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1. Biographies Of Ernest Vessiot Biographies of Vessiot Ernest and more Vessiot Ernest biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/3518-Vessiot_Ernest.html |
2. Ernest Vessiot - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Ernest Vessiot (March 8, 1865 – October 17, 1952) was a French mathematician. He was born in Marseille, France and died in La Bauche, Savoie, France. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Vessiot |
3. Indice VTranslate This PageVessiot, Ernest-Paul-Joseph Vi Te, Fran Ois Vigesimal Vessiot, Ernest. Le ons de G om trie sup rieure French ed. Anzemberger Copyright cleared 3 Aug 2006. Vest, G. G. Debate on Woman Suffrage in the Senate of the United States by http://ing.unne.edu.ar/Matem_diccion/p323_ind_v.htm |
4. Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://freecomputerbooks.com/boat/mathematicians.html |
5. Vessiot Biography Biography of Ernest Vessiot (BB^Y1952) Born 8 March 1865 in Marseilles, France Died 17 Oct 1952 in La Bauche, Savoie, France http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Vessiot.html |
6. Naissance En 1865, Leurs BiographiesTranslate This PageErnest Vessiot Ernest Ves Ernest Vessiot; Ernest Wilkins; Ernest William Barnes; Ernesto Ces ro; Ernests Fogels; Ernst Abbe; Ernst Fischer; Ernst Hellinger; Ernst Lindel f; Ernst Meissel http://www.biographie.net/tag/Naissance-en-1865 |
7. Livre - Cours De Mathematiques Generales 2…Translate This PageLivre Livre Cour French people can refer to* The legal residents and citizens of France, regardless of ancestry.* People whose ancestors lived in France or the area that later became France.Legal http://www.chapitre.com/CHAPITRE/fr/BOOK/vessiot-ernest-montel-paul/cours-de-mat |
8. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'Vessiot, Ernest' 'ViΦte, Franτois' 'Vijayanandi' 'Vincent, Gregorius Saint' 'Vinci, Leonardo da' 'Vinogradov, Ivan' 'Vitali, Giuseppe' 'Viviani, Vincenzo' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
9. MR Matches For MR=6,174c MathSciNet bibliographic data MR11509 (6,174c) 36.0X Vessiot, Ernest Sur les quations aux d riv es partielles de premier ordre consid r es comme des quations de contact et http://ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=6,174c |
10. Annales Scientifiques De L' Cole Normale…Translate This PageVessiot, Ernest Su Ernest Vessiot; Ernest Wilkins; Ernest William Barnes; Ernesto Ces ro; Ernests Fogels; Ernst Abbe; Ernst Fischer; Ernst Hellinger; Ernst Lindel f; Ernst Meissel http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/browse?id=ASENS_1892_3_9_ |
11. MR Matches For MR=3,241d MathSciNet bibliographic data MR5983 (3,241d) 36.0X Vessiot, Ernest Sur la r ductibilit des syst mes automorphes dont le groupe d'automorphie est un groupe continu fini http://ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=3,241d |
12. Annales Scientifiques De L' Cole Normale…Translate This PageVessiot, Ernest Su v, Andreas Eidgen ssische Technische Hochschule Z rich, Technische Universit t Berlin 2007 Vaags, Derk Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 1975 Vaaler, Jeffrey http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/feuilleter?id=ASENS_1904_3_21_ |
13. List Of Mathematicians (V) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Vessiot, Ernest (France, 1865 1952) Vid. Vidav, Ivan (Slovenia, 1918 - ) Viehweg, Eckart (Germany, 1948 - ) Vieta, Franciscus (France, 1540 - 1603) Vietoris, Leopold (Austria, 1891 - 2002) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematicians_(V) |
14. Jacques_hadamard Encyclopedia Topics Reference.com Jan 01, 2008; VESSIOT, ERNEST(b, Marseilles, France, 8 March 1865; d, La Bauche, Savoie, France, 17 October 1952), mathematics.Vessiot’s http://www.reference.com/browse/Jacques_Hadamard |
15. Biography Center - Biographies By Rating von Seidel Philipp • Voss Janice E. • Vailati Giovanni • Von Suttner Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita • Valsalva Antonio Maria • Vasari Giorgio • Vessiot Ernest http://www.biography-center.com/high_rated-v.html |
16. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Vessiot, Ernest Vi te, Fran ois Villalpando, Juan Bautista Vitali, Giuseppe Viviani, Vincenzo Vlacq, Adriaan Volterra, Vito Von Neumann, Johann Voronoy, Georgy Fedoseevich http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html |
17. UV Index Vessiot, Ernest (229*) Vi te, Fran ois (2352*) Vijayanandi (424) Vincent, Gregorius Saint (296*) Vinci, Leonardo da (704*) Vinogradov, Ivan (1484*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/UV.html |
18. Ernest Vessiot Cours De Mathematiques…Translate This PageVessiot Ernest, Monte Vessiot, Ernest (1865 1952 ) Vi te, Fran ois (1540 - 1603)* Vinogradov, Ivan M. (1891 - 1983) Vitali, Giuseppe (1875 - 1932) Viviani, Vincenzo (1622 - 1703) http://www.priceminister.com/offer/buy/19008630/Paul-Montel-Cours-De-Mathematiqu |
19. Wikiwak - List Of Mathematicians (V) Vessiot, Ernest (France, 1865 1952) Vidav, Ivan (Slovenia, 1918 - ) Viehweg, Eckart (Germany, 1948 - ) Vi te, Fran ois (France, 1540 - 1603) Vietoris, Leopold (Austria, 1891 - 2002) http://www.wikiwak.com/wak/List_of_mathematicians_(V) |
20. UV Index Vessiot, Ernest (229*) Vi te, Fran ois (2352*) Vijayanandi (424) Vincent, Gregorius Saint (296*) Vinci, Leonardo da (704*) Vinogradov, Ivan (685*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/UV.html |
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