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81. Polski Zwi�zek Karate Tradycyjnego Wiadomo ci i komunikaty zwi zkowe, wymagania egzaminacyjne, historia, kalendarium. http://karate.pl/ |
82. AKTUALNOŚCI - OKINAWA KARATE-DO :: SHORIN SHOTOKAN KOBUDO :: AZS UNIWERSYTET WA Klub dzia a w ramach AZS Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. http://www.karate-do.pl |
83. Martial Arts Info - Karate Martial Arts explained karate. Summarizes the characteristics and origin of karate. Where applicable, additional info such as founder, weapons, origin are provided. Includes http://www.martial-arts-info.com/115/karate/ | |
84. Kaisho Karate Klub - Treningi, Zawody, Samoobrona - Białystok Informacje treningach, trenerach, kadrze, osi gni ciach, historia klubu. http://karate.bialystok.pl | |
85. JKA Shotokan Karate Of Stanford The Official JKA Shotokan karate Club of Stanford (led by Sensei Kenichi Haramoto, 6th Dan) http://karate.stanford.edu/ | |
86. SHIDOKAN: Polska Federacja Shidokan Karate Aktualno ci, kluby, zdj cia, historia tej odmiany karate, struktura organizacyjna. http://www.shidokan.pl/ | |
87. Karate Tours Information on where karate and other martial arts tournaments and seminars can be located. http://www.karatetoursinfo.com | |
88. Shotokan Kata.com Is Dedicated To The Study And Performance Of The 26 Shotokan K Site dedicated to the study of the 26 shotokan karate kata. Some sample pages. Pay membership required to view all content. http://www.shotokankata.com/ | |
89. Richard Amuzu's Shotokan Karate Guide Contains information on gradings, kata, terminology, striking points and Shotokan history. http://freespace.virgin.net/richard.amuzu/Karate/ | |
90. Shotokan Karate For Everyone Pages detailing the history, philosophies, traditions and techniques of Shotokan karate. http://www.shotokanforeveryone.com |
91. The Cyber Dojo Shotokan Karate Shotokan karate techniques, philosophy, kata, kumite, and history. Downloadable kata movies (mpg). (Java Required) http://thecyberdojo.brinkster.net/index.html | |
92. Tsvshotokan Part of Shotokan karate International Australia. http://tsvshotokan.googlepages.com |
93. Chingford, Enfield, Larkswood, And Wanstead Shotokan Karate Clubs EKGB affiliated with training locations in London and the Southern England. Events, news and information. http://www.karate-london.co.uk | |
94. Okinawa Karate Do Information about Matsubayashi Ryu karate and other styles. Includes kata, reading lists, style history, links and events. http://www.kodokan.freeservers.com | |
95. Karate Shorinkan - Traditional Karate,shorin-ryu Shorinkan Features news and events around the world. Also includes terminology, history of Okinawan karate, school directory, links and references. http://www.karateshorinkan.com/ |
96. Yamashita International Karate Organization to Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate. features history, affiliated dojos and gallery. Groton, CT http://yamashitakarate.com | |
97. Home World Oshukai Federation (UK) Information on authentic okinawan karate in the UK http://www.authentic-okinawan-karate-uk.com/ | |
98. Taifu Karate And Kobudo Okinawa Goju-ryu and Uechi-ryu karate and Ryuku kobudo. http://www.taifuma.org | |
99. Nestor Folta S Karate Academy Teaches traditional karate and personal development in Northern Virginia for youths and adults, for all levels. http://www.awcnf.com |
100. UechiRyu-Karate.com : Ihor Rymaruk Located in Amsterdam, New York. Includes style description and biographical information concerning the instructor. http://uechiryu-karate.com | |
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