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21. Photo The Cupola Of Tilla-Kari Madrassa Seen From Ulugh Beg sureshkrishna photos The cupola of Tilla-Kari Madrassa seen from Ulugh Beg Madrassa, Samarkand, Uzbekistan http://public.fotki.com/suresh-krishna/uzbekistan---the-he/357835987.html |
22. Rug Notes Index - U Oriental Rugs And Carpets By Barry O'Connell Ulugh Beg. Ulugh Beg 140749; After the death of Shah Rukh, Ulugh Beg takes power and moves the capitol to Samarkand. http://www.spongobongo.com/rwu.htm |
23. UBAI Acronym Finder UBAI stands for Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) http://www.acronymfinder.com/Ulugh-Beg-Astronomical-Institute-(Tashkent,-Uzbekis |
24. Al-Kashi In 1409 Shah Rokh's oldest son, Ulugh Beg (1393–1449), became ruler of the Transoxania portion of the Timurid empire. Ulugh Beg was a noted mathematician and astronomer, and at http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/ewb_0002_0026_0/ewb_0002_0026_0_00015.html |
25. AGCEEP Event Documentation AGCEEP_Specific_Timurids.eue The achievements of the scientists at the Observatory, working there under Ulugh Beg's direction and in collaboration with him, include the following methods for giving accurate http://www.agceep.net/eventdoc/AGCEEP_Specific_Timurids.eue.htm |
26. Ulugh Beg Madrasa The madrasa and khanaqah that Ulugh Beg, Timur's grandson and Governor of Samarkand, built facing each other across the Registan Square, were part of a large urban project http://archnet.org/library/sites/one-site.jsp?site_id=3178 |
27. Al-Kashi Biography The city became the capital of Timur's empire and Shah Rokh made his own son, Ulugh Beg, ruler of the city. Ulugh Beg, himself a great scientist, began to build the city into a http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Biographies/Al-Kashi.html onclick=sa_mpTC(eve |
28. Timurid Architecture In Samarkand His eldest son, Ulugh Beg (13941449) was appointed governor of Samarkand, while his second son, Baysunghur (1399-1433) served as his wazir in the capital. http://www.oxuscom.com/timursam.htm |
29. Ulugh Beg - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Ulugh Beg Mongol mathematician and astronomer, ruler of Samarkand from 1409 and of the Mongol Empire from 1447. He built an observatory from which he made very accurate observations of http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Ulugh Beg |
30. Ulugh Beg Biography Ulugh Beg biography and related resources. Ulugh Beg (1394October 27, 1449) was a Timurid astronomer, mathematician and sultan. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Beg_Ulugh.html |
31. Samarkand Ulugh Beg's Observatory Back to Cities and Architecture Click on thumbnails to enlarge them Ulugh Beg and His Observatory Ulugh Beg was the oldest son of Shahrukh, born in the city of Sultaniyah http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/cities/uz/samarkand/obser.html |
32. Middle Ages (5th-15th Century) Echo Were it only for his role as prince, viceroy, and martyr, few scholars would know of Ulugh Beg. But his memory lives on because he was an observatory builder, patron of http://echo.gmu.edu/taxonomy/term/32?page=7 |
33. Mirzo Ulugbek - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Mirzo Ulugbek Ulugh Beg was born at Sulaniyya in central Asia and brought up at the court of his grandfather Tamerlane. At the age of 15 Ulugh Beg became ruler of the city of Samarkand and the http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Mirzo ulugbek |
34. Ulugh-Beg Definition Of Ulugh-Beg In The Free Online Encyclopedia. UlughBeg or Ulug-Beg (both `l g bĕg), 1394–1449, Timurid ruler and astronomer. The grandson of Timur (or Tamerlane), he succeeded to the Timurid domain in 1447. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Ulugh-Beg |
35. Ulugh Beg Samarkand Empire Shah Years Ptolemy Rukh Ulug Timurid Ulugh Beg Samarkand Empire Shah Years Ptolemy Rukh Ulug Timurid Economy. http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Ulugh:Beg.html |
36. Afghanland.com Afghanistan Famous Atronomer Astronomy Afghanistan's Astronomer Prince A Look at Ulug Beg by Kevin Krisciunas. Muhammed Taragai Ulugh Beg (13941449) was a Turk who ruled the province of http://www.afghanland.com/history/astro.html |
37. Ulugh Beg Observatory, Samarkand Uzbekistan Information about Ulugh Beg Observatory in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. History who was Ulugh Beg. http://www.east-site.com/ulugbeks-observatory |
38. Ulugh Beg, 1393-1449 C.E. Ulugh Beg published a new catalogue of stars. He found many errors in Ptolemy's work. Ulugh Beg was the ruler of Turkestan and a grandson of Tamerlane. He was an exceptional http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/beg.html |
39. IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum Ulugh Beg Author Message Andalus Moderator Group Joined 12 October 2005 Location United States Online Status Offline Posts 1187 http://www.islamicity.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=6718 |
40. Ulugh Beg - Reign, Wrote, Corrected, Astronomical, Name, And Poetry Ruler of the Timurid empire (1447 9). A grandson of Tamerlane, he made his name particularly as an astronomer. He founded an observatory at Samarkand, compiled astronomical tables http://encyclopedia.stateuniversity.com/pages/22764/Ulugh-Beg.html |
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