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Double Disc Court: more detail |
21. Original Frisbee® Disc :: Frisbee Sports - Double Disc Court Double Disc Court (D.D.C.) is a game played by two teams of two players each. It’s kind of like spaceaged tennis with each team defending a court from http://www.frisbeedisc.com/sports/doubledisc/index.html | |
22. Variant Ultimate Games-several Variations Of Flying Disc (Frisbee) Games Double Disc Court is a flying disc sport which combines quickness, strategy, and throwing ability. It is one of seven events contested yearly at the world overall flying disc http://www.sotg.ca/variant_games/variant_games.php | |
23. Double Disc Court@Everything2.com Double Disc Court (DDC) is a sport played outdoors with four people and two discs. Picture a game of doubles tennis where the net is replaced with a 17 meter expanse of space http://everything2.com/title/double disc court |
24. Double Disc Court Oregon Disc Sports hosts ongoing disc sports events throughout Oregon http://www.odsa.com/ddc/ddc.shtm | |
25. YouTube - Double Disc Court World Disc Games 2003 Santa Cruz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UsrKpu7CQU |
26. PORT-A-FIELD Portable Double Disc Court (DDC) Field Boundaries And Accessories Award Winning PortA-Field creates portable field lining boundaries for 30 field sports and 180 field types including soccer,ultimate,lacrosse,rugby,football,field hockey,beach http://www.port-a-field.com/ddc.htm |
27. WFDF :: WFDF Rulebook Article II (DDC) World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) Article II Double Disc Court. Comment Double disc court is a game played by two teams of two players each. http://www.wfdf.org/index.php?page=rules/art2.htm |
28. Sarnia Ultimate Double Disc Court Double Disc Court . Double Disc Court, commonly referred to as DDC, is a unique sport in that two discs are used in play http://sarniaultimate.com/php/about/ddc.php | |
29. PORTAFIELD Portable Field Lines - Link Directory - Double Disc Court Welcome to CSPlatinum Sports Products We design and manufacture the patented Porta-Field Portable Athletic Field Lining Systems http://www.port-a-field.com/links/doubledisccourt.html | |
30. Learn Double Disc Court Frisbee - FindSportsNow Learn Double Disc Court Frisbee. Learn about Double Disc Court Frisbee history, training, equipment, terminology, and more! http://www.findsportsnow.com/learn/double-disc-court-frisbee | |
31. Double Disc Court | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Double Disc Court, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Double Disc Court. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Double-Disc-Court/374173788485 | |
32. Home, Recreation Directory, Outdoors Activities, Games & Sports, Theme Parks DirectoryRecreation.com guides to recreation related web links such as travel, trains railroads, automotive, games, sports, hobbies, entertainment, tour operators, travel http://www.directoryrecreation.com/index.php?t=sub_pages&cat=65710 |
33. WFDF Double Disc Court Flying Disc Double Disc Court (DDC) A strategic doubles sport keep two discs flying at once! http://www.wfdf.org/wg2005/ddc.htm | |
34. Burnaby Ultimate - Double Disc Court Information for Ultimate Frisbee in Burnaby, BC. Double Disc Court. Double Disc Court or more commonly DDC is the disc version of tennis. http://burnaby.bcdss.bc.ca/ddc.php | |
35. World Flying Disc Federation No referee Like all flying disc sports double disc court is played without a referee. The players themselves are responsible for the course of the game. http://www.discsports.nl/wfdfinfo/ddc.pdf |
36. Double Disc Court (DDC); Ultimate; Steve | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Double Disc Court (DDC); Ultimate; Steve, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Double Disc Court (DDC); Ultimate; Steve. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Double-Disc-Court-DDC-Ultimate-Steve/1237960709878 | |
37. FFindr! WFDF World Double Disc Court Championships 2010 / Arizona State Overall The ultimate onestop solution for finding Frisbee. http://ffindr.com/en/event/wfdf-world-double-disc-court-championships-2010-arizo | |
38. Changing Up Your Routine With Double Disc Court Double Disc Court is a great way to change up your routine. It is fun and can help keep exercising interesting. http://www.electrictext.com/Art/384080/231/Changing-Up-Your-Routine-With-Double- | |
39. YouTube - Double Disc Court ScottJim Vs MikeTom Apr 30 2009 no description available http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMsLLmyMVuM |
40. WHAMO DOUBLE DISC COURT (DDC) | DISC GOLF | GottaGoGottaThrow Inc. Disc Golf Discs and Accessories, including the popular Innova Discs. From Gotta Go Gotta Throw. http://gottagogottathrow.com/discgolf/whamo-double-disc-court-p-437.html | |
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