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Yavanesvara: more detail |
21. Anusandhan.net, Indian S T Portal yavanesvara Aryabhata the Elder Yativrsabha Varahamihira Brahmagupta Bhaskara I . Lalla Govindasvami Mahavira Prthudakasvami Sankara Narayana http://www.anusandhan.net/kids/scientist_main.jsp |
22. Ancient Indian Mathematicians yavanesvara 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. http://www.indicethos.org/Mathematics/AncientIndianMatthematicians.html |
23. India - Education Resource - StudySphere 1114 Bhaskara II 600 BC Apastamba 800 Govindasvami 1340 Mahendra Suri 520 BC Panini 800 Mahavira 1340 Narayana 200 BC Katyayana 830 Prthudakasvami 1350 Madhava 120 AD yavanesvara http://www.studysphere.com/education/Ancient-Civilizations-India-9549.html |
24. Indian Astronomy Through Ages In AD 149/150, in the reign of RudradamanI, probably at Ujjain, one yavanesvara translated a long Greek astrological text into Sanskrit prose. http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/t_es/t_es_shah_m_astronomy_frameset.ht |
25. Biographhies Henry Whitehead. Yajnavalkya. Yaska Yativrsabha. Yatavrisham Acharya yavanesvara http://indicstudies.us/Mathematics/Biographies/index.html |
26. Indo-Greek Kingdom - Wikinfo The earliest Indian writing on astronomy, the Yavanajataka or Saying of the Greeks , is a translation from Greek to Sanskrit made by yavanesvara ( Lord of the Greeks ) in 149 http://www.wikinfo.org/index.php/Indo-Greek_Kingdom |
27. Carvaka Musings Ancient Indian Mathematics yavanesvara 120 180. yavanesvara was an Indian astrologer who translated an important Greek text on astrology. http://carvakamusings.blogspot.com/2006/08/ancient-indian-mathematics.html |
28. Search Results For Babylonian yavanesvara biography. In order to do this yavanesvara put into his work an explanation of the Greek version of the Babylonian theory of the motions of the planets. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Search/historysearch.cgi?SUGGESTION=Bab |
29. Kaartik Gor - Jyotiṣa Or ज्योतिष treatise in Sanskrit is the Yavanajataka ( Sayings of the Greeks ), a versification by Sphujidhvaja in 269/270 CE of a now lost translation of a Greek treatise by yavanesvara during http://kaartikgor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=26:jy |
30. Indian Mathematics Index yavanesvara 840 Sankara 1370 Paramesvara; 476 Aryabhata I 870 Sridhara 1444 Nilakantha; 500 Yativrsabha 920 Aryabhata II 1500 Jyesthadeva; 505 Varahamihira 940 Vijayanandi http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/Indians.html |
31. Horoscopy Definition From Answers.com yavanesvara; Hora (astrology) Yavanajataka; Varahamihira; Jyotiṣa resources; Jyotiṣa; Western Satraps; History of astrology; Hour; Horoscope; Nostradamus http://www.answers.com/topic/horoscopy-2 |
32. Encyclopedia Of Exact Sciences From Antiquity To 1947 Part I Suryadeva Yajwa Varahamihira Venkatesh Ketkar Vijayanandi Virasena Acharya Yaajnavalkya Yallaiya Yaska Yativrsabha Yatavrisham Acharya yavanesvara http://www.indicstudies.us/Astronomy/Primary sources in the exact sciences.pdf |
33. Rajesh Kochhar Greek astronomical elements made their documented appearance in India in 149 CE when a Greek astrotext was translated into Sanskrit by yavanesvara. http://rajeshkochhar.com/ |
34. Index Y Yau, ShingTung * yavanesvara. Yerkes Observatory. Ymir. Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe. Yohkoh. Yoneda Nobuo. Yorke, James. Yoshida jet. Yosida K saku * Youden, William http://www.scientific-web.com/Index/IndexY.html |
35. Pedanius Dioscorides - VisWiki yavanesvara; Aristonicus of Tarentum; Acestorides; Bion of Borysthenes; Aristaenetus; Stesimbrotos of Thasos; Mnaseas; Proculeius; Dexippus (350AD) Cleidemus; Vindonius Anatolius http://www.viswiki.com/en/Pedanius_Dioscorides |
36. About Indian Astrologers dbpediaAsit_Krishna_Mukherji; dbpediaAcyutananda; dbpediaMantreswara; dbpediaV._K._Choudhry; dbpediaVasistha; dbpediayavanesvara; dbpediaP.S._Paramasivam http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Indian_astrologers |
37. The Indic Mathematical Tradition Virasena Acharya Virasena Acharya Henry Whitehead Henry Whitehead Yajnavalkya Yajnavalkya Yaska Yaska Yativrsabha Yativrsabha Yatavrisham Acharya Yatavrisham Acharya yavanesvara yavanesvara http://www.indicethos.org/Mathematics/HECMath1.pdf |
38. Omnibiography.com - The Largest Directory Of Biographies On The Web yavanesvara / India / In 218. yavanesvara / India / In 219. Yawkey, Tom, / Michigan / In 220. Yayi, Boni / Ben n / In 221. Yayi, Boni / Ben n / Fr http://www.omnibiography.com/response.asp?cadena=y&exact=1&st=3 |
39. Welcome To Astrohari5.com treatise in Sanskrit is the Yavanajataka ( Sayings of the Greeks ), a versification by Sphujidhvaja in 269/270 CE of a now lost translation of a Greek treatise by yavanesvara http://astrohari5.com/Jyothisa.html |
40. Did Ancient Greeks Develop Robots?-AUTOMATOI [Archive Previously yavanesvara (the lord of the Greeks), whose vision of the truth came by favor of the Sun and whose language is flawless, translated this ocean of words, this jewelmine http://www.macedoniaontheweb.com/forum/archive/t-1938.html |
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