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         Biathlon:     more books (100)
  1. 2005 in Shooting Sports: 2005 in Biathlon, Biathlon World Championships 2005, Shooting at the 2005 Mediterranean Games, 2005 Issf World Cup
  2. Umeå: Umeå IK damfotboll, IBK Dalen, Biathlon-Weltmeisterschaft 1961, Universität Umeå, Schwedische Universität für Agrarwissenschaften (German Edition)
  3. 2006 in Shooting Sports: 2006 in Biathlon, 2006-07 Biathlon World Cup, 2006 Issf World Shooting Championships
  4. 2006 in Winter Sports: 2006-07 Biathlon World Cup|progression Statistics, 2006-07 Four Hills Tournament, 2006 European Curling Championships
  5. Biathlon Biography Introduction: Ilm?rs Bricis, Halvard Hanevold, Simone Hauswald, Olga Medvedtseva, Svetlana Sleptsova, Ricco Groß
  6. Norwegian Sports Broadcasters: Norwegian Association Football Commentators, Norwegian Skiing and Biathlon Commentators, Bjørge Lillelien
  7. Us-Amerikanischer Meister (Biathlon): Wynn Roberts, Tracy Barnes-Coliander, Russell Currier, Susan Dunklee, Casey Simons, Bill Spencer (German Edition)
  8. Recurring Sporting Events Established in 1958: Biathlon World Championships, E3 Prijs Vlaanderen, Shay Elliott Memorial Race
  9. Sport (Minsk): Biathlon-Weltmeisterschaften 1990, Europameisterschaften im Gewichtheben 2010, HK Dinamo Minsk (German Edition)
  10. Sowjetischer Meister (Biathlon): Juri Fjodorowitsch Kaschkarow, Algimantas Salna, Wladimir Iljitsch Gundarzew (German Edition)
  11. 2010 in Biathlon: Biathlon at the 2010 Winter Olympics, 2009-10 Biathlon World Cup, Biathlon at the 2010 Winter Paralympics
  12. Sportveranstaltung in Russland: Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft der Herren 2007, Biathlon-Europameisterschaften 2009 (German Edition)
  13. 2007-08 Biathlon World Cup: 2007-08 Biathlon World Cup|progression Statistics, 2007-08 Biathlon World Cup
  14. Schweizer Meister (Biathlon): Elisa Gasparin, Selina Gasparin, Thomas Frei, Matthias Simmen, Caroline Kilchenmann, Ivan Joller (German Edition)

61. +++ Frank.luck +++ Die Offizielle Frank Luck Homepage
Alle Informationen ber den mehrfachen biathlon-Weltmeister. Mit aktuellen Berichten und vielen Bildern. Dazu Interviews und Sponsorenlinks. - Die offizielle Frank Luck Homepage. Mit aktuellen Berichten aus der Welt des Biathlons. Viele Biathlon Bilder, Biathlon News und Biathlon Regeln.
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62. Biathlon Canada
biathlon Canada is the National Sport Organization for the sport of biathlon in Canada.
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Canadian Biathletes Hold Media Day to Kick off Road to 2014
(Monday, November 1, 2010) New training facility partnership, chief sponsor, highlight media event, November 4 WADA information (Monday, November 1, 2010) Australian Biathlon News (Friday, October 29, 2010) North American Cup #1 (Canmore) - Invitation (Wednesday, October 27, 2010) Canadian Ski Museum/ Canadian Ski Hall of Fame - online auction (Monday, October 25, 2010) CSM is holding an online auction October 25 - November 15th Chris Lindsay Appointed as new Biathlon Canada High Performance Director (Monday, October 25, 2010) Biathlon Canada is pleased to announce that Chris Lindsay has been appointed as the High Performance Director for Biathlon Canada, the governing body for the sport of biathlon in Canada Many Items For Sale (Thursday, October 21, 2010) The 2011 WADA Prohibited List: Summary of Revisions (Tuesday, October 19, 2010) The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) would like to alert the Canadian sport community that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released the 2011 Prohibited List and updated the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions. This advisory note details some of the major changes... Advanced Official's Course Charlo NB (Monday, October 18, 2010)

63. Romy Beer
Stellt die L ufer mit ihrem Werdegang vor und zeigt die sportlichen Erfolge.
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Stand der Dinge
Es wird Zeit, dass ich mich mal mit den Geschehnissen der letzten Wochen melde. Aber nichts desto trotz, habe ich gesehen, dass ich nicht weit weg bin und auf dem richtigen Weg um mit guter Form in Altenberg zu starten.
Erst Ramsau und dann Norwegen
Ich war Letzte Woche noch einmal in Berlin und habe mich durchchecken lassen. Alle Wirbel, die kaputt waren sind gut verheilt und fest und es fliesst wieder genauso viel Blut durch die gequetschte Arterie wie vor dem Unfall...ich kann jetzt wieder Gas geben! Und wenn nix dazwischen kommt, fahre ich am 4. November endlich wieder in den Norden...ich freu mich schon auf Norge!
Jetzt will ich wieder fit werden
Mein Ziel ist es bis zum Winter so fit zu werden, dass ich erfolgreich an den IBU Cups teilnehmen kann.
Wieder zu Hause
Eure Romy
Resume zur Saison
In Zinnwald liegt nach wie vor eine Menge Schnee. So lange es noch geht, werde ich hier langlaufen. Der April dient dann der Erholung und der Erledigung dienstlicher Verpflichtungen.
Leider bin auch ich nicht um eine Grippe rum gekommen. Deshalb werde ich am Wochenende in der Slowakai nicht dabei sein.

