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81. Dansk Amerikansk Fodbold Forbund - Forside Organisation for amerikansk fodbold. Turneringenr, klubadresser, kurser og flag football. http://www.daff.dk/ |
82. IAFS :: Index Includes news, team, and fixture information about Kitted and Flag football. Also features message board, interviews and related links. http://www.iafs.co.uk | |
83. Home_Page Youth football organization based in Poultney, Vermont. Offers flag football for K-2nd grade and tackle for 3rd-6th grade. http://www.VTVipers.com | |
84. Grand Prairie Raiders North Texas Pee Wee Football Association team offering flag football for 5 year old kids and tackle football for kids ages 6-11. Includes registration information, photos and a map of the area. http://members.tripod.com/~grandprairieraiders/ | |
85. Arlington Blue Devils Sports Association - (Arlington, TX) - Powered By LeagueLi Pee wee tackle/flag football and cheerleading program for kids ages 5 to 11. Registration requirements, event calendar, rules and related club information. http://www.arlingtonbluedevils.org/ |
86. Goodsports USA - Sports Facility 2903 Route 138 East, Wall Township, NJ Indoor and Outdoor Sportsplex offering leagues, camps, clinics, and tournaments for soccer, inline hockey, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, volleyball, and tennis http://www.goodsportsusa.com |
87. Intramurals - Sacred Heart University Team roster, program survey plus information on basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, ping-pong, pool and flag football. http://www.sacredheart.edu/pages/12269_intramural_programs.cfm | |
88. Boston Area Flag Football Includes standings, schedule, and rules. http://flagflagfootball.tripod.com/flagflagfootballonline/index.html | |
89. Http://www.ilmroosters.de/ 1. Flag Football Team Th ringens http://www.ilmroosters.de/ | |
90. Danny Berry's JCC Baseball Provides baseball, flag football and softball for boys, girls and adults through a wide variety of leagues. Information on fields, leagues, sports and availability. http://www.dannyberry.com/ | |
91. Lycos Equipo de Flag Football de C diz http://pobladores.lycos.es/channels/deportes/seagulls |
92. ZARAGOZA TROYANS Equipo de Flag Football de Zaragoza http://www.iespana.es/zgztroyans/ |
93. Madrid Bombers Equipo de Flag Football de Madrid http://usuarios.multimania.es/bombers2002 |
94. Home | Keva Sports Provides leagues, instructionals, tournaments and camps for soccer, basketball, volleyball, flag football and inline hockey players. http://www.kevasports.com/ | |
95. AFI Football League In Israel Non-profit association organizing flag football leagues and activities at Kraft Family Stadium in Jerusalem. Organizational information, game reports, schedules, and results. http://www.israelfootball.net/ | |
96. ::::: PAGINA OFICIAL AGUILAS BLANCAS IPN::::: Pagina Oficial de las Aguilas Blancas del IPN, fubol americano de la Onefa, Fademac, Flag Football femenil. http://www.aguilasblancas.org |
97. Rosario Football League / Flag Football En Rosario, Argentina La Liga Rosarina de Flag Football se encuentra en un momento de transici n. Invita a todo aqu l que desee participar o conocer acerca de este deporte. http://rfl.4t.com/ | |
98. Big D Sports & Entertainment - Dallas Sports Leagues Offers co-ed adult recreational leagues in flag football, softball, bowling, soccer and kickball. Schedules, registration, calendar and pictures. http://www.bigdfun.com/ |
99. Bienvenue Sur Le Site Des Atlantes, équipe De Football Americain De La Cote Basq Equipe de football am ricain et flag football Biarritz. Pyr n es-Atlantiques (64). http://atlantes.usfoot.com/ | |
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