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1. The Hovercraft Club Of Great Britain This is the hovercraft Club of Great Britain. Feel free to browse around our web site . If you want to post messages on the public forums, you will have to register first. http://www.hovercraft.org.uk/ |
2. Hovertravel Hovercraft South Africa-Home Page Supplies new and pre-owned amphibious Griffon hovercraft in Southern Africa. From 5 to 80 seater craft. http://www.hovercraft.co.za/ | |
3. Airlift Hovercraft - Home Airlift hovercraft for custom design and manufacture of recreational, commercial and rescue hovercraft http://www.airlifthovercraft.com/ |
4. Hovercraft - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A hovercraft (aircushion vehicle, ACV) is a craft capable of traveling over surfaces while supported by a cushion of slow moving, high-pressure air which is ejected against http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovercraft | |
5. Hovercraft - Definition Of Hovercraft At YourDictionary.com a vehicle which travels across land or water just above a cushion of air provided by a downward jet, as from its engines and propellers http://www.yourdictionary.com/hovercraft |
6. Goldstein Hovercraft, LLC Describes Chicago-area hovercrafting, Weber hovercrafts, and model hovercrafting activities. Also contains a book review and a large lists of hovercraft links. http://www.gohover.com/ | |
7. Universal Hovercraft, The World Leader In Hovercraft Technology Universal hovercraft hovercraft Sales Plans Kits Information Homebuilders Showcase Gallery News Used Parts Catalog Tech Support http://www.hovercraft.com/content/ | |
8. Hovercraft Plans - Build Your Own I have always wanted to build and fly my own hovercraft. I looked at hovercraft kits, some new and used ones and they all cost more than my wife would let me spend. After doing http://hubpages.com/hub/Hovercraft_Kit | |
9. Hovercraft (band) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia hovercraft was an instrumental experimental rock group that formed in Seattle, Washington in 1993. It was cofounded by its core duo of guitarist/samplist/tape looper Ryan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovercraft_(band) | |
10. Boats For Sale, Used Boats, New Boat Sales. Free Photo Ads - Hovercraft - Apollo Apollo Duck, hovercraft For Sale flying fish hovercraft, hovercraft For Sale 7 5m cargo hovercraft, hovercraft For Sale 4 2m hover craft, hovercraft New 24 pax offshore http://www.apolloduck.com/listings.phtml?cid=361 |
11. Mark's Hovercraft Pages Construction of a Universal hovercraft UHQ7T. Also pictures from hovercraft events. http://hovermark.tripod.com/hovercraft/ | |
12. HOVERCRAFT SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT: VACUUM CLEANER POWERED, LARGE SIMPLE HOVER CRAF see also static electrcity projects supermagnet fun ultrasimple generator more science experiments ultra-simple hovercraft science fair project http://amasci.com/amateur/hovercft.html | |
13. Hovertechnics Hovercraft Manufacturer - Quality Hovercraft. Personal Customer Se Hovertechnics Inc Manufacturer of high quality hovercraft with personalized customer service http://www.hovertechnics.com/ | |
14. Hovercraft This is a full size(4ftx8ft) one person hovercraft built over one summer for less than $200. It was built with no prior experience or knowledge of hov http://www.instructables.com/id/Hovercraft/ |
15. Hovercraft Plans, Building, And Design Information Website for hovercraft enthusiasts providing hovercraft information, building, plans, designs, new developments, and resources. An exceptional resource for those who want to http://www.hovercraftcentral.com/ | |
16. Home Page Self-drive or rides in fast sports hovercraft. http://www.hovercraft-hire.co.uk | |
17. Air-cushion Vehicle: Definition From Answers.com (Click to enlarge) aircushion vehicle front cutaway view of a flexible skirt model hovercraft (Precision Graphics) n. ( Abbr. ACV ) A usually propeller-driven vehicle http://www.answers.com/topic/hovercraft |
18. Hovercraft hovercraft information. How to build a hovercraft. Air cushion Vehicle. (ACV) Also includes Radio Control hovercraft. http://www.susansdesign.com/hovercraft.htm | |
19. Pacific Hovercraft - NZ Made For International Markets 2 Person recreational hovercraft. http://www.hovercraft.co.nz/ | |
20. YOJOE.COM | Hovercraft The Battlefield Robot hovercraft was first released boxed in U.S. toy stores in 1989. It was also available in 1990 and discontinued in 1991....... http://yojoe.com/vehicles/89/hovercraft/ |
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