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81. Html2curl Decoder from HTML to Curl. GPL http://curlculator.chat.ru/html2curl_eng.htm |
82. Curl Open Source Card Games Single and multiplayer card games written in the Curl Content Language. http://curl-card-games.sourceforge.net/ | |
83. WDVL: Early Adopter Curl A book designed for programmers new to the Curl Content Language. Overview. Chapter 3 online text. http://wdvl.internet.com/Authoring/Languages/Curl/Early/ |
84. Enterprise Curl - WebReference.com - An advanced level handbook giving advice on how to develop a full-featured enterprise application written in Curl. http://www.webreference.com/internet/enterprise/curl/ | |
85. BeginnersGuideToCurl Wiki page about the basics of Curl. http://www.codepedia.com/1/BeginnersGuideToCurl | |
86. American Curl Breeders: Fanciers Breeder Referral List Information, links, and breeder contact information for the American Curl cat breed. http://www.breedlist.com/american-curl-breeders.html | |
87. American Curl FAQ A complete and concise description of the American Curl. http://www.fanciers.com/breed-faqs/american-curl-faq.html | |
88. Curl Curl. http://www.citforum.ru/internet/articles/curl.shtml | |
89. The Curl Project An object-oriented language from MIT for creating web documents with almost any sort of content, from simple formatted text to complex interactive applets, in one system. http://cag-www.lcs.mit.edu/curl/ | |
90. CLP - Curl Link Project A directory of Curl applets. http://km0330.keymachine.de/friedger/clp/clp-html.xcurl | |
91. Curl (programming Language) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curl_programming_language |
92. CurlUnit 1.0 A simple framework to write repeatable tests in the Curl content language as executed by the Surge plug-in. http://curlunit.sourceforge.net/ | |
93. Curl Adds Muscle To The Web - SD Times: Software Development News Article on the Curl technology. http://www.sdtimes.com/content/article.aspx?ArticleID=25701 |
94. Curl Shows Way To Better GUIs -- Application Development Trends Review about Curl Corporation and their market position, by Will Kilburn. http://www.adtmag.com/article.aspx?id=7923 |
95. Updates On Curl Link Project (CLP) The latest Curl applets that have been added or updated. http://km0330.keymachine.de/friedger/clp/clp.xml | |
96. CFA Breed Standard: American Curl Features the qualities and characteristics of this cat type. http://www.cfainc.org/breeds/standards/american-curl.html |
97. Voorblad A Dutch breeder also working with Birmans. Site is in English and Dutch. http://www.american-curls.com/ |
98. Beitrag Nicht Gefunden - LinuxCommunity Diskussion von (Linux-)Entwicklern ber die Zukunft von Curl. http://www.linux-community.de/Neues/story?storyid=2601 |
99. Forum Anzeigen Eines der wenigen Foren ber Curl. http://www.joelh.de/jbb/showforum.php?forum=39 |
100. Curl - Der Nachfolger Von HTML? | TecChannel.de Artikel im TecChannel von Klaus Manhart. http://www.tecchannel.de/webtechnik/entwicklung/401595/curl_der_nachfolger_von_h |
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