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41. Wiener, Norbert wee ner (1894–1964) US mathematician established the subject of cybernetics. As a child Wiener showed his mathematical talent early, but his career then became erratic. http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/3712/Wiener-Norbert.html |
42. MITECS Wiener, Norbert Wiener, Norbert. Norbert Wiener (18941964) worked in pure mathematics, but also used mathematics to pioneer statistical communication theory, and in collaboration with engineers http://rm-f.net/~pennywis/MITECS/Articles/heims.html |
43. Wiener, Norbert Wiener, Norbert (1894–1964) US mathematician, credited with the establishment of the science of cybernetics in his book Cybernetics (1948). In mathematics, he laid the foundation http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Norbert Wiener |
44. Wiener, Norbert Encyclopedia Wiener, Norbert. Wiener, Norbert, 1894–1964, American mathematician, educator, and founder of the field of cybernetics, b. Columbia, Mo., grad. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0852210.html |
45. Wiener, Norbert In English - Dictionary And Translation Wiener, Norbert. Dictionary terms for Wiener, Norbert in English, English definition for Wiener, Norbert, Thesaurus and Translations of Wiener, Norbert to English. http://www.babylon.com/definition/Wiener,_Norbert/English |
46. Wiener, Norbert Summary BookRags.com Wiener, Norbert Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Wiener, Norbert summary with 1 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/von-neumann-john-este-0001_0004_0/wiener-norber |
47. Wiener, Norbert Wiener Information From Answers.com Wiener , Norbert Wiener United States mathematician and founder of cybernetics (18941964) http://www.answers.com/topic/wiener-norbert-wiener |
48. Wiener, Norbert - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History Full Name Norbert Wiener. Nationality American Activity American mathematician. Born 2611-1894 Died 18-03-1964 http://www.history.co.uk/encyclopedia/wiener-norbert.html |
49. Top Wiener, Norbert Computing Pioneers By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is http://www.austingracey.com/wiener-norbert/ |
50. Norbert Wiener (American Mathematician) Britannica Online Facts about Wiener, Norbert, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Wiener, Norbert Facts about Wiener, Norbert automation, as discussed in Britannica Compton's http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/643306/Norbert-Wiener |
51. Wiener, Norbert Quotes On Quotations Book Norbert Wiener (November 26, 1894 March 18, 1964) was a U.S. mathematician, known as the founder of cybernetics. He coined the term in his book Cybernetics or Control and http://www.quotationsbook.com/author/7704/ |
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