64. Biathlon (athletic Event) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
biathlon (athletic event), winter sport combining crosscountry skiing with rifle marksmanship.
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Table of Contents: biathlon Article Article Related Articles Related Articles External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the biathlon winter sport combining cross-country skiing with rifle marksmanship. The sport is rooted in the skiing traditions of Scandinavia, where early inhabitants revered the Norse god Ull Skadi Second Northern War The growth of the sport was aided by its inclusion as a demonstration event at the first Winter Olympics Winter Games of 1928, 1936, and 1948. The

65. Cadets Canada - Biathlon - Feature Story
The Army Cadet League of Canada is a civilian organization which acts in partnership with the Department of National Defence and individual Corps sponsors, to support the Royal Canadian Army Cadets in Canada. The League has branches in each of the ten provinces and three territories.
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66. Welcome To
information and training resources for the sport of biathlon
information and training
resources for the sport of Biathlon


67. - History - Biathlon
This document contains a history of the biathlon, with an account of how biathlon competitions are conducted and a list of all Winter Olympic gold medalists. It is a page in
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The biathlon, which combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting, originated in Norway as a training exercise for soldiers. The first known competition took place in 1767 between companies of guards who patrolled the border with Sweden. Late in the 19th century, local rifle and ski clubs in Norway and other Scandinavian countries practiced the sport to keep their members prepared for combat. An early form of the biathlon, called "military ski patrol," was a demonstration sport at the first Winter Olympics in 1924, and it was a medal sport in 1928, 1936, and 1948. Because few countries participated, and the few that did participate had trouble agreeing on the rules, the sport was dropped from the Olympics. However, the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne et Biathlon was founded in 1948 to standardize rules for both the biathlon and the modern pentathlon. The first world championship was held in 1957 and biathlon was added to the Winter Olympic program in 1960, but the U. S. didn't conduct a national championship until 1965. Following the lead of the international organization, the national governing body was originally the U. S. Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Association. The U. S. Biathlon Association was spun off in 1980.

68. Winter Olympics: Biathlon —
Preview of the Olympic event biathlon Winter Olympics biathlon A demanding combination of exertion and precision
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69. Biathlon - Wikipédia
Un article de l encyclop die libre qui donne une bonne vue d ensemble sur cette discipline sportive.
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Aller à : Navigation rechercher duathlon Biathlon Fédération internationale IBU (fondée en 1993) Sport olympique depuis
Départ d'un "départ en ligne" (dit aussi "mass-start") en 2006 (Ricco Gross) modifier Le biathlon (du latin bi grec athlon du biathlon, on évoque la combinaison du ski de fond et tir à la carabine . De nos jours, la pratique du biathlon au haut-niveau est réglementée par l' Union internationale de biathlon qui organise les principales compétitions. Bien que considéré comme discipline du ski ou sport de neige, le biathlon est totalement autonome vis-à-vis de la Fédération internationale de ski , autre institution mondiale ayant autorité sur la majorité des disciplines des sports d'hiver
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    Dans les pays nordiques , le ski de fond était le mode de déplacement le plus pratique durant les longs hivers. Les hommes utilisaient des planches de bois pour se déplacer et des armes pour chasser, comme le montrent des vestiges de l' art antique scandinave . En Norvège , des peintures rupestres datant d’environ 5000 ans ont été retrouvées attestant le fait que les hommes pratiquaient déjà la chasse au gibier au moyen de skis pour se déplacer sur la neige. Ces chasseurs organisaient des compétitions pour désigner les meilleurs d'entre eux.

biathlon, which means dual event, has its roots in Scandinavia and Finland. Rock carvings in Norway dating from over 4,000 years ago depict two men stalking animals on skis.
Biathlon History
Biathlon, which means dual event , has its roots in Scandinavia and Finland. Rock carvings in Norway dating from over 4,000 years ago depict two men stalking animals on skis. Less as a means of personal survival and more as a form of national protection, Biathlon played an integral role in military life from the 1700's on. The earliest recorded biathlon competition took place in 1767 between "ski-runner companies" which guarded the Swedish-Norwegian border. The world's first known ski club, the "Trysil Rifle and Ski Club" was formed in Norway in 1861 to promote national defense at the local level. Statistics fro the quarter century from 1919 on, show an average of 2000 men participating in biathlon each winter in Finland. In the late 1930's, the Finnish Army on skis, carrying rifles, and out-numbered 10 to 1, routed the Russians from their border.
The first true international competition in biathlon came during the Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France in 1924. During these Games, the Military Patrol was included as a demonstration event and was continued in the Winter Olympics of 1928, 1936 and 1948. The Norwegians and the Finns generally dominated this event, with the Italians sneaking in a victory in 1936. Due to anti-military feelings following World War II, the Military Patrol was dropped from the Olympic program.
In 1948, the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne et Biathlon (UIPMB) formed as the international governing body of biathlon and modern pentathlon, and biathlon was accepted as an official Winter Olympic Sport in 1955. The first World Biathlon Championships were held at Saalfelden, Austria, with six nations participating. The UIPMB had supervision of the sport until recently, with the formation of the International Biathlon Union in 1993 and its recognition by the IOC in 1998. The IBU is now the international federation for the sport of biathlon. At present, 59 nations are regular members.

