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         Karate:     more books (101)
  1. Complete Idiot's Guide to Karate by Randall G. Hassell, Edmond Otis, 2000-07-05
  2. Karate Kid by B. B. Hiller, 1984-10-01
  3. Karate Pig by Alan Katz, 2009-04-21
  4. Dynamic Karate (Bushido--The Way of the Warrior) by Masatoshi Nakayama, 1987-02-15
  5. Karate for Kids (Martial Arts for Kids) by Robin L. Rielly, Stephanie Tok, 2004-07-15
  6. The Art of Hojo Undo: Power Training for Traditional Karate by Michael Clarke, 2009-09-16
  7. Angels Don't Know Karate (The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids #23) by Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones, 1996-11-01
  8. Karate Breaking Techniques: With Practical Applications for Self-Defense by Jack Hibbard, 1993-02-15
  9. Karate the Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting by Hidetaka Nishiyama, Richard C. Brown, 1990-11-15
  10. Black Belt Karate: The Intensive Course by Hirokazu Kanazawa, 2006-06-23
  11. The Karate Dojo: Traditions and Tales of a Martial Art by Peter Urban, 1991-08-15
  12. Best Karate, Vol.6: Bassai, Kanku (Best Karate Series) by Masatoshi Nakayama, 1980-04-15
  13. Best Karate, Vol.7: Jutte, Hangetsu, Empi (Best Karate Series) by Masatoshi Nakayama, 1981-04-15
  14. Nunchaku: Karate Weapon of Self-Defense by Fumio Demura, 1971-07-01

21. WKF ID Card
The New karate ID Card has been designed so as to assist to the further development of karate. With this Card all the friends, members and supporters of the karate Family will
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Welcome to the WKF ID-CARD
The New Karate  ID Card  has been designed so as to assist to the further development of Karate. With this Card all the friends, members and supporters of the Karate Family will be joined into a Unique Group. Our aim is to bring all these groups together and to form a strong base of commitment to Karate.
The owner of this card will have a number of privileges starting from special rates for the products of the World Karate Federation, Free entrance  to all WKF Events, Recognition from all the Federations and many other. ALL PRICES ARE IN EURO AND TAX IS INCLUDED WKF News WKF ID Card [2010]
WKF V.I.P. Card [2010]

22. Karate Boss Duped 'ninjas' To Rob And Kill
Note A cookie will be set to keep your preferences. A karate instructor has been convicted of killing a wealthy Florida couple while their nine specialneeds children cowered

23. Wydarzenia
Klubu karate Kyokushin Zielonka.

24. Karate On Myspace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Myspace Music profile for karate. Download karate Indie / / music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s, read karate's blog.

25. Sports - Japanese Swordsmanship Offered At Karate-Do Center - Straus Newspapers
Oct 29, 2010 Photo provided First row, from left Robert Mally, Jack Wyckle, Lori Longo, Zachary Fox, Shihan Roger Wehrhahn, Glenn Finke, Nicholas Gregorio, Marlon Motta and

