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         Floorball:     more books (41)
  1. The Floorball Book: Formations and Tactics by Tidus, Ian Carrie, 2010-03-17
  2. Floorball in Canada: Canadian Floorball Teams, Canada Men's National Under-19 Floorball Team, Canada Men's National Floorball Team
  3. Sport in Iceland: Glima, Keflavík Íf, Icelandic Society for American Football, Icelandic Floorball Committee, Round Iceland
  4. 2006 in Floorball: 2006 Men's World Floorball Championships, 2005-06 Men's Eurofloorball Cup Finals
  5. Floorball Government Bodies: Asia Oceania Floorball Confederation, Floorball Canada, United States Floorball Association
  6. Floorball in Latvia: Men's national floorball team of Latvia, Latvian Floorball League, SK Blazma, ASK | Lielvarde, SK Latvijas Avize, Rubene
  7. Sport in Latvia by Sport: Athletics in Latvia, Basketball in Latvia, Chess in Latvia, Cricket in Latvia, Floorball in Latvia
  8. Floorball in Finland: Men's National Floorball Team of Finland, Tapanilan Erä, Salibandyliiga, Tikkurilan Tiikerit, Espoon Oilers
  9. Köniz: Floorball Köniz, Gurtenfestival, Bundesamt Für Migration, Losinger Construction, Bundesamt Für Metrologie, Gurtenbahn, Sulgenbach (German Edition)
  10. Schweizer Unihockeyverein: Floorball Köniz, UHC Lok Reinach, SV Wiler-Ersigen, UHC Dietlikon, Jona-Uznach Flames, UHC Uster, Vipers Innerschwyz (German Edition)
  11. 2007 in Floorball: 2007 Czech Open
  12. Floorball Players: Finnish Floorball Players, Latvian Floorball Players, Swedish Floorball Players, Henrik Larsson, Ainars Juskevics
  13. 2002 in Sports: 2002 Men's World Floorball Championships, 2002 World Championship of Ski Mountaineering, 2002 in Sumo
  14. National Floorball Teams: Canada Men's National Under-19 Floorball Team, Canada Men's National Floorball Team

61. Floorball Ukraine :: History Of Floorball, Floorball Equipment
floorball, also known as floor hockey, is played indoors, which makes it a perfect choice for any weather all year round. floorball is a team sport played on foot with special
Floorball , also known as floor hockey, is played indoors, which makes it a perfect choice for any weather all year round. Floorball is a team sport played on foot with special sticks and a plastic ball It is believed that the game has originated in Sweden in the 1970s. It has quickly gained popularity in Europe, especially Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland, and in 1986 the International Floorball Federation IFF ) was founded. Currently the IFF unites 49 member federations and the sport is rapidly spreading around the world including North America, Japan, India, Singapore, and Australia. First men’s Floorball world championship was held in 1996. As of now there is at least one national floorball association on every continent of the world. The first national floorball federation in Africa was founded in Sierra Leone. In December, 2008, the IFF and the sport of floorball received recognition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The

62. Floorball Köniz | Willkommen
News, Teams, Spielplan, Resultate und Fanshop.
Willkommen News Teams Fan Shop ...
News Breitensport
Aktuelle Vereinsnews
Herren 2: Sieg im Testspiel gegen die U18
Am Donnerstag, dem 28.10.2010 stand das Herren II in einem Testspiel den U18-Junioren in einem Testspiel über 3x25 Minuten gegenüber.
Herren 2: Sieg gegen Gürbental II und die Hornets

Das Herren 2 von Floorball Köniz spielte am Heimturnier gegen Gürbetal II und gegen den Tabellenführer der Gruppe 3, die Hornets aus Mooseedorf.
SML: 2 statt 3 Punkte

Im vierten Meisterschafts-Heimspiel in Serie bezwingt Floorball Köniz Lok Reinach mit 4-3 nach Penaltyschiessen. Die Szenerie nach Spielschluss steht sinnbildlich für die aktuelle Lage. Während aus der einen Garderobe laute Partymusik dringt, ist es in der anderen mucksmäuschenstill. Wer nun denkt, dass beim Sieger laut gefeiert wird, der irrt. Der Sieg fühlt sich für die Berner eher wie eine Niederlage an.
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63. Official Website Of The Floorball Federation Of India (FFI)
floorball, india, indian floorball, india floorball, lucknow, mumbai, delhi, srinagar, bunjab, jarkko, harkonen, h rk nen, meraj, ansari, seraj, mohd seraj ansari ,inoc
FFI-INDIA HOME FFI HISTORY FLOORBALL? ASSOCIATIONS ... Floorball Clubs India V/s World Floorball Show Match-2009 FFI is going to conduct an International Match, between "India" V/s "World Floorball Show Match" which will be held on 20th September 2009 Timing at: 4.30 PM (Evening) at CMS School, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow (UP) ,To know more, please contact Mr. Mohd Sarfaraz Ansari on his cell no. +
NEWS: Floorball Association of Delhi is organising two days above seminar on dated 17th to 18th July 2010, venue at "Yuvashakti Model School, Sector - 3 Rohni, New Delhi, To know more, please contact Mr. Harinder Kumar , Chairman , FAD , Mob. 09818528767, NEWS: Haryana Floorball Association is organising two days above Coaching Camp/Seminar & Championship on dated 24th to 25th July 2010, venue at "Delhi Public School ,Jind Road, Rohtak, Haryana, To know more, please contact Mr.

