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         Climbing:     more books (100)
  1. Climbing the Mountain; Discovering Your Path to Holiness by a lay apostle Anne, 2007
  2. Rock Climbing 2011 Square 12X12 Wall Calendar (Multilingual Edition) by BrownTrout Publishers Inc, 2010-06-28
  3. Climbing Anchors Field Guide (How To Climb Series) by John Long, Bob Gaines, 2007-08-01
  4. Climbing the Corporate Ladder in High Heels by Kathleen Archambeau, M. Kathleen Archambeau, 2006-05-31
  5. Rock Climbing Smith Rock State Park, 2nd: A Comprehensive Guide to More Than 1,800 Routes (Regional Rock Climbing Series) by Alan Watts, 2010-01-06
  6. Big Wall Climbing: Elite Technique (Mountaineers Outdoor Expert Series) by Jared Ogden, 2005-04-30
  7. The Complete Idiot's Guide(R) to Rock Climbing
  8. Rock Climbing New Jersey by N. J. A. Sloane, Paul Nick, 2000-05-01
  9. Climbing the Sycamore Tree: A Study on Choice and Simplicity by Ann Hagmann, 2001-06-01
  10. Knack Rock Climbing: A Beginner's Guide: From the Gym to the Rocks (Knack: Make It easy) by Stewart M. Green, Ian Spencer-Green, 2010-05-18
  11. Climbing Washington's Mountains (Climbing Mountains Series) by Jeffrey L. Smoot, 2002-01-01
  12. How to Climb: Advanced Rock Climbing by John Long, 1997-08
  13. Climbing California's Fourteeners: The Route Guide to the Fifteen Highest Peaks by Stephen Porcella, Cameron M. Burns, 1998-04
  14. Breaking Trail: A Climbing Life by Arlene Blum, 2007-03-05

61. The Valdez Ice Climbing Festival - Valdez, Alaska
Festival schedule and results. Photos. Discussion forum.
Valdez Ice Climbing Festival Ice Fest
Presidents' Day Weekend Climbing information:
Ice Climbing Message Board Travel and Lodging information: Traveler's Guide to Valdez, Alaska Craigslist: Anchorage Alaskan Forum This page is industrial grade.
Alaska Gold Index Valdez Guide McCarthy Guide ...
CNET #1 Rated Web Host

62. Best Climbing Plants For Autumn Foliage-Why Leaves Change Colour
WARNING climbing IS ADDICTIVE! Whether you just want to get a taste of what rock climbing is all about, or you're looking for a fun

63. Climbing - English-Spanish Dictionary -
climbing Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions Subscribe to the Oxford Concise or Unabridged dictionary for more translations, meanings and examples.

64. Iceclimbing@at - || Eisklettern || Webshop || Ausr�stung || Foto&Video || Produk
English to German translation of ice climbing terms. Photos.

65. Rock & Ice Message Board - Discussion Areas - Big Stone Publishing - Message Boa
Forum for sharing condition information in the United States and Canada.

66. Harrow And Wembley Outdoor Group - Climbing
Harrow and Wembley Outdoor Group, a friendly outdoor group for people of all ages
Welcome Contact Us History Safety ... Links
Rock climbing grew out of a desire by mountaineers to find and tackle more difficult and challenging routes to the summits of mountains. Rock climbing quite obviously presents higher risks but these are significantly reduced by using proper safety equipment and procedures. Rock climbing involves using small holds, particularly footholds, and making best use of rope by belaying onto rock spikes. Other rock climbing equipment is karabiners, chocks, belts, pitons, expansion bolts and etriers. Rock climbing has a number of types. Aid climbing might involve hammering pitons, pegs or bolts into cracks in rock to enable climbers to ascend overhangs and difficult routes. Free climbing involves using safety equipment to protect climbers from falls but which do not aid the climb. Solo climbing involves climbing alone, usually without the aid of safety equipment or a rope. Abseiling is not rock climbing but a controlled slide down a rope! Rocks have different features. A crack is where the rock is broken into thin and narrow fissures. Some cracks may only be wide enough to fit fingers in, others may be wide enough to fit a fist or foot in (this is called jamming). A chimney is a wide crack big enough to put a whole body into. A gully is wider than a chimney and is usually easy to climb with plenty of holds and places to stop and rest. A corner is the name given to the rock where the walls meet, rather like a corner in a room. A ledge is a place where the rock levels off enough to allow someone to stand on it.

