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         Sexology:     more books (100)
  1. Beyond the Symptoms. Jenseits der Symtome (Leuven Monographs on Sexology and Psychosomatics)
  4. American Journal of Urology and Sexology (Volume 2) by Henry G. Spooner, 2010-03-12
  5. Internal Research in Sexology (Sexual medicine) by Harold I. Lief, 1984-03
  6. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology, Volume 10 by Anonymous, 2010-04-05
  8. Guide to Sexology (illustrated) by Frank S. , M.D. Caprio, 1965-01-01
  9. Sex Matters: Proceedings of the Xth World Congress of Sexology, Amsterdam, 18-22 June, 1991 (International Congress Series) by Netherlands) World Congress of Sexology (10th : 1991 : Amsterdam, Peggy Cohen-Kettenis, et all 1992-09
  12. Sexology; or startling sins of the sterner sex by Geo F Hall, 2010-07-30
  13. Pharmacology & Endocrinology of Sexual Function: (Handbook of Sexology) (v. 6)
  14. Four Epochs Of Life: A Fascinating Story Teaching Same Sexology (1910) by Elizabeth Hamilton Muncie, 2008-08-18

41. Human-Sexuality, Sexology -
sexology, the Study of Sexual Behavior, both normal and abnormal.
Sexology is the systematic study of human sexuality. It encompasses all aspects of sexuality, including attempting to characterise "normal sexuality" and its variants, including paraphilias. Modern sexology is a multidisciplinary field which uses the techniques of fields including biology, medicine, psychology, statistics, epidemiology, pedagogics, sociology, anthropology, and sometimes criminology to bear on its subject. It studies human sexual development and the development of sexual relationships as well as the mechanics of sexual intercourse and sexual malfunction. It also documents the sexuality of special groups, such as handicapped, children, and elderly, and studies sexual pathologies such as sex addiction and child sexual abuse. Note that sexology is considered descriptive, not prescriptive: it attempts to document reality, not to prescribe what behavior is suitable.

42. Sexology
sexology About who practice it, sexology and sexual dysfunctions and perversions, medicine
The most comprehensive
site about sexuality sitemap search

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Sexology is a good example of the way science is intermingled with ambitions and shortcomings of people and society. A sexologist is a professional, usually a psychologist, physician or social worker, who is (accepted as) qualified to help people solve sexual problems, such as erectile or orgasmic dysfunction, pain or aversion during coitus, ejaculatory incompetence , etc. Over the last half-century or so, they have set up associations, which promote research, publish journals, regulate the quality of training and services rendered to the public, set up standards of conduct, strive for recognition, organize conferences, etc. There are handbooks, guidelines for the professionals, publications about specific topics, conventions, all kinds of research. In short, sexology seems to be a respectable and fully-fledged branch of science. Who practice sexology?

43. Sexology sexology Definition. sexology is the systematic study of human sexuality. It encompasses all aspects of sexuality, including Normal sexuality
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Sexology is the systematic study of human sexuality . It encompasses all aspects of sexuality, including: [Jul 2004]
History of the study of sex
A number ancient sex manuals exist, including Ovid's Ars Amatoria , the Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana , the Ananga Ranga and The Perfumed Garden for the Soul's Recreation . However, none of these treated sex as the subject of a formal field of research. One of the earliest sex researchers prior to the 20th century sexology movement was Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing , whose book Psychopathia Sexualis recorded a number of unusual sexual abnormalities In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Sigmund Freud developed a theory of sexuality based on his studies of his clients. Magnus Hirschfeld founded the Institute for Sexology in Berlin in 1919. When the Nazis took power, one of their first actions, on May 6, 1933, was to destroy the Institute and burn the library.

44. Video – Myspace Video
BLOOD JEWEL SKLO_SHIBARI audio-visual collaboration. sexology by DT. Watch it on Myspace Videos.

45. Sexology - Definition Of Sexology At
the science dealing with human sexual behavior

46. Sexology
Ask a doctor about sexology, Ask a question about sexology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, questions and answers, health articles, videos, images, news, doctors, health tips

47. The Biggest Sexology Breakthroughs Of The Past 130 Years
sexology, or the study of human sexuality, is a science at the nexus of biology, neurology, psychology and sociology. And like any science, sexology has its eureka moments.

