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Footbag: more books (23) | |||||
21. Etusivu « Footbag Finland Lajin esittely ja sen harrastaminen Suomessa. http://www.footbag.fi/ | |
22. Footbag: Definition From Answers.com n. A small round bag filled with plastic pellets or other material and used in games that require its being kept aloft with the feet. Any of the games in which such a bag is used. http://www.answers.com/topic/footbag |
23. Footbag.ee Registreerifootbag.ee home of footbag News March 5th, 2005 Shercle Session 2 Oh-boy-oh-boy do we got news for you. On April 16th, it will again be time for footbaggers http://www.footbag.ee/eng.php | |
24. Footbag.cz The official site of footbag in the Czech Republic. Contains photos and video, news, a shop, moves, contests and information on team members. English and Czech http://www.footbag.cz/ | |
25. Welcome To Footbagnet.com Welcome to footbagnet.com, your official footbag site on the web http://www.footbagnet.com/ | |
26. Welcome To Www.FOOTBAG.ca - Specializing In Pro Freestyle Footbags & Educational Specializing in handstitched professional sand and pellet filled freestyle footbags free educational and historical footbag hacky sack video downloads. http://www.footbag.ca/ | |
27. Footbag Peace Initiative Daniel Botkin teaches experimental health curriculum to teens promoting group building. Information on the purpose of footbag aka Hacky Sack. http://www.valinet.com/~dbotkin/ | |
28. Footbag Worldwide Frequently-Asked Questions Provides information on general issues, world records and freestyle. http://www.footbag.org/faq/ | |
29. Footbags : Juggling Balls : Hacky Sacks And Juggling Supplies From Flying Clippe Take every footbag and juggling trick to the limit with our highquality, handmade juggling balls and footbags! http://www.flyingclipper.com/ | |
30. Footbag: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article A footbag is both a small, round bag, and the term for the various sports played with one characterized by controlling the bag by using one's feet. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Footbag | |
31. Why Footbag? Describes the history of the sport with opinions on why it is special. http://www.valinet.com/~dbotkin/whyfoot.html | |
32. Footbag.ch: Die Seite Rund Um Den Footbagsport In Der Schweiz Informationen zur Sportart in der Schweiz und in Europa. Mit Hinweisen von der Geschichte des Sports bis zu Spielregeln, Videos und Bildern. Auch ein Onlineshop ist vorhanden. http://www.footbag.ch/ |
33. Catalog For WFA FootMART WORLD footbag ASSOCIATION (800) 8788797 US/Canada (970) 870-9898 Fax (970) 870-2846 P.O. Box 775208 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 (USA) Office Hours http://worldfootbag.com/catalog/ | |
34. Footbag WorldWide E-Mail Discussion Lists The central source of information on the alternative sport of footbag (hacky sack). http://list.footbag.org/ | |
35. Footbag In - Dictionary And Translation footbag. Dictionary terms for footbag, definition for footbag, Thesaurus and Translations of footbag to English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Russian, Japanese http://www.babylon.com/definition/footbag/ |
36. Footbag Hradec Kr Lov T mov str nky s informacemi o hakysaku, fotogaleri a akcemi. http://www.footbag.ic.cz/ | |
37. Freestyle Footbags | Footbag (Hacky Sack) Store Hacky sack (footbag) shop with over 30 styles of hacky sacks. $3 shipping on all orders! Buy a Dragonfly hacky sack today. http://www.footbagshop.com/freestyle-footbags |
38. IFC Official Rules Of Footbag Sports Published by the International footbag Players Association. Includes rules and regulations governing games of net, golf and freestyle. http://www.footbag.org/ifpa/groups/ifc/IFC Rulebook -v10-2006.pdf |
39. //footbag Freaks.net - Startseite (aka Hacky Sack) Bietet Informationen, Fotos und einen Online-Shop rund um footbag. Die Site soll Anlaufpunkt f r footbag-Begeisterte im Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg sein. Organisiert werden u.a. regelm ige Trainingsstunden und private Treffen f r Interessierte. http://www.footbagfreaks.net/ | |
40. Ian's Shoelace Site - Footbag Lacing Ian's Shoelace Site Bringing you the fun, fashion science of shoelaces http://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/footbaglacing.htm | |
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