67. Ledno Plezanje
Conditions, pictures, local waterfall guide and information regarding competitions. English, Slovenian
Dobrodo�li vsi ledenjaki in ledenjakinje! Na tem mestu boste lahko na�li aktualne razmere za plezanje v ledu. Rezultati in napovedi vseh pomembnih tekem v lednem plezanju. Zgodovina lednega plezanja Slovenske tekme,
zdru�ene v ledni pokal Predstavitve slovenskih slapov Pomembnej�e povezave zanimive za ledne plezalce. MR Climbing - oprimki �panski izdelovalec ledne opreme (cepini, vijaki, dereze)
Grafika: Bojan Jurc
Postavitev: Future Tech

68. Climbing In Hungary
General area information. Crag information. Photos. (Hungary)
Aron Urbanics climbing Fenevad X INTRODUCTION 'Are there any crags in Hungary at all?' Maybe the answer is surprising, but YES, THERE ARE. If it's your dream to climb routes on snow-white rockfaces on the top of hills covered by beech forest and enjoy the magnificant view from the peak, then it's time to come to Hungary! Here you can find lots of routes from the easiest to the extremely difficult. Many need great strength, endurance and technique (and a good bit of resolve ). You may be dazzled by the great variety of forms and colours. (The latter refers to the leaves in autumn, because the rockfaces are usually white.) Lots of recently discovered areas provide exciting opportunities to open new routes. Friendly people, pretty girls.... What more do you need to persuade you? Pictures about hungarian crags ABOUT HUNGARY CLIMATE: The winter is cold, usually with a little snow. Except for a few sunny places and indoor walls , you can't climb. Spring is much more pleasant, you can begin climbing from March on. ( Bad luck if it's raining...) Summer is dry and hot, but don't worry, you can find some cool places. Autumn is like spring, it's warm and sunny until November. STONE TYPES: Most walls consist of wavey, holey Dachstein limestone. Sometimes limestone is mixed with dolomite, it's full of rims and edges. Some places you can find vulcanic rock (andesite). Sandstone is very rare.

69. Climb Europe - Rock Climbing Holidays In Europe
Information resource on climbing areas in Europe and on-line guidebook shop.
Choose your language: Deutsh English Rock climbing guidebooks
for Europe.
Buy from our shop.
Home European rock climbing areas Contact Us Discover the best places to go rock climbing in Europe
Accommodation for rock climbers

in Europe
Climb Europe has external links to the following sites Not sure where your next rock climbing holiday in Europe will be? The Rock Climbing Atlas range of guidebooks detail many unusual and exciting places to visit.  Choose from South Eastern Europe and South Western Europe. Buy them from
our shop.
Climb Europe - The web site to plan your rock climbing holiday in Europe. Climb Europe is all about describing the best rock climbing areas within Europe, to help climber's plan their rock climbing holidays, book accommodation and buy rock climbing guidebooks from our shop
Discover the different rock climbing areas we cover in Europe by visiting our European map.

70. Dancing With Trees - Genevieve Summers - Recreational Tree Climbing Guide And In
Offers guided tree climbing experiences for adults and children based in the north Georgia mountains. Includes pictures, information, quotations, and links.
Dancing With Trees, LLC
Recreational Tree Climbing
with Genevieve Summers and associates Email Search

Contact Info
... Links Adventures: Intro Climbs Guided Climbs Treetop
... Expeditions Courses: Basic Course Facilitator

We offer safe guided tree climbing experiences for adults and children. We use special tree climbing equipment and gear that�s safe for both people and the trees. You�re invited to come to our tree climbing school in the foothills of the north Georgia mountains. Or arrange for Genevieve Summers to come to your part of the world for a day, a weekend, or a week or two.