48. Dr. Lindsey T. Doe, DHS - Sexology
SexualwissenschaftIn 1907, German dermatologist Iwan Bloch, published The Sexual Life of Our Time. In this text he coined the term sexualwissenschaft to name the scientific
Dr. Lindsey T. Doe, DHS
Dr. Lindsey T. Doe, DHS
Missoula MT
ogy @gmail .com ... FAQ
Sexualwissenschaft In 1907, German dermatologist Iwan Bloch, published The Sexual Life of Our Time. In this text he coined the term "sexualwissenschaft" to name the scientific study of human sexuality. In Englishsexology.
Its distinction as a discipline, however, was not its genesis. People have been studying sexuality for many centuries.                  Dr. Lindsey T. Doe is merely an addition to a long list of sexologists who maintain the scholarly tradition of sexualwissenschaft.  Sexologists from left to right: Max Marcuse, Havelock Ellis, Count Hermann Graf Keyserling, Hans (name missing), Theodoor Hendrik Van De Velde, Magnus Hirshfeld, Benjamin Barr Lindsey Sexology is... a universal integral science of the behavioral (physical), intentional (psychological), social, cultural and spiritual aspects of human sexuality with a holistic, inter-transactional, between and beyond the poles, basic theory (Lemmer, 2005). Sexology is...

49. Sexology - Definition And Meaning From Wordnik
sexology The study of human sexual behavior. KrafftEbing's book was an early work from the new science of sexology, the study of human sexual behavior in all its variety.
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American Heritage Dictionary (1 definition)
  • The study of human sexual behavior.
  • Wiktionary (1 definition)
  • The study of sex and sexuality
  • Century Dictionary
    GNU Webster's 1913
    Elsewhere on the web
    sexology elsewhere on the web:
    • The letter is signed: "Much love, Pop, professor ' sexology ' Ph. D." Newsweek Krafft-Ebing's book was an early work from the new science of sexology , the study of human sexual behavior in all its variety. Victoria Rosner: A Walk on the Wilde Side RAMAN: Once an aspiring surgeon, when the 39-year-old Dr. Kotb became a mother she switched gears to sexology , eager in part to tear down taboos.

    50. World Association For Sexology
    WAS brings individuals and organizations together to share scientific information, form networks, and promote international and intercultural exchange. Includes upcoming events, membership and links.
    Promoting Sexology Throughout the World The World Association for Sexology was founded in 1978 and has worked to further the understanding and development of sexology throughout the world. With approximately 80 member organizations and numerous individual memberships, representing over 25 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, the WAS brings individuals and organizations together to share scientific information, form networks, and promote international and intercultural exchange. For Further Information contact: Eli Coleman, Ph.D. , Secretary General/Treasurer. World Association for Sexology
    c/o The Program in Human Sexuality
    1300 South Second Street, Suite 180
    Minneapolis, MN 55414
    Tel: 1-612-625-1500
    Fax: 1-612-626-8311
    The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author.
    The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.

    51. Ask Doctor Venus
    Offering advice and counseling on relationships, sexuality and society. Includes contact details.

    52. « Sexuality Coach, Dallas Tx
    Roz Van Meter, experienced AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, offers confidential and personalized solutions.

    53. Mouth Organ
    Weekly essay on contemporary sexual mores. Updated Thursdays.
    We are pleased to announce that we have every intention of reopening the long-dead mouth organ archives. However, it's not going to happen right away; there's a lot of reformatting and cleanup to do. Watch this space. Meanwhile, if you have legitimate queries related to the site, you may write to editor at mouthorgan dot com. Note that in the intervening years that address has become a spampile, so you will want to put [mouthorgan] in your subject line (include the brackets) or your message will most likely never be seen by any living thing.

    54. Infinite Thinkings Sex Survey V.3.0
    A survey about sexual history and practices. Infinite Thinkings Site Map Survey About Me My Genealogy Survey Results ... News Archive The Infinite Thinkings Sex Survey v. 3.0
    Welcome to the survey!
    This survey contains questions of a sexual nature. If you are offended by subjects of a sexual nature or content, it is suggested that you go elsewhere. August 1, 2001
    A quick note before we begin: I designed this survey initially to collect information about the things I'm interested in with sex. I've expanded upon those original questions considerably, and in doing so I have tried to include information for people who are interested in the same sort of information, but live a different lifestyle that I do. For instance, I am a heterosexual non-virgin. But, I've tried to include questions that directly relate or can be adjusted to fit people who are virgins and/or homosexual (or bi-sexual, for that matter). A few people have been emailing me lately taking me to task for not making this survey able to completely fit their lifestyle, whatever it may be. No one has been including their email address for me to reply and try to give them my viewpoint in this matter, so I'm stating my reasons here to try and head off any more nasty comments. I'll always do my best to include the ability to state other lifestyles in the survey. If you can see ways of doing that, let me know. I've had two different surveys lately that point out ways to help alleviate their pain with the survey. I appreciate comments like this, and I'm working on ways of incorporating both of these.