71. - La Passion Du Biathlon
Portail du spost historique, r gles, actualit s, r sultats, classement et comp titions, les biathl tes fran ais, allemands, norv giens, russes et les autres, les clubs de biathlon, liens.
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72. Biathlon - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
biathlon (not to be confused with duathlon) is a term used to describe any sporting event made up of two disciplines. However, biathlon usually refers specifically to the
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Biathlon (not to be confused with duathlon ) is a term used to describe any sporting event made up of two disciplines. However, biathlon usually refers specifically to the winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting . Another popular variant is summer biathlon, which combines cross-country running with riflery.
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73. Willkommen Beim Förderverein Biathlon Osterzgebirge
Der Verein wendet sich an alle Freunde und Fans dieser Sportart, um das Leistungszentrum Altenberg/Zinnwald zu erhalten und weiter auszubauen. Mit Informationen zu den Aufgaben und Zielen, zur Mitgliedschaft und der Satzung.

74. New York Biathlon
It’s that time of year again! You can now renew your NYSSRANordic membership through (NYSSRA covers the processing Click here to continue reading

75. Biathlon Fan Seite
Diane H ther informiert mit aktuellen News, Berichten, Steckbriefen, Forum und einer biathlon Schule. Weiterhin viele Informationen zu den Weltcups, Autogramme und Interviews.

76. Biathlon - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

77. Biathlon, Wintersport, Skating, Schnee, Weltmeisterschaft, IBU, Biathlon Weltcup
Informationsportal rund um den biathlonsport mit News, Athletenberichten, Interviews. Weitere Portale zu verschiedenen Sportarten stehen zur Verf gung.

78. Winter Olympics - Biathlon
biathlon By Anthony G. The word biathlon comes from the Greek word meaning two contests. At the Winter Olympics it means joining two sports together.
By Anthony G. The word biathlon comes from the Greek word meaning two contests. At the Winter Olympics it means joining two sports together. Those two sports are cross country skiing and rifle shooting. The skiers have to go as fast as they can for a certain distance, then they have to shot at a target. It is really hard to do because your heart is beating fast from skiing so hard and then you have to try slow your heart down so you can hit a target that is about the size of a coin. I don't know how they do it. It sounds really difficult. Racers wear cross-country skis, ski suit, and boot. They have a harness to carry the rifle. Also they have an arm sling that is used to stabilize the rifle while shooting. There are four different races for men and women. There is the sprint, pursuit, individual and the relay. Each race is a different distance and has a different number of targets to hit. One has a penalty loop for every target the racer misses. One minute is added to your time for every target they miss. So it's important to hit all the targets I think that the biathlon is a very difficult sport but I'd love to try it and maybe you would like to do it too!

79. Willkommen! Biathlon-Ergebnisse
Privater Ergebnisdienst mit aktuellen Platzierungen sind hier zusammengestellt. F r den Nachwuchs im Bereich des Th ringer Skiverbandes wird Vollst ndigkeit angestrebt.
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80. Skiverein Eintracht Frankenhain E.V.: Startseite
Die Sektion Ski/biathlon mit ihrem Talentleistungszentrum im Sommerbiathlon stellt sich und ihre Aktivit ten vor.
Herzlich Willkommen auf der Homepage des SV Eintracht Frankenhain!
Wir freuen uns �ber Ihr Interesse an unserem Verein. Mit unseren Internetseiten m�chten wir Sie �ber unser Vereinsleben und anstehende Aktivit�ten informieren und Sie f�r den Ski- und Biathlonsport begeistern. In Frankenhain f�rdern wir junge Talente. Unser Verein lebt von der Einsatzbereitschaft vieler Helfer, Trainer und Eltern sowie der finanziellen Unterst�tzung von Unternehmen, Institutionen und Privatpersonen. ~ Biathlon ~ Fu�ball ~ Gesundheits- und Rehasport ~ Nordic Walking
~ Schach ~ Skilanglauf ~ Sommerbiathlon ~
Terminvorschau 2011
Datum: Dienstag 26. Oktober 2010 / Kategorie Die ersten Termine f�r das kommende Jahr stehen fest. Bitte schon einplanen! � mehr
Ergebnisse: Clausthal-Zellerfeld Nordcup
Datum: Montag 11. Oktober 2010 / Kategorie : Ergebnisdienst Ergebnisliste Leistungsschie�en Nordcup 2010 Clausthal-Zellerfeld mit starken Ergebnissen unserer Frankenhainer Sportler. � mehr
Ergebnisse: RLW Tambach-Dietharz
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