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1. Iaido - Traditional Japanese Swordmanship iaido Traditional Japanese Sword Martial Art. Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu iaido. Berkeley California http://www.iaido.org/ | |
2. IAIDO Information about clubs, styles and links to articles.(Finnish/English) http://www.iaido.fi/ | |
3. Canadian Iaido Association Organization established in 1992 and affiliated with the All Japan iaido Federation (ZNIR). It has a strong emphasis on the Muso Jikiden EishinRyu style of iaido. Dojos http://www.iaido.ca/ | |
4. Iaido Videos - By Video Site Tags iaido iaidou katana muso jikiden eishin ryuu ippon me mae kata http://www.dvbs.eu.org/Iaido/ |
5. Magi@utu.fi - Iaido A Finnish page about iaido with some links http://www.nic.funet.fi/~magi/harrasteet/iaido/ | |
6. Iaidō - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia As a result, seitei iaido has become the most widely recognised form of iaido in Japan and the rest of the world. Tōhō iaido. The All Japan Iaidō Federation (ZNIR, Zen Nihon Iaidō http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iaidō | |
7. The Iaido | Martial Arts Database The iaido. Categorized in iaido Martial Arts, Country of Origin Tags Japan. The iaido What is iaido History of iaido Origins of iaido Principles and Concepts iaido and Katana http://www.mardb.com/the-iaido/ | |
8. Www.iaido.org Calendar of events http://www.iaido.org/iaido.html | |
9. Welcome To Sosei Aikido Kyokai « Sosei Aikido Kyokai Site Along with Aikido, the Sosei Aikido Kyokai supports it’s own iaido Study Group. iaido is the practice of Japanese Swordsmanship. The study group’s main focus is on Mugai Ryu http://www.aikidokyokai.com/wordpress/?page_id=8 |
10. Iaido Und Jodo Geschichte der beiden Kampfk nste und Links zu Dojos. http://www.iaido-jodo.ch/ |
11. FightingArts.com - Iaido A summary and analysis of this sword drawing art including its history, principles, techniques, training and etiquette. http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=51 |
12. Iaido - A History And Style Guide Of Iaido Thinking about the practice of the Japanese martial arts style of iaido in this day and age might leave one imagining a scenario from the movie Highlander. In other words, iaido http://martialarts.about.com/od/styles/a/iaido.htm | |
13. Ten Shin Ichi Ryu Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Ten Shin Ichi Ryu is a Japanese martial art teaching Japanese sword called iaido, kendo and traditional karate forms. This art focuses on self defense using energy flow and http://www.tenshinichiryu.com/iaido.htm | |
14. Welkom Bij Yushinkan An iaido dojo in the heart of The Netherlands. Training is held in Muso Shinden Ryu iaido as well as ZNKR iaido sei tei gata. The site hosts several informative articles with pages in English and Dutch. http://www.yushinkan.com/ | |
15. Iaido iaido.com. japanese swordsmanship iaido, iai-jutsu, kendo, kenjutsu, batto-jutsu http://www.iaido.com/Iaido.html | |
16. Iaido - The Final Fantasy Wiki Has More Final Fantasy Information Than Cid Could iaido, also known as Draw Out, is a Command ability from Final Fantasy Tactics. It is used by the Samurai. http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Iaido | |
17. Iaido Indianapolis | Mudokwan The oldest martial arts tradition in Indianapolis, Park Sensei has been teaching Karate, Judo, Kendo, Iadio and Jujitsu in Indianapolis since 1967. Instructing a range of http://www.mudokwan.com/martial-arts/iaido | |
18. Iaido - Japanese Traditional Budo English language web page with information about the history of iaido, the ZNKR sei tei gata, and Hoki Ryu iaido. http://homepage2.nifty.com/baba_hajime/iaido/ | |
19. Canadian Iaido Association » Other Iaido Sites Other iaido Sites. iaido Dojos. Todo Kai Peter Gunstone Sensei in Parksville, BC, Canada Vancouver Eishin Ryu iaido Club Hiro Inoue Sensei in Vancouver, B.C., Canada http://www.iaido.ca/?page_id=25 |
20. Welcome To UCSD Iaido - UCSD iaido. UCSD iaido is a recreation class that practices Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu iaido at the University of California, San Diego. The group is open to anyone who is interested in http://ucsdiaido.com/ | |
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