    55. Essay/Observation On Cannibalism In Modern Society
    Exploratory essay and commentary that compares oral sex to cannibalism.
    Essay/Observation on Cannibalism In Modern Society
    Sunday, October 09, 2005
    An Exploration of Modern Cannibalism
    A Personal Exploratory
    The Relationship
    Oral Sexual Exchange.
    David A. Archer
    First a person must establish whether there is a similarity or no. Is oral sexual favor a form of cannibalism? Literally, a person must recognize it as such. Yes, quite simply. Human proteins are being consumed during such activity by other humans. Psychologically is entirely another thing. This poses the question as to the relevance of psychological position. Is such psychological disposition a qualifier? Does it effect the result? That brings more question; If it is that oral sexual favor IS literal cannibalism as has been established, how is it then that our society has not manifested the same direct symptoms as other cannibalistic societies in the form of disease, poor development… physical change? Are existing diseases within our society as result of the very common act of oral sexual favors in some way?

    56. Dissecting The Modern American Female
    An essay and sociological observation on the dynamics of the modern American woman.
    Dissecting The Modern American Female
    Observational Essay On Modern Social Dynamics
    Saturday, July 30, 2005
    A Sociological Observation
    Part I
    David A. Archer
    Dissecting the Modern American Female part I
    David A. Archer
    The modern American female is a quite curious creature, a
    person of any walk must admit. Several years of close observation and study have prompted me to begin this work. I intend to address what I have observed and experienced from a very honest stand point. I do not intend to gloss anything over or “sugar coat” any aspect of what I have surmised…. Some of it quite alarming in the least. In the same notion, I do intend to maintain a very unbiased position. I do not intend for this to become a female bashing tool of any sort, only an honest observation for what ever it is worth. Further I should state that I spent no less than a decade in very close quarters with some of the most militant and extreme of the ‘feminist’ extremists. It proved to be quite enlightening and mostly to the effect that those extreme stances are actually as much or more susceptible to manipulation than those of the average American Female. Within that time period, I was fortunate enough to witness the existence of the other extreme within the very same physical areas…. Even in close quarters within the work place.

    57. AEPS - Asociacin Estatal De Profesionales De La Sexologa
    Lugar de informaci n, debate y contacto de profesionales de la sexolog a espa oles.
    AEPS - Asociacin Estatal de Profesionales de la Sexologa
    Inicio Zona privada Contacto
    31 de Octubre de 2010 Concenos Estatutos Servicios Publicaciones ... Comentarios
    Noticia destacada
    Los sexlogos aseguran que fumar es una de las actitudes menos seductoras
    Anuncios destacados
    AEPS pertenece a la World Association for Sexual Health
    Qu es la AEPS?
    Vd. se encuentra aqu: Inicio "Consulte nuestra sección Cartera de Servicios para contactar con los sexólogos de su provincia"
    Cartera de servicios sexolgicos
    Es un servicio al que pueden acceder instituciones, organizaciones sociales o cualquier ciudadano. En l pueden encontrar una va eficaz para cubrir con garantas de profesionalidad, sus demandas sexolgicas -pedaggicas, teraputicas, de asesoramiento, etc... El telfono de la Oferta de Servicios Sexolgicos de la AEPS es el y el correo electrnico es
    En todo el Estado Espaol.
    Nuestros asociados estn repartidos por todas las autonomas.
    Servicios de la AEPS
    Servicio de secretara Cartera de Servicios Sexolgicos de la AEPS Servicio de Atencin al asociado
    Datos corporativos
    Powered by NOVANIA
    Test de Accesibilidad Web

    58. The Kinsey Institute For Research In Sex, Gender, And Reproduction
    Interdisciplinary research and scholarship in the fields of human sexuality, gender, and reproduction.

    59. Dr. Rachael - Prescriptions For Life
    DJ and Physician, Dr. Rachael teaches young and urban communities fun and healthy sex education. Site offers sexuality and STD information, advice, news, and interviews.

    60. Vekquin - The Fetish Analyst™
    Philosophical practitioner specializing in existential analysis of fetishes, fantasies, fixations, obsessions and compulsions; especially those with violent or sexual themes.
    Seattle sex therapist
    Welcome to my website... I'm Vekquin . I'm called The Fetish Analyst contact me if you have any questions.
    • The Foundation of Analysis
      This section outlines the approach to human nature taken by existential philosophers over the past 2,500 years, compares it to the new medicalistic approach taken by most psychologists over the past 150 years, and gives links for further reading on this history. The Foundation of Analysis
      My Theoretical Framework
      This section introduces the philosophical framework that I use and explains how I developed my theory on human sexuality during a 5-year research project using original empirical studies and thousands of hours of in-depth interviews and discussions. My Theoretical Framework
      Your Personal Fetish Analysis
      This section describes the benefits of gaining a deep level of personal insight, how the processes of analysis and counseling are carried out, what happens in each phase, the time length, cost, and the difference between in-person and telephone discussions. Your Personal Fetish Analysis
    If you are looking for something specific, try searching my entire website:

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