26. Karate Klub Szczecin - Shotokan, Combat Karate
Informacje o klubie, historia klubu i karate w Polsce.
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Szczeciñskie Centrum sztuk Walki
Dnia 23.10.2010 w Przec³awiu odby³ siê otwarty Turniej Sprawno¶ciowy Tiger Cup 2010, w którym uczestniczy³o ok 60 zawodników z czterech klubów województwa zachodniopomorskiego.
Klasyfikacja medalowa turnieju Grupa 2006 i m³odsi Jurkiewicz Oktawiusz SCKK Szczecin Witkowski Antoni SCKK Szczecin Bober Andrzej SCKK Szczecin Grupa Bohdziewicz Julia Bushikan Szczecin Litka Aleksander SCKK Szczecin uczak Aleksander EMPI Przec³aw Grupa Bronikowski Bruno SCKK Szczecin Podgórski Jakub SCKK Szczecin Wittig Piotr SCKK Szczecin Grupa otwarta dziewcz±t Bala Patrycja SCKK Szczecin Pielka Wiktoria SCKK Szczecin Parada Daria SCKK Szczecin Grupa Ziêtek Pawe³ EMPI Przec³aw ¦liwowski Dawid SCKK Szczecin Bohdziewicz Pawe³ Bushikan Szczecin Grupa Sieradzki Mateusz SCKK Szczecin Skibicki Mateusz SCKK Szczecin Kacperski Arkadiusz SCKK Szczecin Grupa Dembowski Przemys³aw SCKK Szczecin Puch³owicz Józef SCKK Szczecin Karpiesiuk Tomasz SCKK Szczecin Grupa 1991 i starsi £ugiewicz Janusz BUSHI Police Paw³owski Pawe³ SCKK Szczecin Go³da Grzegorz EMPI Przec³aw Klasyfikacja Klubowa SCKK Szczecin 36 pkt.

27. Karate - How To Information |
karate how to articles and videos including How to Become a Black Belt in karate, karate Posture Exercises, How to Buy Martial Arts Shin Guards … and much more!
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Home Martial Arts Karate
RESULTS: 1-50 of 490
  • How to Throw a Round House Kick A roundhouse kick is a popular fighting move in many forms of martial arts. The karate roundhouse kick in particular is fast and powerful. This movement is executed with a snap of the knee at the... How to Do Green Belt Karate Earning the green belt in karate takes time and dedication. The color green represents the new life that is coming forth in you. It supposes that the foundation has been laid, the roots grown... How to Defend Yourself From People Grabbing You at the Throat It can be dangerous when people grab your throat, because they can easily pinch off your airway and make it impossible for you to breathe. Aggressors often use this attack because they believe... How to Become a Black Belt in Karate Anyone who has ever seen a martial arts movie has dreamed of earning a Black Belt. It is a long and difficult process to get a Black Belt in karate, and it is important to know at the start of... Karate Posture Exercises Whether you're new to karate or have participated in the sport before, knowing a number of stances, or postures, will ensure that you are physically in control and ready for your opponent. ...

28. U.S. Olympic Events | USA Karate
karate karate Regional Qualifier Jan 09, 2010. Valley Forge Convention Center, Pennsylvania, United States Philly Sports Extravaganza Valley Forge Convention Center 1160 First Ave

29. Tczewski Klub Karate-Do
Klub karate Shotokan w Tczewie.
czerwiec 14, 2010
Wpisa³ Mariusz Murawski do kategorii: Wiadomo¶ci Zawody Zostaw komentarz ORGANIZATOR
Tczewski Klub karate-DO KOMITET HONOROWY
Starosta Powiatu Tczewskiego CEL IMPREZY
- popularyzacja karate shotokan w¶ród dzieci, m³odzie¿y i doros³ych;
- wy³onienie najlepszych zawodników i zawodniczek;
- przygotowanie czo³owych zawodników do M¦ karate FSKA Karpacz 2010. SPONSOR
- Zak³ad Wodoci±gów i Kanalizacji;
- ¯wirownia Rokitki. TERMIN I MIEJSCE
11 wrzesieñ 2010 r. (sobota)
Hala Sportowa II LO w Tczewie przy ul. Marysieñki 10. WARUNKI UCZESTNICTWA - stopieñ minimum 9 (9.1) kyu w kata i kumite; - roczniki 93-96 8.1 kyu w kumite; - roczniki 92 i starsi 6 kyu w kumite; - przes³anie wype³nionego formularzu zg³oszenia w nieprzekraczalnym terminie do 7.09.2010 r. do godz. 20.00 na adres e-mail: / lub fax 58 683-94-68 - op³ata startowa 30 z³ konkurencje indywidualne, 50 z³ konkurencje dru¿ynowe. ZAWODNIK MUSI POSIADAÆ - aktualne badania lekarskie; - potwierdzenie stopnia (dyplom lub budo-pass);

