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Fingerboarding: more detail |
41. The Fingerboarding Place. The fingerboarding Place.. The fingerboarding Place. Who is Online ? Our users have posted a total of 33112 messages We have 377 registered users http://www.fingerboardspot.com/ | |
42. Fingerboarding Tips And Tricks 3 fingers. Ollie The Ollie is where your board goes up into the air. You will need to learn this trick before any others. To do the Ollie put your ring finger on the tip of http://home.fuse.net/JOHN316/tipspage.htm | |
43. Zshred.com Fingerboarding | Fingerboards | Fingerboard Wheels And Trucks | Mini Z shred is a Malibu, California company providing highest quality fingerboards, Mini skateboards and ramps, Nollie wheels, finger skateboards, urethane wheels, tech decks http://zshred.com/catalog/information.php?info_id=5 |
44. Tech Deck | Home 45mm fingerboarding Fun. This 45mm board and park set replicates the World Industries Training Facility, and is exclusive to Target. http://www.techdeck.com/app/website |
45. FingerGaming » Fingerboarding - Gaming On The IPhone, IPod Touch, And IPad iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad game news and reviews from Apple's App Store in iTunes. http://fingergaming.com/tag/fingerboarding/ | |
46. What Is Fingerboarding And What Kind Of Tricks Can I Do? | Answerbag What is fingerboarding and what kind of tricks can I do? Heres another good video to go with my last post http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/63421 |
47. Touchgrind: Multitouch Fingerboarding For The IPhone I really never got the idea of fingerboarding (though I never really got the idea of skateboarding either as much as I played Tony Hawk on the Playstation, the actual thing http://www.tuaw.com/2008/09/09/touchgrind-multitouch-fingerboarding-for-the-ipho |
48. » About Fingerboarding Seit den siebzigern basteln sich Skateboarder eigene Fingerboards, um mit den Fingern durch die Waschbecken zu Carven und von Schreibtischen zu springen. http://blog.blackriver-ramps.com/?page_id=3 |
49. Fingerboard.com Sells mini boards including skateboards, snowboards, wakeboards, scooters, and skis. Also carries mini ramps, blisters, accessories, and key chains. http://www.fingerboards.com/ | |
50. The Finger Stop Contains pictures, trick tips and home made movies on fingerboards, bikes and snowboards. http://www.angelfire.com/pop/fingerstop/finger_stop.htm | |
51. ..::FB::PORTAL::.. Mini portal o fingerboardzie http://fbportal.webpark.pl/ | |
52. Finger Skater Personal site features pictures and movies and trick tips. http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/fingerskater/ |
53. Tech Deck Offers photos, videos and links. http://membres.multimania.fr/mirelz2003/ |
54. Tech Deck Offers fingerboards with licensed graphics from brands like Birdhouse and World Industries. http://www.techdeck.com/ |
55. Laurel Mountain Instruments In Connecticut , Beauitiful Mou Connecticut maker of handcrafted mountain dulcimers offers choice of woods, toneholes and fingerboards, with photo galleries and detailed price list. http://laurelmountaininstruments.com | |
56. Finger Boarding - Video fingers can do unexpectable things http://www.metacafe.com/watch/377559/finger_boarding/ |
57. BlueHost.Com: This Website Is Temporarily Unavailable Exporters of rosewoods, rubberwoods, veneers, timbers, backs and sides of the guitar, rosewood fingerboards, bridges and furniture. http://www.gemwood.com/ |
58. Holst Classical Guitars Handmade classical guitars featuring carbon fiber lattice bracing and elevated fingerboard. Custom orders available. http://www.pacinfo.com/~sholst/nylon.htm | |
59. Twin Tip Skis | Freeride Skis | Snowboarding Gear | Skateboards | Buy Online Gog Offer skiboards, wakeboards, surfboards, kickboards, mountainboards, freeboards, skateboards, balanceboards, fingerboards and twin-tip skis. http://www.getboards.com/ |
60. __---BOARDINGFUN IN TØEBOÒ---___ Http://www.boarding.unas.cz informace, crew, triky, fotky, videa, park, fingerboard, snowboard a bikeing. http://boarding.unas.cz/ | |
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