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         Karate:     more books (101)
  1. Pressure Point Karate Made Easy: A Guide to the Dillman Pressure Point Method for Beginners and Young Adults by George A. Dillman, 1999-08-01
  2. Mastering Karate: The authoritative illustrated guide to the art of self-defense by world - famed karate champion and teacher Masutatsu Oyama by Masutatsu OÌyama, 1983
  3. The Little Bubishi: A History of Karate for Children by Andrew O'Brien, 2010-05-05
  4. Classical Kata of Okinawan Karate (Japanese Arts) by Pat McCarthy, 1987-06-01
  5. Karate: The Essential Guide to Mastering the Art by Sanette Smit, 2001-10-01
  6. Fundamentals of Goju-Ryu Karate by Norimi Gosei Yamaguchi, 1972
  7. Understanding Karate by Owen Johnston, 2009-03-15
  8. Karate Kick (Matt Christopher Sports Fiction) by Matt Christopher, Stephanie Peters, 2009-07-01
  9. Traditional Karate-Do: Okinawa Goju Ryu : Applications of the Kata by Morio Higaonna, 1990-01
  10. Mas Oyama's Complete Karate Course by Masutatsu Oyama, Mas Oyama, 1998-08
  11. The Way of Karate by George E. Mattson, 1992-08-15
  12. Fitness for Full-Contact Fighters: Training for Muay Thai, Karate, Kickboxing, and Taekwondo by Christoph Delp, 2006-10-23
  13. Beginners' Guide to Shotokan Karate: Beginner to Black Belt by John Van Weenen, 2008-09-29
  14. Best Karate, Vol.11: Gojushiho Dai, Gojushiho Sho, Meikyo by Masatoshi Nakayama, 1990-11-15

81. Polski Zwi�zek Karate Tradycyjnego
Wiadomo ci i komunikaty zwi zkowe, wymagania egzaminacyjne, historia, kalendarium.

Klub dzia a w ramach AZS Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

83. Martial Arts Info - Karate
Martial Arts explained karate. Summarizes the characteristics and origin of karate. Where applicable, additional info such as founder, weapons, origin are provided. Includes
A resource for all styles of martial arts
    Martial Arts: Karate
    Karate translates, as is generally accepted, to Empty Hand in Japanese. Karate is a martial art that uses weaponless techniques such as punching and kicking to overcome the opponent. Typically, fighters wear a white Karate Uniform (Gi) and a belt that indicates their skill level and rank. The development of Karate began in Okinawa To-De , Chinese Hands. From this, 4 main styles of Karate developed - Goju Ryu Shorin Ryu Uechi Ryu and Shorei Ryu. Gichin Funakoshi, who trained under several Okinawan Karate masters, developed his own style of Karate that he named Shotokan. Funakoshi introduced Shotokan to Japan in the early 20th century. Other Okinawan masters soon followed him - Chojun Miyagi with Goju Ryu and Kenwa Mabuni with Shito Ryu . From these masters many new styles were soon developed. For example Kyokushinkai by Mas Oyama

84. Kaisho Karate Klub - Treningi, Zawody, Samoobrona - Białystok
Informacje treningach, trenerach, kadrze, osi gni ciach, historia klubu.
Kaisho Karate Klub Treningi, zawody, samoobrona - Białystok, Wasilków, Sokółka
III Otwarty Puchar Podlasia w Karate WYNIKI Kalendarz 2010
Mistrzostwa Polski Karate Shotokan
Bielsko-Biała 24.10.2010
Bartek Mistrzem a Gabriel Vice-Mistrzem Polski Juniorów Karate Shotokan. Drużyna seniorów /Ariel, Bartek, Gabriel/ medal brązowy. Tak dobre wyniki zaowocowały powołaniem naszych zawodników do Kadry Polski na Mistrzostwa Europy Karate Shotokan, które odbędą się 26-28 listopada w Koblencji /Niemcy/.
IV Międzynarodowe Grand Prix Bielska-Białej
Bielsko-Biała 23.10.2010
W sobotę dwunastoosobowa ekipa Kaisho wzięła udział w czwartej edycji GP Bielska-Białej, osiągając doskonały wynik medalowy - 7 złotych, 1 srebrny, 4 brązowe. Gratulacje!
Mistrzostwa Polski Juniorów i Juniorów Młodszych
w Karate WKF
Cieszyn 9.10.2010
W sobotę (9 października) w Cieszynie odbyły się Mistrzostwa Polski Juniorów i Juniorów Młodszych w Karate WKF. Zawodnicy Kaisho zdobyli 9 medali /1*srebro, 8*brąz/. Wynik można uznać za zadowalający, jednakże brak medalu z najcenniejszego kruszcu pozostawia niedosyt i jednocześnie motywuje do dalszej jeszcze bardziej wytężonej pracy treningowej. Przed Mistrzostwami przeprowadzono szkolenie sędziowskie połączone z egzaminem, z 14 sędziów troje podniosło swoje kwalifikacje /z naszego klubu - Agnieszka/ Gratulacje!
International Karate Tournament
"Sanker Cup"
Mińsk, Białoruś 2-3.10.2010

