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Freestyle Walking: more detail | |||||
21. .oO(Solid Grind - The Soap Shoes/Grind Shoes Resource)Oo. Includes pictures, tutorials, videos, news, and a forum. http://www.solidgrind.com | |
22. The T-BONES -- Soaping Team Personal site with photos and related links. http://www.freewebs.com/tbonessoap/ | |
23. YouTube - Freestyle Walking A mockumentary about a revolutionary, extreme, freestyle walker. This man has been freestyle walking since he was born! His skills are truely amazing! Watch out Free Runners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qetvV4JUDc |
24. Freestyle Walking... - Clubplanet Nightlife Community was talking about this the other night with a few ppl anyone else ever see this shit~!? its insane http://bbs.clubplanet.com/useless-blabber/225517-freestyle-walking.html |
25. Urban Dictionary: Freestyle Walking Jumping and/or stalling on, off of, over, or gapping obstacles while performing tricks or grabs. These tricks often come from skateboarding or inli http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=freestyle walking |
26. DD Soaping Includes news, videos, message board and related links. http://www.ddsoaping.250x.com/ | |
27. Video – Myspace Video an absolutely true mockumentary about the world's greatest sport and the Wally Owens who defined it found in a box at a yardsale dated year 2000?. FREEstyle WaLKiNG by pimplywimp http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2024967 |
28. Cycle Santa Monica!: Freestyle Walking? Views from the Bicycle Saddle Empowering Cyclists, Skaters, and Pedestrians In Santa Monica and the Westside Using Environmentally Friendly Vehicles - Using Earth Friendly http://cyclesantamonica.blogspot.com/2006/08/freestyle-walking.html |
29. New York City Soapers Club provides information on members, glossary of terms, photos and video. http://nodwesk.tripod.com/NYCS/ | |
30. Soapshoes Contains company information, shoes models, and team member bios. http://www.soapshoes.com |
31. We Moved, W0rd Freestyle walking, Steven Segal tribute, reviews of obsolete games and information on sea monkeys. http://members.tripod.com/themelesswonder/ | |
32. Freestyle Walking | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Freestyle walking, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Freestyle walking. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Freestyle-walking/108086135886362 | |
33. Cervex Microsystems Some freestyle walking parody pictures, and just some random humorous stuff. http://cervix_microsystems.tripod.com/cervex_microsystems/ | |
34. Freestyle Walking Video - Extreme Running And Jumping Video There is a new craze going around called freestyle walking. Freestyle walking is basically where you run around jumping on and off of stuff doing flips, spins and anything else http://www.guzer.com/videos/freestyle_running.php |
35. FreestyleWalking.net | Freestyle Walking | Travel Agency | Travel Agents | Trave Related Searches http://freestylewalking.net/ | |
36. Freestyle Walking@Everything2.com Everybody knows (or at least knows of) skateboarding tricks. Well, the simple concept behind this often interesting and physically challenging extreme sport is to take http://everything2.com/title/Freestyle Walking |
37. Video – Myspace Video an absolutely true mockumentary about the world's greatest sport and the Wally Owens who defined it found in a box at a yardsale dated year 2000?. FREEstyle WaLKiNG by pimplywimp http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=8423859 |
38. Freestyle Walking By Colinmutchler Revver Online Video Sharing A video by colinmutchler A freestyle walking standoff between brothers at an open space building in Prospect Park Brooklyn. http://revver.com/video/37319/freestyle-walking/ |
39. Walking Styles - Race Walking, Nordic Walking, Power Walking, Freestyle Walking Race walking, Nordic walking, power walking, freestyle walking what is all of this? Can't I just go out and take the dog for a walk? http://www.coolwalking.com/styles.html | |
40. Freestyle Walking Freestyle Walking Sup ladies. Freestyle walking? What is it? I can only think of one word that sums it up freakin intense. Think of how you get places without a car, bike http://www.smithappens.com/fsw.html | |
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