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21. Escrima Club Harburg Realistischer Zweikampf mit und ohne Waffen; pragmatische Kampfkonzepte statt Techniktraining (keine Formen, Drills, Entwaffnungen etc.). Trainer ist Mario Funck. http://www.escrima-club-harburg.net/ | |
22. Escrima Stick Strikes & Techniques: Video Series | EHow Videos escrima is a deadly martial art like many other forms of mortal combat. Learn powerful escrima double stick striking techniques and footwork in this free martial arts video series. http://www.ehow.com/videos-on_1701_escrima-stick-strikes-techniques.html | |
23. Escrima Sticks American Made escrima Stick. 3/4 inch hard rock maple. Stained with high quality pigments to render deep rich colors.26 http://www.allbrucelee.com/supplies/escrima_sticks.htm | |
24. Home - Escrima Club Trier ber escrima, Selbstverteidigung und Training wird informiert. http://escrima-trier.de/ | |
25. Escrima Martial Arts Video Instruction With Rene Latosa Martial Arts videos featuring instruction in Filipino escrima with Rene Latosa. http://espytv.com/escrima.htm | |
26. New York Escrima | Escrima In New York City The Filipino martial art of escrima (Latosa Weapons System), is actually a method that aligns your whole body to create energy and power while providing a proven practical method http://newyorkescrima.com/ | |
27. Eskrima Source Philippine escrima History of Filipino Martial Arts. The history of the Philippines stretches all the way back as far as 900 AD. http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/Modules/Modules/escrima/eskrima.htm | |
28. Escrima Concepts Master Steve; a personal profile and history of the development of escrima Concepts http://www.escrimaconcepts.com/profiles.php?id=3 |
29. Escrima - FMA-Bremen :: Selbstverteidigung Mit Und Ohne Waffen - Stockkampf, Fra Trainer Kai K hn bietet in seiner unabh ngigen escrima-Trainingsgruppe philippinische Kampfkunst und Selbstverteidigung mit und ohne Waffen. http://www.fma-bremen.de | |
30. A.E.K. Berlin E.V. Informiert ber die philippinische Sportart des Stockkampf, Schwertkampf und Messerkampf. D-13409 Berlin http://www.aek-germany.de/ |
31. FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS CONCEPTS THE LATOSA escrima CONCEPTS. Rene Latosa. v Provide your group, organization or company with one of the most unique learning adventure they would ever experience. http://www.escrima-concepts.com/escrima.html |
32. Kai Kühn Escrimatraining :: Exklusives Escrima-, Selbstverteidigungs- Und Selbst Der unabh ngige escrimalehrer Kai K hn bietet Einzel- und Kleingruppentraining in escrima, Selbstverteidigung und Frauen-Selbstschutz an. http://www.escrimatraining.de/ | |
33. Medina Escrima Martial Arts Chief Maestro Dan Medina teaches Derobio escrima, Arnis 63 General, Kali, Kuntao, Black Masters Spinx Karate in Fernandina Beach FL and St. Mary's GA. http://medina-escrima.com/ |
34. ESCRIMA ANGELS :: Mehr Als Nur Frauenselbstverteidigung - Selbstschutz-Training escrima-Kampfkunst und spezielles Frauen-Sicherheitstraining. Trainingsplan und Preise. http://www.escrima-angels.de/ | |
35. Filipino Kali - Philippines Martial Arts Escrima Filipino Kali is the art of stick fighting. They use hard, bamboo sticks to strike and defend. They have made this particular fighting style into an art form. http://filipino-kali.gungfu.com/ | |
36. Loading Bob Dubljanin unterrichtet s dostasiatische Kampfk nste Filipino Kali-escrima, Indonesisches Silat, Muay Thai - Thai Boxen und Bruce Lee s Jeet Kune Do. Gruppen - Seminare - Privatunterricht http://www.soai.de |
37. Cabales Serrada Eskrima - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Cabales Serrada escrima is a system of Eskrima, a form of Filipino martial arts. This fighting style was introduced in Stockton, California, United States in 1966. Serrada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabales_Serrada_Eskrima | |
38. LATOSA-ESCRIMA A conceptual Filipino martial art system taught by Rene Latosa. Features influences, background, current focus, pictures, and links.Windsor, CA http://www.escrima-concepts.com/ |
39. Escrima And Kali - Doce Pares Sticks, Arnis Gear, Filipino Martial Arts Books An Huge selection of Filipino Doce Pares escrima and Kali Sticks, Rattan Staffs, Arnis Protective Gear, escrima/Kali Books and Arnis Videos from Gungfu.com. Get the hottest deals http://www.gungfu.com/htm-escrima/escrima-table.htm |
40. Escrima Sticks - Kali Stick - Arnis De Mano Eskrima escrima sticks on sale at KarateMart. Buy a Filipino kali stick for your next weapon demo or an arnis de mano eskrima for your martial arts class. http://www.karatemart.com/escrimasticks.html |
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