64. Fbvbuchkirchen
Allgemeines zum Verein, regionale floorball News, Meisterschaftsinfos

65. What's Floorball? History & Rules
floorball hockey FAQ and information What's floorball? History Rules floorball at a Glance. floorball is a noncontact team sport where the aim is to direct the ball into the
Floorball at a Glance Floorball is a non-contact team sport where the aim is to direct the ball into the opposing team�s goal using a composite-fibre stick fitted with a plastic blade. Floorball is most popular in Sweden, Finland, and other European nations, but is actively played around the world in over 50 countries, including Australia, Japan, Canada, and the United States.
The Rules
Floorball is played on a court 40 meters long and 20 meters wide. Each team has 6 players � 5 field players and one goaltender. A point is scored when one team redirects the ball into the opposing team�s goal, located at the opposite end of the court. The winning team has the most points at the end of play.
More Floorball ...

66. Benl�se Floorball Club
Nyheder, reportager, previews, interviews og meget mere fra dansk og udenlandsk floorball. Selvf lgelig ogs alt om Benl se floorball Club.
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67. Official USA Floorball Association Website
We are always looking for info about teams, go to the registration page or email any information you might have. Also please let us know if any information changes.

68. Das Floorball Foto Portal F R Die Floorballer Im Norden ist die Kontakt- und Austauschplattform f r alle floorballer im Norden. Das integriertes Chatsystem und eine von allen Besuchern gemeinsam benutzbare Galerie sollen einen regen Austausch von Sportlern und Fans dieser grandiosen Sportart erm glichen.
It works!
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69. News
Die offizielle Website des n rdlichsten floorball-Landesverbandes in Deutschland, mit allen Informationen zu Ausbildung und Spielbetrieb in Schleswig-Holstein.
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Floorball in Schleswig-Holstein
  • News FLV-SH
    Was geht am Floorballwochenende
    Nach den Ferien gehts geballt wieder los. Insgesamt gilt es für die Vereine 6 Spieltage zu bewältigen. Den Startschuss gibt die B-Staffel der U15 in Garding, während sich die Neueinsteiger Husum und Süderbrarup in der Verbandsliga KF präsentieren. Im Spitzenspiel der RL-Nord stehen sich um 13:30 Uhr dann noch die SG Blue Thunder und der TSV Neuwittenbek II gegenüber.
    Am Sonntag startet dann die U13 in Schenefeld in die Saison. Die Staffel B der U17 beendet dann bereits ihre Hinrunde in Hamburg. Ab 14:00 Uhr wir der TSV Neuwittenbek dann in Kiel gegen den ASV Köln versuchen der Tabellenführung in der 2ten MaXx Print FBL mit einem Sieg näher zu kommen.
    Samstag 30.10.
    10:00 Garding, Dreilandenhalle: U15 RL-Nord Staffel B
    10:00 Hamburg, Halle am Pfeilshof !!!: VL-Nord KF
    13:30 Itzehoe, Lehmwohld-Halle: RL-Nord SG Blue Thunder - TSV Neuwittenbek II
    Sonntag 31.10.

The NSWFA aims to present floorball as a sport for all and a solution for sports education, social activity, corporate fitness and branding of sponsors.
Home Main Menu Documents NSWFA Season 2010/2011 Draw NSWFA Match Records Marrickville Training Dates 2010 NSWFA Competition Regulations ... AFA Anti-Doping Policy Search Monday, 11 October 2010
Glebe FBC and NSW Vipers wins Northern Beaches Open 2010!
Congratulations to the winners Glebe FBC and NSW Vipers! Well done and well deserved for both teams.
This is the first time a team has won the NBO trophy for a second time – Glebe back-to-back winners 2009 and 2010. More information regarding the tournament can be found on the Northern Beaches website
Results and stats: NBO 2009 Tournament Report NBO 2009 Results NBO 2009 Men Field Players Stats NBO 2009 Women Field Players Stats Saturday, 02 October 2010
NSWFA Season 2010/2011
Season 2010/2011 draw has been finalized!
Team Duties:
A team will be nominated on the fixture each week to ensure the below:
- Rink is set up prior to first game.
- Referees scheduled for the weeks matches are confirmed during the week (via email, phone, etc), list of contacts will be provided.
- Allocated team is to be responsible to provide scorers for each match on that day, even for their own match.

