] Subscribe To This Site Hwa Rang Do Hwa Rang Do is a Korean Martial Art. Korean combat skills originated over 5,000 years ago with the formation of the Kochosun Kingdom. Click here to tell us about your club. Later over 2,000 years ago (57 BC) the Kingdom of Silla formed and they created their own warrior system. In the fourteenth century Silla was conquered by a new Korean Kingdom and the practitioners took refuge in remote mountain temples. Sometimes called Um-Yang Kwon (secret combat skills) it was preserved from generation to generation (58) of chosen Buddhist monks. It is known as "The Way of the Flowering Knight". In 1940 two brothers, Joo Bang Lee and Joo Sang Lee became the only students of the Buddhist monk Suahn Dosa while in the Ham Nam province of North Korea. In 1948, during the communist takeover, they escaped to Ohdae Mountain in South Korea. In 1960 the Lee brothers, with permission from Sauhm Dosa and the Korean government, opened their first school, teaching these skills in public for the first time in 600 years. They created the syllabus from scratch based on their memory. Joo Sang Lee took the art to the United States. Before Suahm Dosa died in 1968 he passed on the 58th generation grandmaster title to Joo Bang Lee, the younger brother because he was still in Korea. | |