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         Curling:     more books (100)
  1. Curling by Uli Kapp, 2006-03-31
  2. History of curling, Scotland's ain game, and fifty years of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club by John Kerr, 2010-08-14
  3. Gold on Ice: The Story of the Sandra Schmirler Curling Team by Guy Scholz, 2000-10
  4. The 2009 Import and Export Market for Combs, Hair-Slides, Hairpins, Curling Pins, Curling Grips, Hair Curlers, and Parts Excluding Electric Hair Curlers and Straightening Irons in Taiwan by Icon Group International, 2009-06-03
  5. The 2009 Import and Export Market for Combs, Hair-Slides, Hairpins, Curling Pins, Curling Grips, Hair Curlers, and Parts Excluding Electric Hair Curlers and Straightening Irons in Czech Republic by Icon Group International, 2009-06-03
  6. The Curling Name in History by, 2007-06-15
  7. The 2009 Import and Export Market for Combs, Hair-Slides, Hairpins, Curling Pins, Curling Grips, Hair Curlers, and Parts Excluding Electric Hair Curlers ... Irons in North America & the Caribbean by Icon Group, 2008-09-30
  8. Curling (For the Love of Sports) by Annalise Bekkering, 2006-07-30
  9. Open House : Canada and the Magic of Curling by Scott Russell, 2004
  10. Curling Basics Comprehensive Guide
  11. Curling by James S Mitchell, 2010-06-24
  12. The 2009 Import and Export Market for Combs, Hair-Slides, Hairpins, Curling Pins, Curling Grips, Hair Curlers, and Parts Excluding Electric Hair Curlers and Straightening Irons in Canada by Icon Group International, 2009-06-03
  13. The 2009 Import and Export Market for Combs, Hair-Slides, Hairpins, Curling Pins, Curling Grips, Hair Curlers, and Parts Excluding Electric Hair Curlers and Straightening Irons in Austria by Icon Group International, 2009-06-03
  14. Mary Graham; In Two Volumes. by Laura Jane Curling by Laura Jane Curling, 2010-10-14

81. Html2curl
Decoder from HTML to Curl. GPL

82. Curl Open Source Card Games
Single and multiplayer card games written in the Curl Content Language.
Curl Open Source Card Games Welcome! We are developing a suite of Open Source Card Games written in the Curl Content Language. Below is a link to the project's homepage, where you can sign up to join or get the source code. In the future, this page will be extended out further to be a real project homepage. Releases

83. WDVL: Early Adopter Curl
A book designed for programmers new to the Curl Content Language. Overview. Chapter 3 online text.

84. Enterprise Curl - -
An advanced level handbook giving advice on how to develop a full-featured enterprise application written in Curl.

Sitemap Experts Tools ... enterprise / curl
Enterprise Curl
Buy It! Authors: Paul Sheehan ISBN:
Price: $44.99 US Pages: 400 pages Pub: Prentice Hall
Book Overview (Condensed, from the publisher)
Curl makes it easy to build Internet applications that use little bandwidth, integrate with existing Web standards, provide a rich graphical interface, and fit seamlessly into virtually any client environment. Enterprise Curl is the first book that shows how to take advantage of Curl for serious enterprise development. Through a start-to-finish case study, Paul Sheehan introduces powerfully effective design and development techniques that draw on his experience leading a Curl consulting teams. Coverage includes:
  • Developing the key elements of a Curl-based application framework
    Creating search interfaces that accept and extract XML responses, then display them in flexible, powerful spreadsheet-like grids
    Using Curl to show data within 2D graphs
    Building Web-based data mining applications that can "drill down" to more detailed views of data
    Using Curl's built-in SOAP support to construct sophisticated Web services
  • Book excerpts
    Developer News Eclipse Helios Update Brings New PHP Tools ... enterprise / curl The Network for Technology Professionals Search: About

    85. BeginnersGuideToCurl
    Wiki page about the basics of Curl.
    Home Edit this page Recent Changes Special Pages ... Help BeginnersGuideToCurl
    Beginners Guide To Curl
    Curl is a technology to create rich and interactive contents for the web. It is called client/web technology because it has a fat client and makes the web executable. Thereby it reduces bandwith and server load. As the language is easy to learn and Curl code less error prone using Curl also reduces the development costs.
    The Language
    Curl Applets can be seen as documents. Therefore, the world most famous programm in Curl looks like
    If served from a web site the browser will bring up the plugin, compiles the code on the fly (just-in-time) and shows the text in standard format.
    To change the text format or properties of paragraphs, just put the text or paragraph in appropriate code blocks. For examples, a text in a bold -block will make the text bold: Here are some of the predefinied formats:
    bold, italic, red, blue, green, tiny, small, large,..
    The first word in a code block determines the functionality of the block. This holds consitently throughout the whole language. Any block is evaluated and the result used instead of the block. The