71. Floorball Shooting School
Movie clips in wmw format showing 38 different shots and how to perfect them.

72. Floorball Rinks, Floorball Boards And Floorball Goals
Each starting floorball club reachs the point, when floorball rinks are necessary. We are here to help you to advance on next level.

Annual international tournament in Slovenia. Archive with picture gallery and past winners, and information about upcoming tournaments with registration forms and accommodation.

74. Play Floorball | Salming Sports UK
Salming Sports is a well established sports brand operating in the product areas Teamwear, Bags, floorball, Soccer, Handball and Hockey.

75. Meisterschaft
Annual international tournament. Information about registration, participating teams, rules and general information. Archive of results and pictures from previous tournaments.

Chairman Werner Daves +43-676-9272233
Gen. Secretary Heidi Leb +43-676-9272234
email:, Webpage:
Steierm�rkische Sparkasse
IBAN: AT642081500000484857; SWIFT: STSPAT2G
BLZ: 20815, Kontonummer: 484857

PICTURES Teams Ceremonies Final 3rd Place ... Zur�ck zur �FBV Homepage

76. Welcome To The Home Of Floorball In Ireland - Home
Welcome to the home of floorball in Ireland.floorball is a popular European indoor sport. A team game, a plastic vented blade attached to composite or carbon sticks are used send a

77. Sports In Milton Keynes | Swimming Pools, Football, Hockey & Watersports | Sport
About the sport, contact details and venue.

78. Floorball Quebec
Harry Hannelius, the general manager of the men's national team has made the following announcement I have the pleasure to announce the team for World floorball Championships
MFL week 4
October 31, 2010 - 21:46 — EeroP Elite
Day 4. Tuesday November 2
20:20 Leblanc vs Cadigal referees S.Laporte, Eero
21:20 Franco IBK vs Fight Club referees Cadigal, Abbas Player of week 3 in Elite: Charlie Simpkins
For complete Elite schedule go to Intermediate
Day 4. Thursday November 4
20:20 El Fuego vs Finecast referees Eero, Cadigal
21:20 Team Finland vs Innebandits El Fuego, Finecast Player of week 3 in Intermediate: Lauri Leppänen
For complete Intermediate schedule go to
Montreal Floorball league week 3
October 24, 2010 - 20:52 — EeroP Elite
Day 3. Tuesday October 26
Game 5 - 20:20 Fight Club vs Leblanc referees: Eero, Guillaume Game 6 - 21:20 Franco IBK vs Cadigal referees: Eero, Laporte Player of week 2 in Elite: Jean-Sebastien Plante For complete Elite schedule go to Intermediate Day 3. Thursday October 28

79. Southern Vipers Floorball Club
Offers an introduction to both the sport and the club. Includes team photos and related links.

80. Dalat Floorball News
For those of you looking forward to this years floorball clinic with Jani Kukola and Jani Naumanen we have some sad news. Unfortunately it has been postponed indefinitely.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Clinic Postponed
For those of you looking forward to this years floorball clinic with Jani Kukola and Jani Naumanen we have some sad news. Unfortunately it has been postponed indefinitely.
Due to shortage of funding and also with the Men's WFC being in Finland this year they're all preparing for a lot to happen there.
Although we will miss having them here we want to wish them and all the teams playing in the WFC 2010 all the best. Posted by Dalat Floorball at 9:01 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Monday, May 3, 2010
Labour Day Floorball Challenge
What a long weekend but what an awesome one. For the last 3 years or so we've been organizing this fun event for local Penang clubs and also one or 2 teams from KL.
Unfortunately, Subang Rascals - Defending Champs who have held the title and taken home the challenge trophy for the last few years were not able to make the games this year due to a conflict of events scheduled.
All the Singaporeans were here actually for two main reasons - a great time playing floorball and a great time exploring the wonderful cuisine that Penang has to offer like assam laksa, curry mee (curry laksa for the Singaporeans reading this), char koay teow and anything and everything else that Gurney drive and all the other food joints have to offer. Main goal - not to worry about whether or not the take home any medals but they had to make sure that their belly was satisfied.
Now, having said all the above, some of our local teams were out to draw some blood from the games. They came with guns blazing and it was really fun to watch all these teams vie for a spot at the top. They were all ready, willing and able to push everything to the limit.

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