30. Karate - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

31. Akademia Karate Tradycyjnego
Informacje o Akademii karate Tradycyjnego z Bia egostoku.
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O Nas
Jeste¶my Akademi± Karate Tradycyjnego , klubem nale¿±cym do Polskiego Zwi±zku Karate Tradycyjnego . Dzia³amy nieprzerwanie od 2000 roku najpierw w ramach Bia³ostockiego Klubu Sportowego Karate a od 2007 roku jako samodzielny klub za³o¿ony przez senseia Krzysztofa Jab³oñskiego.
Ze wzgledu na szkolenie instruktorskie w Dojo "Stara Wie¶" odbêdzie siê w listopadzie Czytaj dalej
Zapisy do nowych grup! Zajecia w Bia³ymstoku dla dzieci bêd± prowadzone w SP 16 dla doros³ych w PG 9.

32. Shotokan Karate Of America
Shotokan karate of America is a nonprofit organization that has been teaching traditional karatedo in the United States since 1955.

33. Akademicki Klub Karate Tradycyjnego AKKT W Koszalinie
Sekcja karate Tradycyjnego w Koszalinie. Informacje o klubie, instruktorach, historia oraz podstawowe informacje o karate.
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W dniach 16-17 X 2010 w Szczecinie, w ramach festiwalu Japan Fest, odby³o siê Seminarium Karate Tradycyjnego z sensei W³odzimierzem Kwieciñskim (7 DAN).
W dniu 03-10-2010r. w Szkole Podstawowej Nr 2 w Bytowie odby³ siê "Okrêgowy Turniej Karate Tradycyjnego w Bytowie".
6 czerwca 2010 r. w Gdyni odby³y siê Miêdzywojewódzkie Mistrzostwa M³odzików w Karate Tradycyjnym strefy pó³nocnej.
28 - 30 maja w Szczecinie odby³o siê seminarium karate tradycyjnego oraz Turniej Karate Tradycyjnego Dzieci.
Kolejny medal Wojtka Zaleskiego
Seminarium i egzaminy na stopnie uczniowskie.
27.03.2010r. w sali gimnastycznej SP 17 w Koszalinie odby³a siê II edycja Zachodniopomorskiej Ligi Karate Tradycyjnego. POKA¯ WSZYSTKIE AKTUALNO¦CI
Od 6 wrze¶nia po wakacyjnej przerwie Akademicki Klub Karate Tradycyjnego w Koszalinie wznowi³ zajêcia. Zajêcia w sekcji na Politechnice Koszaliñskiej odbywaj± siê w poniedzia³ki i ¶rody od godziny 17:30.

34. Martial Arts Supplies - Karate Equipment - Taekwondo Gear
Martial arts supplies and karate equipment on sale at karateMart. Huge selection of taekwondo gear including martial arts uniforms, weapons, and sparring gear at discount prices.
Cart: Item(s) Search:
Karate Uniforms V-Neck Taekwondo Uniforms Kung Fu Uniforms ... Cobra Stinger Knife
KarateMart Martial Arts Supplies
Selling martial arts supplies online since 1996, is your trusted martial art supply superstore! Now under new management, has undertaken a fresh new design and has incorporated the latest technologies to make your shopping experience safe and secure. We work around the clock to ship your orders fast and even offer free shipping on all orders over $60! For over 30 years, the Karate Mart retail stores have served as the premier martial arts supply stores in Arizona. Our staff consists of martial artists who are extremely knowledgeable of the martial arts and the karate equipment we sell. We are always on the lookout for new and exciting products to sell and will continually update the products on this website to keep it fresh and exciting for our customers. Please browse through our huge selection of martial arts uniforms . We carry all the top brand names and offer uniforms in many difficult to find sizes and colors. We have uniforms available for all the major martial arts including Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Ninjutsu, Hapkido, Kendo, Judo, and Jiu Jitsu.