    86. American Curl Breeders: Fanciers Breeder Referral List
    Information, links, and breeder contact information for the American Curl cat breed.
    American Curl
    Go to American Curl Breeder Listings Go to American Curl Retired Friends List Description The American Curl is most commonly recognized by its unusual ears, which curl backward. This is the result of a natural mutation. All true American Curls trade their ancestry back to Shulamith, the mother of the American Curl breed rescued in 1981. There are both longhair and shorthair varieties. This relatively new breed has an energetic, affectionate, even temperament. The shorthaired variety is called the "Shorthair Curl" by some associations. Interesting breed fact: The American Curl's rise from stray to pedigreed cat was unusually fast. It was first accepted for championship status by TICA in 1987 and by CFA in 1993. Chanan Associations: The American Curl is accepted for championship status in AACE, ACA, CFA, CFF, and TICA. Books about this breed from

    87. American Curl FAQ
    A complete and concise description of the American Curl.
    American Curl: Cat Breed FAQ
    Author: Karen O'Brien, CFA American Curl Breed Council Secretary,
    "What did you do to their ears? Are their ears always like that? Did you use a curling iron?" Yes, their ears ARE always like that and no, a curling iron was NOT used to achieve those extraordinary ears! The curled ear is a natural genetic mutation and first time admirers are always surprised by the American Curl's unique ears and impressed by their overall striking beauty. Curls quickly become a favorite with all who come to know them. The American Curl's ears, which are firm to the touch and curl back in a graceful arc away from their face toward the center back of their head, are a genetic mutation given to us by none other than Mother Nature. Discovered in California as a stray cat in 1981, the American Curl is now recognized as one of the United States' native American cat breeds.
    On a sunny day in June 1981 in Lakewood, California, a longhair silky black female kitten with unusual ears wandered up to the doorstep of Joe and Grace Ruga. Joe scrutinized the situation and determined that the most effective solution to this stray kitten problem was to ask Grace not to feed the kitten. Grace, not abiding by her husband's wishes but listening to her heart instead, left a bowl of food on the porch. The affectionate black kitten quickly worked her way into the Ruga's hearts (especially Joe's) and they named her Shulamith, which means "black but comely". Such are the beginnings of the American Curl as it is known today. True American Curls must trace their pedigree back to Shulamith, the foundation female.

    88. Curl
    CITForum �� CD IT-���������� Software Engineering Internet ... Hardware WWW ������� ���� IT:
    ��� ����� ���������� Curl?
    ���������� Curl ��������� ������������� � ������������� ����� ��������� Web ������� � ����������, ������������ ���������������� � ����������� ����������� ���������. ������� ���������� �������� ���� ������������� �����������, ���������� ������������� ��� ������������� � Web, ��������������� ���������������� ��������� ��������, ��������-��������������� ������ ��������� � ��������������� ���������� � ����� ��������������� ����� ����������. Curl ����� �������������� ����� � ��� ������������� ������������, ������ ��� HTML, CGI � ���������� ����������� ��������. ��������� �������� ��������������, �� ������ ���������� ��� ����� � ����� �������������, ��� �� ��� � ���������� �� ��. �� �������� ������� ���������� � ���� ������� ����������� ����������� ������ � ������� ����������, ����������� �� Web ��������. ���������� �� Curl ���� ������� ��������������� ��� Web ����������, ������������� �� ���������� ��. Curl Corporation ���������� �������������� ������, ����� Web ���������� ��������������� � Web �� � ������� ���������� ���������, �� � �������������� ����� ���������� �� ������� ���������� �������, ��������, ������ ��� ��. ����� ������ �� ��������� � ���������� � Web �������. �����, �������, ����������� ��� � �������� ��� ���������� � �������������, ��� ��������� �������������� ��������� � ����������� Web �, ��� �����, �������� "������" �� ��������� � ����������. ��� ��� ����������? ��-������, ����� �������� ������������ ����������� Web. ��-������, � ������� ������������� �������������� �������� �������, ������� ��� ������� 90% ������� �������� � �������� "�������" �� �������� �������.