71. Tree Climbing For ALL Abilities
Non-profit organization in Michigan offers climbing activities for people of all abilities and all ages. Includes details of specialized equipment, photos, upcoming events and links.
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72. Tree Climbing Colorado / Treeclimbing / Tree Climbers
Provides general information, pictures, FAQs, a calendar of events and a membership form. Located in Arvada, Colorado, United States.

73. Aid Climbing In A 3 Person Team
Article by Ken Younge and Tuan Luong giving personal experiences, tips, and techniques.
Home Mountaineering Yosemite Rock information
Aid climbing with a three person team
Lessons from Zodiac
By Ken Younge and Q.-Tuan Luong
A Quick Trip Report
The route itself was quite enjoyable. It is consistently steep (slighly overhanging) with many traverses and a couple of wild spots. The climbing offers a lot of variety, from wide cracks to thin seams, and all the techniques (free, hooks, clean gear, nailing) have to be used. One of my reasons for getting on this route was that I wanted to climb with my friend Ken Younge (who doesn't have much free time since he is starting a company). He turned out to be an excellent big-wall partner, even if the climb wore him quite a bit. The third person we invited was Amanda, well known to rec.climbers, who impressed both of us with her guts and toughness (she decided we were late on the second to last day, and went ahead and fixed a pitch solo starting at 10pm, after a long day, backcleaned entire section of pitches...) although Ken was the best for keeping down the mess generated by having three people, two separate haulbags and portaledges, and generally speaking too much gear and water. The downside was that there were too many parties on this route. Basically, everyday, there was one party starting. One party fixed a rope, but didn't show up the next day, so we figured out we might as well start, but later they caught up with us and insisted to pass. Normally, the speed of four pitches per day would be enough to keep up with the crowd, but some were climbing faster than that. The amazingly fast team of the "Patagonian Brothers", Willy and Damian, did not hold us too long, but for rather circuitous reasons, we ended up letting two other parties pass us, although they were not really climbing faster than we did. This resulted in a lot of loss of time, and we had to get up relatively early and to go to bed quite late, spending three nights on the wall, out of a total of five days for the climb. I would say that this lowered significantly the quality of our experience.

74. Queensland University Rock Climbing Club
An active rock climbing club. Information on planned club trips as well as a general climbing discussion forum. (Queensland)

75. Flattop Mountain, Bodenberg Butte, Exit Glacier
A woman in Alaska decides to climb some of the smaller mountains around her. Photos.
A Fat Old Lady Takes up Climbing
Alaskan Adventures
Summer 2000
Flattop Mountain, just outside Anchorage, is a popular climbing experience for Anchorage residents and visitors alike. Although I have lived in Alaska since 1971 and Anchorage since 1985, this was my first time up the trail. I was surprised at how difficult it was. The trail was snow-covered in several sections, and the rock climb at the top was especially terrifying because of snow and slippery conditions on the wet boulders. At the summit, the wind was powerful, and I was very thankful for the windbreaks made of piled rocks. I sat in a windbreak for awhile, eating a snack and chatting with other climbers, before heading down. Some more adventuresome sorts leapt off the cliff into a long snow chute to slide about a third of the way down, but I slowly picked my way along the path that took me to the top. The whole climb took me 4 hours. (Before I climb anything else, I will purchase some hiking boots.) Next, I did the climb that I should have done first, the Bodenberg Butte, near Palmer. It is a striking feature, rising straight up about 900 feet from the surrounding flat farmlands. Parts of the climb are quite steep, but not dangerous. The views from the top are spectacular in all directions. It took about 3 hours, up and down, and my new hiking boots were very comfortable. The Exit Glacier, a few miles north of Seward, has several trails. I had planned to take the longer trail that allows access to the Harding Ice Field, but I missed the trail and ended up going just to the face of Exit Glacier. It was a nice little walk, with no real climbing at all. I may go back later to take the longer trail.