35. Karate International Australia :: Tournament Results
A list of the results for all state karate tournaments in Australia.
Karate International Australia
Tournament Results MENU



South Australia

Results of state tournaments for the last five years available by state, by clicking on the nav bar.
Pictures from all state finals are available by clicking on the pictures link in the nav bar. Pictures are updated during the season, so be sure to keep stopping by. If you have any pictures of tournaments that you would like to submit, please email . All photos are copywrite of their original owner, and used with permission.
Karate International - Australian San of The Year! Karate International Australia began running "San of the Year" as a national search for excellence, in 2001. The award is given to outstanding students in each state and competition level, and is decided according to a students adherence to the Seven Laws Of Bushido , not just achievement in tournaments. Submissions for 2005 must be recieved by July 31st, 2005. Submissions should be emailed to

36. Karate West, Inc. 970-223-5566
karate West has been serving Ft. Collins since 1978, and we've enjoyed our own custombuilt school since 1994. We offer classes for ages 4 up.
3725 S. Mason St.
Fort Collins, CO ~ Serving Ft. Collins For Over 30 Years ~ Karate West has been serving Ft. Collins since 1978, and we've enjoyed our own custom-built school since 1994.
We offer classes for ages 4 up.
We are a family-oriented school, teaching respect for parents, teachers, ourselves, and others.
We teach practical self defense and also train members in the art and sport aspects, and fitness conditioning through martial arts.
We offer peewee classes, classes for school-aged children, teen and adult classes, and specialty classes including weapons, grappling and kickboxing for fitness.
Please mention that you saw us on the Web.
What Karate West Offers You: Skills to enrich your life, skills that can save your life. Karate for peewees, for kids, for teen and adults Well-stocked pro shop Day and evening classes Demo Team and Tournament Team
Online Store


Karate West's Student Creed ... Student Responsibilities What's our Goal? BLACK BELT EXCELLENCE! Links to other Martial Arts organizations: Colorado Karate Association (CKA) Email webauthor with broken links, suggestions, problems or comments...

karate in Japan, the training, the teachers, the experience. Content is continually updated. Pages provide in-depth look into all aspects of Shotokan karate.
Click here to go to Click here to go to

38. USA Karate
USOC July 27, 2010 In exactly two years you can expect to see many of the Beijing stars such as Natalie Coughlin, Lolo Jones, David Boudia and many more at the Opening

39. Karate Shotokan Kata - Learn Karate Bunkai, Pressure Points, Crazy Monkey MMA
Focuses on the meaning and bunkai (applications) of karate kata. Includes video clips.
] Subscribe To This Site
Been learning Karate Shotokan kata for some time? Tired of practicing kata without understanding it's meaning or usefulness? How does practicing Karate kata makes you a powerful Karateka? If you want to know more, welcome! This website will serve to make your Karate training an awesome journey of self-enlightenment. This website focus on the meaning and bunkai (applications) of Karate kata , and the original purpose it was created for, ie. close quarter fighting, though you may call it self defense or self protection in modern day context. Although there are at least 26 Karate Shotokan kata, this website will focus on only a chosen few, which have many of the most deadly Karate bunkai. Not many Karateka spend a lot of time actually "studying" Karate Shotokan kata, preferring to spend time on developing their physical presentation instead of discovering the cryptic meaning (bunkai) behind the complex arm and legs movements taught by these forms. This website will provide historically accurate kata interpretation and bunkai, linking kata to effective Karate techniques, including pressure points strikes or the art of kyusho jutsu. I hope the information here will reaffirm the usefulness of Karate Shotokan kata for a Karateka to learn deadly fighting techniques.

40. Karate Uniforms, Karate Equipment, Belts, Training Weapons, Bags, Boards
Revgear offers karate uniforms, karate equipment, rebreakable karate boards,kamas sais, karate targets, karate bags, shoes, sparring gear, belts, products
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