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81. Välkommen Till Norra Stavsudda Handel AB Scandinavian manufacturer of 1 - 6 person hovercraft. http://www.stavsudda-handel.se/ | |
82. Home - Griffon Hoverwork Commercial new and used hovercraft, passenger services, open deck freighters, security patrol, and search and rescue. http://www.hoverwork.com/ | |
83. Advanced Hybrid Aircraft Home Page - Airships, Hovercraft & Blimps Designs and builds aircraft, hovercraft and blimps. http://www.ahausa.com/ | |
84. Hovercraft | Commercial Hovercraft | Heavy Lift Hovercraft | Hoverbarges | Indus Heavy lift commercial hovercraft and Hoverbarge supplier. 50 to 1000 ton payload. http://www.hovertranssolutions.com | |
85. Mariah Hovercraft PTY LTD Designers and manufacturers of all sizes of hovercraft from 6 person, cargo 2 tonne and upwards. http://www.mariah.com.au/ | |
86. Buy Hovercraft And Hovercraft Track Days - Flying Fish Hovercraft UK based company offering one and two seat recreational and commercial hovercrafts. Also, recreation and corporate entertainment services. http://www.flyingfishhovercraft.co.uk | |
87. Radio Control Hovercraft Models - Model Hovercraft Kits, Plans And Parts -Â RC Plans and kits to build and fly your own RC hovercraft. http://www.hovercraftmodels.com/ | |
88. Michael Metzner - Hovercraft - Homepage hovercraft racing team site. 1 x World Champion, 6 x European Champion and 4 x German Champion in hovercraft F1 racing. http://www.hovercraft-f1.com/ |
89. [ Waterside Marine Technology - Home Page ] hovercraft consultancy - design, construction and operation of many types of amphibious hovercraft for the commercial and military sectors. http://www.hovercraft.co.uk/ | |
90. ACV Designs - Hovercraft Index Page ACV designs, plans. http://www.acvdesigns.com |
91. Chris Simpson - Mustang Hovercraft Photographs and details of his Airlift Mustang. http://www.machineage.info |
92. Aeromobile Inc Home Page US pioneer Dr. William Bertelsen web page - development of gimbal fan, aeroduct system for future mass transportation. Photo gallery. http://www.aeromobile.com | |
93. 4wings Hovercraft Development Mainpage Presents maintenance information, advice on suppliers, photographs, and a message board. http://www.4wings.com/ | |
94. Hovercraft Racing - Team Camracing Contains the team s news, diary and photographs. http://www.camracing.co.uk | |
95. The Official Website Of The Hoverclub Of America Sponsors events nationwide that include activities for racers, cruisers, and families. http://www.hoverclubofamerica.org/ | |
96. HOVERTECH S.A. - Przedsiêbiorstwo Innowacyjno Wdro¿eniowe. Producer of professional and recreational craft, with company details and technical information. Miloszyce, Poland. Polish and English http://www.hovertech.com.pl |
97. Amphibious Marine, Hovercraft Manufacturer. Builder of the 4 passenger Vanguard SEV. http://www.amphibiousmarine.com/ | |
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