    89. The Curl Project
    An object-oriented language from MIT for creating web documents with almost any sort of content, from simple formatted text to complex interactive applets, in one system.
    Your browser does not support frames, so try our frame-free index

    90. CLP - Curl Link Project
    A directory of Curl applets.
    CLP - Curl Link Project
    To add or edit links you have to go to the CLP page in Curl General Find out your opinion! Interactive test to find out your political opinion CurlChat Chat applet in Curl! (Use query start-chat.curl?user=myname to change username to myname.) Find out your opinion! Interactive test to find out your political opinion Games Games Two bouncing ball games Game boy Game boy simulator with three games. Curltris Tetris for Curl SadChess Chess game. Early Application showing features of Curl Curl Invader Game A shooting game Puerto Rico Mulit-User board game. Lots of fun! Riversi Simple Reversi Mogura Hit the mole on its head! There are three skill levels. Car Race Simple Car Race for two players (Japanese) Curl Rock game Shooting game. Flying through the outer space you have to destroy rocks flying around. Simple graphic, needs driving skills. Curlfighter Shooting game. You are speeding through the outer space and have to destroy meteorites. Tiles Puzzle 15 Tile Puzzle. Move around the tiles and bring them in the correct order. Curl Rock game (broken link) Shooting game. Flying through the outer space you have to destroy rocks flying around. Simple graphic, needs driving skills.

    91. Curl (programming Language) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia

    92. CurlUnit 1.0
    A simple framework to write repeatable tests in the Curl content language as executed by the Surge plug-in.
    Curl U nit 1.0
    CurlUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests in the Curl content language as executed by the Surge plug-in. CurlUnit is an instance of the xUnit architecture commonly used as a testing framework within the Extreme Programming methodology (XP) methodology. CurlUnit is a derivative work of JUnit 3.7 porting the xUnit core and most of its tests, the simple samples, the Money examples and the cookbook to Curl. Like JUnit before it CurlUnit is Open Source Software, released under the IBM Public License and hosted on SourceForge Try it (you must have the Suge plugin from installed. See Installation for more details about running CurlUnit direct from the web site.). Curl is a content language for the creation of web applications. It scales gracefully from simple static pages to complex applications all within the same programming model. Curl is ideal for Extreme Programming. It is a dynamic language with first class procedures, a well defined package structure, the capability to load dynamically from any location on the web and a GUI toolkit supporting a declarative style of UI development not dissimilar to Tkl. CurlUnit demonstrates several of these features, for example loading an applet with a simple GUI off the web, then having that applet dynamically load and run code from another location. The code loaded refers to other code packages on the web. These are transparently loaded if and only if required.

    93. Curl Adds Muscle To The Web - SD Times: Software Development News
    Article on the Curl technology.

    94. Curl Shows Way To Better GUIs -- Application Development Trends
    Review about Curl Corporation and their market position, by Will Kilburn.

    95. Updates On Curl Link Project (CLP)
    The latest Curl applets that have been added or updated. The latest Curl applets that have been added or updated en RSS Reader that allows to add,edit feeds and save messages. Uses IE ActiveX control. Fri, 22 Nov 2004 09:49:17 +0200 Scientific Calculator Fri, 22 Nov 2004 09:48:50 +0200 15 Tile Puzzle. Move around the tiles and bring them in the correct order. Fri, 22 Nov 2004 09:48:15 +0200 Shooting game. You are speeding through the outer space and have to destroy meteorites. Fri, 22 Nov 2004 09:47:54 +0200 Shooting game. Flying through the outer space you have to destroy rocks flying around. Simple graphic, needs driving skills. Fri, 22 Nov 2004 09:47:38 +0200 Scientific Calculator Fri, 22 Nov 2004 09:46:10 +0200 15 Tile Puzzle. Move around the tiles and bring them in the correct order.

    96. CFA Breed Standard: American Curl
    Features the qualities and characteristics of this cat type.

    97. Voorblad
    A Dutch breeder also working with Birmans. Site is in English and Dutch.

    98. Beitrag Nicht Gefunden - LinuxCommunity
    Diskussion von (Linux-)Entwicklern ber die Zukunft von Curl.

    99. Forum Anzeigen
    Eines der wenigen Foren ber Curl.

    100. Curl - Der Nachfolger Von HTML? |
    Artikel im TecChannel von Klaus Manhart.

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