76. | Frivolities | Alpinisme
Trip reports and photos from rock and ice climbing in New Hampshire; rock climbing at Seneca, West Virginia; and mountaineering in the Adirondacks, New York; Washington; and California.
hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here. home frivolities

Usually fun, often beautiful, occasionally dangerous - I've been climbing, skiing and scrumbling for a while now, and as far as I can tell, I'll be doing said things for a long time. Forthwith are a few sections covering my pursuits. Nothing too hardcore here (Mark Twight I ain't), but it's all good to me. FOR SALE : I'm getting rid of loads of gear Jump to a category:
Chronological Index
Ice Rock Snow ... Other ICE

I have had the great fortune to twice climb in Alaska, both times with John Bradford, a widely respected climber, guide and good friend. My first trip in March 2001 was a 10-day affair, visiting five areas and climbing multiple routes. I returned in March 2002 to again head into the Chugach Range, hunting for beautiful and remote ice. Both trips are collected here.
updated: 3/27/02; two trips
In early-January 2000 I headed back up to the Whites to do some ice climbing with International Mountain Climbing School. The ice was a little thin and I was a little under the weather, but we still managed to get up a few routes and I had a lot of fun. A year later I returned with Brian Connors to climb some moderate classics and attempt a ski tour and descent over Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend. Now that was an interesting trip. The following February Brian and I went back up to Crawford Notch to attempt a gully route on Mt. Webster. We made two relatively successful trips in the lean Winter of 2002. We came back when it was a little fatter in 2003. There were solo trips here and there, and some good times together again in 2005. All 10 trip reports are collected here.

77. Jolly Power Allenamento Arrampicata
Articles on training for climbing. Personal training offered. (site in English and Italian, some sections in Italian only)
Questione di power Questione di testa Questione di tecnica Questione di allenamento Palestra Lanciani Gli allenamenti proposti
in questo sito possono provocare danni anche gravi all'organismo, in particolare all'apparato muscolo scheletrico e in taluni soggetti anche a quello cardiocircolatorio.
Jollypower, sistema di allenamento per l'arrampicata
Questo metodo nasce da un atto di presunzione: considerare la scalata non solo come uno sport, ma una disciplina o addirittura un�arte, che comprende al suo interno anche una branca che pu� essere considerata tipicamente sportiva, come le gare su struttura artificiale. Con ci� non voglio proclamare la superiorit� della nostra disciplina rispetto, ad esempio, al canottaggio; voglio solo dire che essa � pi� simile, dal punto di vista della complessit� culturale, mentale ed emozionale, ad attivit� come la danza o le arti marziali. Fino a ora tutti i lavori riguardanti la scalata sono stati esclusivamente accademici, riducendosi all�aspetto sportivo, con i soliti discorsi su ATP, sovracompensazione, sistema anaerobico-lattacido, eccetera, oppure eccessivamente �filosofici� ma senza validi appoggi scientifici. (continua) Manuale di allenamento Jollypower Seconda Edizione Galleria fotografica Alessandro Lamberti Bocconi iscritto all'albo professionale delle guide alpine d'abruzzo, licenza n�7. Partita iva 06262121006

78. Mountaineering Top Level
Discussion forum for mountaineering and general climbing topics.

79. Cops On Top
Account of three Dutchmen, and two Americans climbing Denali, Alaska.

80. GravSports Home Page
Information about new ice and mixed routes in the Canadian Rockies. Conditions. (Canadian Rockies)
GRAVSPORTS (click here for the gravsports blog) To Order Gravsports Films (Three Flights etc.) please click here Welcome to Gravsports, loosely edited by Will Gadd . This site started in about '98 and has grown exponentially since then. If you're looking for the most current professional information about Will Gadd please visit , thanks. CLIMBING PAGES: Ice, Rock, alpine, writing about the same. Ice Climbing Home Page NEW CONDITIONS SITE IS UP: WWW.GRAVSPORTS-ICE.COM -Canadian Rockies Ice Climbing Conditions, sent in by real climbers like you, not a forum for trolls. -Canadian Rockies climbing information: A description of the seasonal climbing cycle around here. Best times of year to visit for ice, rock, etc. CASA: A good cause, join up to help preserve cliff access. PARAGLIDING PAGES: -Articles about flying nylon and strings all over the world. -Competition Reports. Will Gadd information. Moved to The GRAVSPORTS BLOG I've switched the old Gadfly pages over to Blogspot so I can keep them better updated while on the road. Check it out, I usually update at least twice a week. To Order Gravsports Films (Three Flights etc.) please click here

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