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Escrima: more books (48) | |||
61. History Of Martial Arts | Escrima | Philipino Martial Arts | Filipino Martial Ar escrima. A Philipino martial art that has been developed over many decades. It utilizes the short stick as the main weapon. It has sport application as well selfdefence http://www.allmartialarts.com/KIXCO/History/escrima.htm | |
62. Telia Webbhotell Sj lvf rsvars- och sj lvskyddsutbildning med Wing Tsun (Leung Ting Wing Tsun System) som grundkoncept, men ven escrima (Latosa escrima). http://web.telia.com/~u51511517 |
63. Escrima Fighting The escrima form and techniques listed here are based on a sword fighting style taught in the Philippines. The techniques described here are are described as if using short http://www.angelfire.com/mi/genastorhotz/reality/tkd/escrima.html | |
64. Tandez Academy Of Martial Arts - JKD & Filipino Arnis In San Jose, San Francisco Teaching in jeet kune do, wing chun kung fu and Filipino combat escrima. San Francisco, California http://www.jkdkickboxing.com |
65. Escrima Videos - By Video Site Tags chosonninja Aikido escrima Hapkido Judo Juijutsu Kali Karate kungfu http://www.dvbs.eu.org/Escrima/ |
66. EWTO :: WingTsun - Selbstverteidigung Und Gesundheitstraining Der EWTO-Verband stellt auf seiner Seite die Sportarten WingTsun und escrima vor. http://wingtsun.ch | |
67. Escrima Concepts Amsterdam | Escrima, Kali, Arnis, Amsterdam, Self Defense, Ze Welcome to escrima Concepts Amsterdam! We are a group of enthusiastic escrima Concepts Practitioners located in and around Amsterdam. Our main interest is to create a good http://www.escrima-amsterdam.nl/ | |
68. Kombat Instruments, Ltd. Specializing in Kali and escrima gear. http://www.bloodsport.com | |
69. Welcome To Stickman Escrima Martial Arts Maker of high impact training sticks and padded sticks. http://www.stickman-escrima.com/ | |
70. Zelfverdediging En Martial Arts Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Jeet kune do, escrima en Karate. Diverse filmpjes en verslagen van evenementen. Flash http://www.sluiterskrijgskunsten.nl | |
71. Home - SOUTH BAY JEET KUNE DO ACADEMY Authentic instruction in Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Kali escrima. Representative of Chris Kent Jeet Kune Do/Kali-escrima Association. Gardena, California, United States http://www.freewebs.com/kalijeetkunedo/ | |
72. Home Site beschreibt die Kampfsportart Wing Tsun, Angebote an Selbstverteidigungskursen und Infos zu Gewaltpr vention. http://www.wtes.de | |
73. Escrima, Arnis , Kali , Selbstverteidigung In Landau Holger Fritz unterrichtet Tao Concepts und Arnis/escrima in Karlsruhe und Edenkoben. Er erkl rt die Kampfk nste und informiert ber sich sowie ber Trainingsorte und -zeiten. http://www.arnisador.de | |
74. Willkommen Auf Unserer Seite | EWTO Schulen Für Selbstverteidigung Und Bewegung Informiert ber WingTsun, escrima, ChiKung, Selbstverteidigung und Gewaltpr ventionskurse. Die verschiedenen Kurse werden in den Schulen in K ln und Bonn angeboten. http://ewto-schulen-brizin.de/ | |
75. Pencak Silat Pertempuran (Combat Silat) - Home Of Perguruan Pencak Silat Pertemp The school near Orlando, Florida comprises teachings of Pentjak Silat, Hok Kuntao, Arnis, Kali, escrima, and Garrote Larense. Site provides info on movement repertoire, training methods, photos, dictionary, and forum. JavaScript http://www.combat-silat.net/ | |
76. Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy Longmont Colorado In Longmont and Boulder,CO. Ed Parker s American Kenpo Karate, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, escrima-Filipino Stick and Knife Fighting, CardioKarate-aerobic kickboxing. http://www.scornavacco.com/ |
77. TIGA Martial Arts Academy London - JKD / Jeet Kune Do, Silat & Kali Escrima Arni Teaching a multi cultural martial arts curriculum including Bruce Lee s Jeet Kune Do, Silat, Kali escrima Arnis and Muay Thai. http://www.jkdlondon.co.uk | |
78. Somerville Kickboxing, Somerville Mixed Martial Arts, Somerville Kids Martial Ar Classes in JKD, Muay Thai, boxing, Kali/escrima, kickboxercise, grappling, and American Combat Karate. Private lessons available. Belmont, Massachusetts http://www.amacjkd.com | |
79. RCSOMA:: Real Combat Science Of Martial Art Classes offered in jun fan gung fu, kali/escrima and muay thai. Instructor certified under Dan Inosanto. Santa Monica, California, United States http://www.rcsoma.com/ |
80. Home We teach jeet kune do, escrima, mixed grappling, boxing, muay thai and combat kempo. Classes for children, teens and adults, and day and evening classes. Absecon, New Jersey http://modernfightingconcepts.com | |
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