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Landsailing: more detail | ||
1. ..:: LandSailing.net - Home ::.. (Charlie O'Learys class IV at speed) landsailing is the sport of moving over sand and land using a board carrying a sail for propulsion by the wind, in other words, it is a sport of http://www.landsailing.net/ | |
2. NALSA's Landsailing Home On The Web. Information on upcoming sanctioned events, club information and landsailing in general. http://www.nalsa.org/ | |
3. Physics Of Landsailing Explains gravity and aerodynamic forces for the enthusiast. Includes links to related sites. http://www.physicsoflandsailing.com/ | |
4. LakeWind LandSailing Learn to Landsail in the California High Desert. Reach speeds over 60 mph in a landyacht, powered only by the wind. http://lakewindlandsailing.homestead.com/ |
5. Landsailing Articles From ArticlesBase.com Find landsailing articles at ArticlesBase.com a free articles directory. Submit your articles for free distribution and find content for your website, Ezine or newsletters. http://www.articlesbase.com/article-tags/landsailing |
6. Land Sailing - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In the US, annual competitions are held by local clubs and by NALSA, the North American landsailing Association. The largest regatta is regularly held the last week of March on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_sailing | |
7. Ecokarts - Sagres, Algarve, Portugal, Landsailing Ecokarts based in Sagres, Algarve, Portugal is rapidly becoming one of the world's No.1 landbased sail sports. http://ecokarts.com/ | |
8. Sailing Across The Plains And Desert | Flathead Beacon Most successful landsailing boats use steel and aluminum, fiberglass, carbon and Kevlar for a combination of aerodynamics and power that sends them hurtling across dry lakebeds in http://www.flatheadbeacon.com/articles/article/sailing_across_the_plains_and_des | |
9. Landsailing Bonaire - The Ultimate Landsailing Experience On The Largest Track I Our Caribbean team welcomes you to the amazing thrillpacked new sport of blokart landsailing! Whether for fun or competition, you are sure to meet other like-minded enthusiasts to http://landsailingbonaire.com/ |
10. Landsailing (Recreation/Outdoors/Landsailing) Recreation/Outdoors/landsailing up landsailing Entries Blokart.com http//www.blokart.com/ Provides details of portable land yacht capable of speeds up to 100 KPH. http://www.robtex.com/dmoz/Recreation/Outdoors/Landsailing/ | |
11. Windisfun.com... Landsailing, Iceboating, Kites, And Kite Buggies. Information about landsailing and iceboating in the Colorado area. Includes plans for a small landsailer, photos and related links. http://www.windisfun.com/ | |
12. YouTube - Landsailing Trike (parking Lot Sailing)1999 In 1998 I designed and built a trike for landsailing using windsurfing mast, boom and sail. I added a friction brake on both rear wheels and a very comfortable cushioned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EfGZPLWvL0 |
13. Go Land Sailing.com - America's Premier Land Sailing Outfitter & Guide Service Land Sailing Outfitter Guide service featuring Blokart Landsailers 1 Design Fleet - land sailing charters - Nevada Las Vegas, Ivanpah Dry Lake, Area 51 Territory dry lakes http://www.golandsailing.com/ |
14. Landsailing Info The Desert Queen. http//www.rosamondca.us/DryLakeSailing.htm http://www.windwizards.org/html/landsailing_info.html | |
15. Windisfun.com... Landsailing, Iceboating, Kites, And Kite Buggies. Information about landsailing, Iceboating, Kite Buggies. Plans for building a small landsailer, sailing locations, pictures, and links to related sites. http://windisfun.com/ | |
16. FireBudd Home Page Proud sponsor of Wind Wizards landsailing Club, Inc. Manta Association Link Other landsailing Links Need Sail Repairs? Try Sinbad Sails landsailing landyachts sailing landsailors http://firebudd.com/ | |
17. Landsailing s of land yachting at Mablethorpe, the club's......LINCOLNSHIRE LAND YACHT CLUB HOME OF K800 Lincolnshire Land Yacht Club, in Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, Great Britain. http://dawhois.com/tags/landsailing.html |
18. Performance RC Landsailers - Home Of The LS Radio Control Model Landyachts Designer, manufacturer and distributor of radio controlled landsailer kits and plans. http://www.rclandsailing.com | |
19. Top > Landsailing | Outdoor Activities You will find information here on the North American Land Sailing Association (NALSA), upcoming sanctioned events, US club information and landsailing in general. http://www.rhino-sadc.org/landsailing/ |
20. New Zealand Land Sailing The Auckland Land Yacht Club . New Zealand http://www.landsailing.co.nz/ | |
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