85. JKA Shotokan Karate Of Stanford
The Official JKA Shotokan karate Club of Stanford (led by Sensei Kenichi Haramoto, 6th Dan)
JKA Shotokan Karate of Stanford
Just as it is the clear mirror that reflects without distortion, or the quiet valley that echoes a sound, so must one who studies Karate Do purge himself of selfish and evil thoughts, for only with a clear mind and conscience can he understand that which he receives. (Gichin Funakoshi)

86. SHIDOKAN: Polska Federacja Shidokan Karate
Aktualno ci, kluby, zdj cia, historia tej odmiany karate, struktura organizacyjna.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejn� 14-st� edycj� Shido-ligi, kt�ra odb�dzie si� 30 stycznia 2010 roku w Katowicach... Rozpocz�� dzia�alno�� nowy klub Shidokan w Szczecinku, kierowany przez Sensei Krzysztofa Naj�-Ostromirskiego! Nowe o�rodki Shidokan w Warszawie ... Chinuk Gym Agiliarem Navruzovem Marek Chwalibogowski wygrywa na HERO'S!!!
Rerezentant klubu Shidokan EMERS TEAM Katowice Marek Chwalibogowski wygra� swoj� kolejn� zawodow� walk� MMA. W dniu 14 listopada 2009 w Wilnie, podczas gali MMA Bushido HERO'S 2009 Lithuania nasz zawodnik wygra� przez poddanie w 1 rundzie z reprezentantem Litwy Karolisem Liukaitisem
Gratulacje!!!! Odszed� Arek...
Arkadiusz Naja-Ostromirski

ur. 06.06.1992r, zawodnik klubu Shidokan Naja Kai z Grudzi�dza, 1 kyu w Shidokan, wielokrotny medalista turniej�w Shidokan Karate Junior�w i Junior�w - Starszych.
Trzy tygodnie temu powa�nie zachorowa� na nowotw�r m�zgu, glejak wielopostaciowy IV generacji. Arek podj�� swoj� najd�u�sz� i najci�sz� walk�. Wspierany przez rodzin� i przyjaci� walczy� do ko�ca. Niestety, 18 sierpnia o 10.45, przegra�...
Ca�e �rodowisko Shidokan ��czy si� w b�lu i w �a�obie z rodzin� i najbli�szymi Arka. Pozostanie na zawsze w naszej pami�ci...

87. Karate Tours
Information on where karate and other martial arts tournaments and seminars can be located.
This is the place to find out the latest in Karate schedules and information. This web site is here to keep you updated on tournaments, seminars and related information.
P.O. BOX 2095, DUBLIN, CA 94568
Fax number: (925) 828-9517
Home Tour Schedules Advertisers Advertise Rates ... Photo Gallery 1999 and 2000.

88. Shotokan Is Dedicated To The Study And Performance Of The 26 Shotokan K
Site dedicated to the study of the 26 shotokan karate kata. Some sample pages. Pay membership required to view all content.
Welcome to
ShotokanKata.Com is dedicated to the study and performance of the 26 Shotokan Karate Kata
and contains pictures and instructions of every move of every Kata.
This is now the most comprehensive instructional guide you will find available anywhere.
Become a member and you will find: The step by step moves (both pictured and written instructions), Applications (Bunkai), Some History and Meaning of the Kata Please take a tour around the site and have a look at the sample Katas
Take a Tour
E-Mail Join Now

89. Richard Amuzu's Shotokan Karate Guide
Contains information on gradings, kata, terminology, striking points and Shotokan history.
Richard Amuzu's Guide To
Shotokan Karate
Welcome to my guide to Shotokan karate
You are visitor number to the dojo. Please complete my feedback form Best experienced at a resolution of 800x600 in high colour (65K colours).
Introduction The History of Shotokan Karate Counting to Ten in Japanese Grades and Belts ... Next Page

90. Shotokan Karate For Everyone
Pages detailing the history, philosophies, traditions and techniques of Shotokan karate.

91. The Cyber Dojo Shotokan Karate
Shotokan karate techniques, philosophy, kata, kumite, and history. Downloadable kata movies (mpg). (Java Required)
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Please navigate the site using the links on the left.
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92. Tsvshotokan
Part of Shotokan karate International Australia.

93. Chingford, Enfield, Larkswood, And Wanstead Shotokan Karate Clubs
EKGB affiliated with training locations in London and the Southern England. Events, news and information.
karate Welcome - Youkoso!
Twenty Fifth Year Anniversary!
25 Years of Karate Excellence * The Karate Kid * Shotokan Karate England has just finished filming the BBC program ' The One Show ' featuring 'Karate Kid' star Jaden Smith , and his Dad, Will Smith . TV journalist and personality John Sergeant is the BBC's ' Karate Kid ' performing in a class with our members and Chief Instructor Sensei Rod Butler *Newspaper Repor t NEW BEGINNERS CLASSES are starting now at all of our Karate Clubs We are celebrating our 25th Year and offer you the chance of a FREE Karate Class with no obligation. Come along and try the fascinating art of SHOTOKAN KARATE. Shotokan Karate England and Karate London offer a range of Karate classes seven days per week for all ages and abilities in North East London, Chingford, Enfield, Harlow, Barnet, Wanstead, Tring, Portsmouth and many other areas. Our instructors undergo a vigorous and ongoing Karate Instructor training program and examination, which ensures that you get the very best quality coaching and instruction. Our Shotokan Karate Clubs also have regular gradings and courses with

