi.lacim.uqam.ca/fra/pihistory_fr.html |
7. Malaspina Great Books - Tsu Ch'ung Chi (430) Malaspina Great Books, Established 1995; Created by Russell McNeil, PhD, Visitors http://www.malaspina.org/tsut.htm |
8. Prime Curios! 113 Zu Chongzhi (or Tsu Ch'ung Chi), along with his son Zu Gengzhi, stated in a mathematical text titled Zhui Shu (Method of Interpolation) that is approximately three hundred fifty http://primes.utm.edu/curios/cpage/660.html |
9. Tsu Chung Chi Chinese mathematician and astronomer Tsu Chung Chi 430AD 501AD Start your search on Tsu Chung Chi. http://virtualology.com/Mathematics/TsuChungChi.com/ |
10. History Of Pi Tsu Chung Chi (430501 AD) = 355/113; Al Khawarizmi (800) = 3.1416; Al Kashi (1430) = computed Pi to 14 places; Vi te (1540- 1603) = 9 places; Romanus (1561-1615) = 17 places http://egyptonline.tripod.com/history.htm |
11. EUCLID TSU CH'UNG CHI c.430 c.501 Chinese Mathematician Tsu Ch'ung Chi, mathematician and astronomer, who calculated the value of pi to 8 decimal places, and determined the precise time http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/persons3_n2/tsu.html |
12. Planetenkunde.de / Mond - Namen - Tsu…Translate This PageMond - Namen - Krater Tsu Ch'ung Chi 480 - 7 decimal places correct Aryabhata - 499 - 4 decimal places correct Brahmagupta - 640 - 1 decimal place correct Al-Khwarizmi - 600 - 4 decimal places correct http://www.astrolink.de/p012/p01204/p01204091385.htm |
13. Zu_Chongzhi Summary Honours awarded to Zu Chongzhi (Click below for those honoured in this way) Lunar features Crater Tsu ChungChi http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Zu_Chongzhi.html |
14. Yet Another Story Of Pi About 150 AD, Ptolemy of Alexandria (Egypt) gave its value as 377/120 and in about 500 AD the Chinese Tsu Ch'ungChi gave the value as 355/113. http://www.uz.ac.zw/science/maths/zimaths/pi.htm |
15. Tsu Ch'ung Chi Definition Of Tsu Ch'ung Chi In The Free Online Zu Chongzhi (born 429, Jiankang, China—died 500, China) Chinese astronomer, mathematician, and engineer. About 462 he proposed a new calendar system that would provide a more http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Tsu Ch'ung Chi |
16. Zu Chongzhi Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article It lies to the westsouthwest of the crater Leonov, and to the northeast of the large walled plain Mendeleev. To the north of Tsu Chung-Chi is the Mare Moscoviense, one of the few http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Zu_Chongzhi |
17. Zu Chongzhi - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Since Ma Jun's time such a thing had not been. Named for him. as Zu Chongzhi π rate. The lunar crater Tsu ChungChi; 1888 Zu Chong-Zhi is the name of asteroid 1964 VO1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zu_Chongzhi |
18. Pi Is The Most Famous Number Inn The History Of Mathematics thousand years and the development moved to the Arabian countries (About 150 AD Ptolemy of Alexandria in Egypt gave value as 377/120 and about 500 AD the Chinese Tsu Ch’ungChi http://eduwww.mikkeli.fi/opetus/myk/pv/comenius/pi.html |
19. The-moon - Tsu Chung-Chi - History Date Compare Author Comment http://the-moon.wikispaces.com/page/history/Tsu Chung-Chi |
20. Chinese Astronomers Tsu Ch'ungChi Tsu Ch'ung Chi (430-501) was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. In astronomy, he arrived at the precise time of the solstice by measuring the sun's shadow http://www.chinapage.com/astronomy/astronomer.html |
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