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1. Biographies Of Gheorghe Vranceanu Biographies of Vranceanu Gheorghe and more Vranceanu Gheorghe biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/3569-Vranceanu_Gheorghe.html |
2. Gheorghe Vr Nceanu - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia vranceanu, gheorghe alternative names short description date of birth place of birth date of death place of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gheorghe_Vrânceanu |
3. Razvan の動画検索 - 0km 【ゼロキロ】 vranceanu gheorghe banchet pantomime http://0km.jp/?tag=razvan |
4. Vranceanu Summary Gheorghe Vranceanu (19001979) JOC/EFR June 1998. The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Vranceanu.html http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Vranceanu.html |
5. Clark's Mathematics Space - Windows Live Want to give some good suggestion to Clark? You are always welcome! Please come here. 要給我這個布拉格一些建議嗎? 歡迎之至!請至此. http://clarkhuangmath.spaces.live.com/default.aspx |
6. Cronologie Di Psicopolis Le cronologie di Psicopolis. Indice alfabetico dei matematici . Indice alfabetico dei matematici Cronologia dei matematici http://www.psicopolis.com/timeline/alfabmatem.htm |
7. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Gheorghe Vranceanu According to our current online database, Gheorghe Vranceanu has 6 students and 24 descendants. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional information or http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=29747 |
8. Matematicianul Gheorghe Vranceanu Referat Referat Matematicianul Gheorghe Vranceanu Gheorghe Vranceanu. Gheroghe Vranceanu, fiul academicianului Gh.C.Vranceanu, sa nascut in Iasi, la 16 ianuarie 1929.Liceul l-a http://www.referatele.com/referate/matematica/online5/Matematicianul-Gheorghe-Vr |
9. Vranceanu Biography Biography of Gheorghe Vranceanu (BB^Y1979) Born 30 June 1900 in Valea Hogii, Vaslui, Romania Died 27 April 1979 in Bucharest, Romania http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Vranceanu.html |
10. Www.cs.unlv.edu This page is quoted from Jerry Grossman, see link below. It may be outdated, please. go to his page for the current information Erdos2, Version 1999, February 4, 1999 http://www.cs.unlv.edu/~bein/erdos/Erdos2.txt |
11. TABLOUL ABSOLVENŢILOR LICEULUI LAURIAN Liceului „Laurian 337 18681869 1.Galeriu Gheorghe 2.Stoianu Petru 3.Zotta Neculai 1869-1870 1.Argenti Constantin 2.Lepădatu Constantin 3.Licu Ion 4.Siriteanu Leon 5.Vr nceanu Gheorghe http://laurian.ro/TABLOUL ABSOLVENTILOR 1869_1999.pdf |
12. Matematicianul Gheorghe Vranceanu Matematicianul Gheorghe Vranceanu, referate preferate sinteze si recenzii pentru toate materiile http://www.preferate.ro/referat-Matematica-Matematicianul-Gheorghe-Vranceanu-18- |
13. Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://freecomputerbooks.com/boat/mathematicians.html |
14. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'Vranceanu, Gheorghe' 'Vries, Gustav' 'Wright, Sewall' 'Waerden, Bartel van der' 'Wafa alBuzjani Abu''l' 'Wald, Abraham' 'Walker, Geoffrey' 'Walker, John' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
15. Biography-center - Letter V • Voynet Dominique • Vranceanu Gheorghe • Vrelant Willem • Vries Adiaen de • Vries Adriaen de • Vrolik Willem • Vroman Adam Clark • Vuillard Edouard http://www.biography-center.com/v-3.html |
16. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of VR Vranceanu, Gheorghe Universit di Roma 1924 Vranch, John University of Waterloo 1970 Vrancken, Joseph Universiteit van Amsterdam 1991 Vrancken, Luc Katholieke Universiteit Leuven http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/letter.php?letter=VR |
17. List Of Mathematicians (V) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Vr nceanu, Gheorghe (Romania, 1900 1979) Vranić, Vladimir (Croatia, 1896 - 1976) de Vries, Gustav (Netherlands, 1866 - 1934) Vu, Van H. (Vietnam/USA, 1970s - ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematicians_(V) |
18. Tullio Levi-Civita Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Italy , officially the Italian Republic , is a country located partly on the European Continent and partly on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe and on the two largest http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Tullio_Levi-Civita |
19. UV Index von Tschirnhaus, E (321*) von Vega, Georg (295*) Voronoy, Georgy (1087*) Vranceanu, Gheorghe (999*) Vries, Gustav de (509*) Vries, Hendrik de (605*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/UV.html |
20. Balkan Journal Of Geometry And Its Applications (BJGA) 9 (2) / 2004 Vranceanu, Gheorghe Vranceanu successor of Gheorghe Tzitzeica at the Geometry chair of the University of Bucharest, pages 11-20. ZIPped PS file ZIPped PDF file http://www.mathem.pub.ro/bjga/v10n1/v10n1.htm |
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