94. Okinawa Karate Do
Information about Matsubayashi Ryu karate and other styles. Includes kata, reading lists, style history, links and events.
Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames. if(window.OAS_AD) OAS_AD('Bottom');

95. Karate Shorinkan - Traditional Karate,shorin-ryu Shorinkan
Features news and events around the world. Also includes terminology, history of Okinawan karate, school directory, links and references.

96. Yamashita International Karate
Organization to Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate. features history, affiliated dojos and gallery. Groton, CT
Yamashita International Karate Flash Intro Enter Site

97. Home World Oshukai Federation (UK)
Information on authentic okinawan karate in the UK
For the public eye Karate is intrinsically linked with Japanese culture; This association however is historically
incorrect. Karate since its beginning belongs to the Okinawan nation, an ethnic minority within the Japanese
empire. The purpose of this website is to highlight the long-term link that Karate has with the Okinawa nation
and to give to the public an insight of one of the most efficient form of combat: Shorin-Ryu Karate and its
main masters. On this site you will find all the information to discover authentic,lineage proved Okinawan
Karate. From the small Okinawa island that all started.....
Authentic Okinawan Karate
(Supporting the World Oshukai Federation Japan)

You need Java to see this applet. Andy Hug Sensei in Training (Japan) OSU! Alberto Testa's book: Football, Fascism and Fandom: The ... Thompson. November

98. Taifu Karate And Kobudo
Okinawa Goju-ryu and Uechi-ryu karate and Ryuku kobudo.
Incorporation Goju Ryu Karate, Uechi Ryu Karate, Ryukyu Kobudo, Muay Thai and Lethwei. Children, Adult and family training sessions. Training in Hastings, St Leonards on Sea, Bexhill on Sea and affiliated clubs Worldwide. Established in 1993 Taifu Martial Arts and have karate training sessions for children (juniors), usually 6 years old and above, adults (seniors) 15 years and above and family karate sessions. We also have Kobudo sessions incoproration Okinawan weaponry - suitable for all practitioners regardless of their parent style. Seperate sessions utilizing Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) and Lethwei (Burmese Boxing) are also available. Instructors have trained in karate (okinawa), Kobudo (okinawa), Muay Thai (Thailand), Lethwei (Burma), MMA (Brazil), Kalarippayattu (India) and Judo and Jujitsu (UK). Please naviage web site for further information Welcome to the Taifu Martial Arts - Karate and Kobudo. Taifu Karate Taifu Kobudo August 2010 - Newsletter Calendar and Events 2010 Members Only Pages Taifu FACEBOOK Taifu Karate Kobudo - Bexhill Recent Grade Examinations Taifu Training Programme Taifu Contact Details Taifu Virtual Tour Instructors Programme Photo Gallery Video Clips Sanchin Breathing Tanren Kote Keite Terminology Personal Safety Short History Membership Details World Links World Maps Universal Currency Converter Japanese Romaji Sayings and Proverbs Recommended Books QMBC Taifu Karate Kobudo Kai - Bexhill Taifu Kobudo Kai - Ghana Taifu Kobudo Kai - India Taifu Kobudo Kai - Sri Lanka

99. Nestor Folta S Karate Academy
Teaches traditional karate and personal development in Northern Virginia for youths and adults, for all levels.

100. : Ihor Rymaruk
Located in Amsterdam, New York. Includes style description and biographical information concerning the instructor.
Visitors Welcome
Traveling students and instructors of Uechi-Ryu are always welcomed to visit our school, take a class, and spend a little time with us. Members of other martial arts communities are always welcomed guests. Knowledge is good, but it's better when it is shared.
Who Can Study?
Men, women, and children of 6+ yrs may study and benefit from the special exercises of Uechi-Ryu Karate. Uechi-Ryu promotes mental and physical health with special emphasis on confidence and self-defense skills. OKINAWAN
Uechi-Ryu Karate
1 Reid Street
Amsterdam, NY 12010
NEW DVD NOW AVAILABLE !!! The Uechi-Ryu Style
This system of karate, Uechi-Ryu, is named after Kanbun Uechi (1877-1948) an Okinawan who studied the Shuu Family Style of martial art in China. After his death, Uechi's son Kanei and a committee of senior students refined and added to the Uechi-Ryu system in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The expansion of the style was based on the core and foundations of Kanbun Uechi's teachings. Uechi-Ryu stands apart from other martial arts systems in its application of effective, common sense techniques aimed at winning a fight, not in excelling at the "sport" of karate. Uechi-Ryu embodies the spirit of the Dragon, strength of the Tiger, and the grace of the Crane.
Book and DVD Special!

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