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Zassenhaus Hans: more books (21) | ||
21. Zero Curvature Tensor In Einstein's Unified Field Theory Title Zero Curvature Tensor in Einstein's Unified Field Theory Authors Wyman, Max; Zassenhaus, Hans Affiliation AA(University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), AB http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1958PhRv..110..228W |
22. Zassenhaus Biography Biography of Hans Zassenhaus (BB^Y1991) Born 28 May 1912 in Koblenz-Moselweiss, Germany Died 21 Nov 1991 in Columbus, Ohio, USA http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Zassenhaus.html |
23. Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory An-Najah Libraries Zassenhaus,Hans Cambridge university press http://libraries.najah.edu/node/3529 |
24. Mathematicians-Z Zassenhaus, Hans Julius Zeeman, Erik Christopher Zermelo, Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/Categories/Scientists/Mathematic |
25. Details Hans Zassenhaus Zassenhaus, Hans; Occasion Mathematisches Kolloquium Heidelberg. Location Heidelberg. Author Wohlfahrt, Klaus (photos provided by Wohlfahrt, Klaus) http://owpdb.mfo.de/detail?photo_id=8553 |
26. Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory Zassenhaus,Hans Cambridge university press http://libraries.najah.edu/print/3529 |
27. Hans J. Zassenhaus LibraryThing If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. This entry includes… Hans J. Zassenhaus; Zassenhaus Hans ; Hans Zassenhaus ; Combine with… http://www.librarything.com/author/zassenhaushansj |
28. Details Hans Zassenhaus Zassenhaus, Hans; Location Wien. Author Jacobs, Konrad (photos provided by Jacobs, Konrad) Source Konrad Jacobs, Erlangen http://owpdb.mfo.de/detail?photo_id=4641 |
29. Hans Zassenhaus Washington, DC Classmates.com Hans Zassenhaus 1956 graduate of Wilson High School in Washington, DC is on Classmates.com. See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Hans and other high school http://www.classmates.com/directory/public/memberprofile/list.htm?regId=42388190 |
30. Theory Of Groups, By Zassenhaus Zassenhaus, Hans J. About Theory of Groups, by Zassenhaus Useful, wellwritten graduate level text http://www.bookbyte.com/1/1/116693-theory-of-groups-by-zassenhaus.html |
31. List Of Mathematicians (Z) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Zassenhaus, Hans Julius (Germany, 1912 1991) Zawirski, Zygmunt (Poland, 1882 - 1948) Zayed, Ahmed I. (USA, ? - ) Ždanoka, Tatjana (Latvia, 1950 - ) Żebrawski, Teofil (Poland, 1800 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematicians_(Z) |
32. ZASSENHAUS ZASSENHAUS. Hans J. Zassenhaus, age 79, of Columbus. November 21, 1991, at home. Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, The Ohio State University. Survived by wife, Lieselotte; son http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/node/19552/print |
33. Biography-center - Letter Z Zapatero Jose Luis Rodriguez • Zaragoza Ignacio Segu N • Zarankiewicz Kazimierz • Zarb Elizabeth • Zaremba Stanislaw • Zariski Oscar • Zarqawi Abu Musab • Zassenhaus Hans http://www.biography-center.com/z.html |
34. DBLP Hans Zassenhaus 1987; 4 Mary H. Dauenhauer, Hans Zassenhaus Local optimality of the critical lattice spherepacking of regular tetrahedra. Discrete Mathematics 64 (2-3) 129-146 (1987) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/z/Zassenhaus:Hans.html |
35. Zawty - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Zawty Zassenhaus, Hans Julius Zatopek, Emil Zaturenska, Marya Zauberfl te, Die Zauberharfe, Die Zauberoper Zauberzither, Die, oder Caspar der Fagottist Zawty http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Zawty |
36. About Hans Julius Zassenhaus Hans Julius Zassenhaus; Hans Julius Zassenhaus; Hans Julius Zassenhaus; Hans Julius Zassenhaus; owl sameAs fbaseHans Julius Zassenhaus; skos subject category1912_births http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hans_Julius_Zassenhaus |
37. Okutsu Construction Of Integral Basis, I 2 Zassenhaus, Hans Ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung einer Minimalbasis iiber gegebener Ordnung, Funktionalanalysis, Approximationstheorie. Numerische Mathematik (Oberwolfach, 1965 http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.pja/1195516188 |
38. Meromorphic Function Definition From Answers.com Lang, Serge (1999), Complex analysis (4th ed.), Berlin, New York SpringerVerlag, ISBN 978-0-387-98592-3 Zassenhaus, Hans (1937), Lehrbuch der Gruppentheorie (1st ed.), Leipzig http://www.answers.com/topic/meromorphic-function |
39. Eric Zassenhaus - Oakland, CA MyLife 8482 Geoffrey Zassenhaus Hans Zassenhaus Hans Zassenhaus Hans Zassenhaus Harold Zassenhaus http://www.mylife.com/c-2797228015 |
40. Hans Julius Zassenhaus Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a country in Central Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Hans_Julius_Zassenhaus |
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