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1. Hash Function - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Geometric hashing is also used in telecommunications (usually under the name vector quantization) to encode and compress multidimensional signals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function | |
2. Hashing 101 » Houston Hash House Harriers About H4 (Houston Hash House Harriers) The Houston Hash House Harriers was started in 1979 on the banks of Buffalo Bayou and has been hashing ever since through the mud, the shiggy http://h4.org/hashing-101/ | |
3. What Is Hashing? Who Are the Hash House Harriers? hashing . . . it's a mixture of athleticism and sociability, hedonism and hard work, a refreshing escape from the nineto-five dweebs you're stuck http://www.onin.com/hhh/hhhexpl.html | |
4. Hashing - Free Download Hashing Software 1 EDCrypt; EDCrypt is an ActiveX control performing following functions encrypts and decrypts data using 6 strong symmetrical block ciphers - computes message digests of data using http://www.supershareware.com/hashing-free/ | |
5. Hash House Harriers - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of noncompetitive running, social and drinking clubs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers | |
6. Hashing | Austin | Yelp So, my friend is coming to visit and she just started hashing. On the off chance that anyone here participates, we want to go to the Austin Hash House Harriers (http//austinh3.org http://www.yelp.com/topic/austin-hashing |
7. What Is Hashing? - Definition From Whatis.com hashing is the transformation of a string of term character /term s into a usually shorter fixedlength value or key that represents the original string. hashing is used to index http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/definition/hashing |
8. Programmer’s Toolbox Part 3: Consistent Hashing « Tomkleinpeter.com Next up in the toolbox series is an idea so good it deserves an entire article all to itself consistent hashing. Let’s say you’re a hot startup and your database is starting http://www.tomkleinpeter.com/2008/03/17/programmers-toolbox-part-3-consistent-ha | |
9. Hashing: Definition From Answers.com A method for converting representations of values within fields, usually keys, to a more compact form. An addressing technique that uses keys to store and retrieve data in a file. http://www.answers.com/topic/hashing |
10. Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers Homepage What is hashing? You have just stumbled upon an International phenomenon, where a group of people, Hashers , follow a cryptic trail that has http://www.pgh-h3.com/ | |
11. The Guide To Hashing In Japan, Hash House Harriers Provides links and information for resident and visiting hash hounds. http://gotothehash.net/japan.html |
12. What Is Hashing? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionary This page describes the term hashing and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/H/hashing.html | |
13. HashNYC.com - Home NYCH3 1393 Just Sean and Snuffleupabush NYC hashing, AndrewR (10/01/10 1013) NYCH3 1392 - Devo's Washout NYC hashing, AndrewR (10/01/10 - 1008) NYCH3 1388 - wrong way NYC hashing http://www.hashnyc.com/ | |
14. Hashing | Define Hashing At Dictionary.com –noun 1. Radio . interference of signals between two stations on the same or adjacent frequencies. 2. Computers . a technique for locating data in a file by applying a http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Hashing |
15. Spectral Hashing Spectral hashing Yair Weiss 1,3 3 School of Computer Science, Hebrew University, 91904, Jerusalem, Israel yweiss@cs.huji.ac.il Antonio Torralb a 1 1 CSAIL, MIT, 32 VassarSt., Cambridge, MA 02139 http://people.csail.mit.edu/torralba/publications/spectralhashing.pdf |
16. The World Hash House Harriers Home Page The only prerequisite to hashing is a sense of humor, so check out a hash near you by clicking on the World Directory link, search for the group nearest you and ring up or email one http://gthhh.com/ | |
17. Hashing Over | Define Hashing Over At Dictionary.com –noun 1. a dish of diced or chopped meat and often vegetables, as of leftover corned beef or veal and potatoes, saut ed in a frying pan or of meat, potatoes, and carrots http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hashing over |
18. Kobe H3 Home Page Japan s second oldest Hash. Been hashing every Monday at since 1978, come hail, highwater or earthquake. http://www.kobehash.com |
19. Hashing Meetup Groups - Hashing Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about hashing http://hashing.meetup.com/ |
20. Data Structure Hashing | Hashing In Data Structure | Data Structure Tutorial Learn data structure,data structure tutorial,data structure theory,data structure and algorithm,linked list data structure,data structure programming,tree data structure,data http://www.studiesinn.com/learn/Programming-Languages/Data-Structure-Theory/Hash | |
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