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         Lazer Tag:     more detail
  1. Lazer Tag: Official Tournament Book by James Ward, 1987-05
  2. Lazer Tag Official Game Handbook
  3. Lazer Tag: Adventure, No 1 High Spy by Robert Coulson, 1987-06
  4. Danger, Second-Hand (Lazer Tag Adventure) by Bruce Algozin, Robert Coulson, 1987-06
  5. Invisible Rival (Lazer Tag Adventure) by TSR Inc, Bruce Algozin, 1987-09
  6. Lazer Tag: Official Game Handbook by James M. Ward, 1987-12
  7. Science Fiction Television Introduction: Hard Time on Planet Earth, Clone, Probe, Hero Corp, Sleepwalkers, Lazer Tag Academy
  9. Star Wars Empire (Lazer Tag/Cassette Andbook) by Golden Books, 1999-12-31
  10. The Galactic Games (Lazer Tag Adventure, No 4)
  12. Lazer wars: A laser tag marketing manifesto by Jason E Bock, 1997
  13. New Hope (Lazer Tag/Cassette and Book) by Golden Books, 1999-12-31

1. Lazer Laser Tag Strikz Frisco 75034
Strikz Entertainment is Collin County's Premier Family Entertainment Center! Enjoy Bowling, Laser Tag, Arcade, Billiards, Snack Bar, Adult Beverages and More!

2. Lazer Tag - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Lazer Tag is a brand name for the infrared pursuit game generically known as laser tag, lasertag, or lazertag. The brand name was created by the toy company Worlds Of
Lazer Tag
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Lazer Tag Promotional photo of Don Kingsborough, one of the founders of Worlds Of Wonder , playing Lazer Tag. Type Weapon Country United States Availability
Lazer Tag is a brand name for the infrared pursuit game generically known as " laser tag ," "lasertag," or "lazertag." The brand name was created by the toy company Worlds Of Wonder in 1986, appearing at approximately the same time as the home version of the Photon brand. The Lazer Tag brand name was acquired by Shoot The Moon Products of Pleasanton, CA after Worlds Of Wonder ceased operation in late 1990. Since then, the brand name has been licensed to Tiger Electronics from 1996–1998 and to Hasbro from 2004–present Like Photon , Worlds of Wonder's Lazer Tag brand also inspired a TV series. The animated series Lazer Tag Academy was produced by Ruby-Spears Productions , with one season airing on NBC from 1987-1988. Three Choose Your Own Adventure -style books were released based on the game as well. A boy is briefly shown playing Lazer Tag in the 1988 film Married to the Mob The last Lazer Tag commercially produced was the Laser Tag Team Ops (LTTO) system. It is currently discontinued (as of June 2008) despite having a strong following amongst enthusiast circles. Remaining stock of LTTOs are selling at more than twice it's RRP on Amazon by dealers. However, Hasbro has announced the future generation of the LTTO tagger, known to enthusiast circles as the Phoenix LTX.

3. LASER TAG Equipment, Manufacturers, Where To Play, Operator - Lazer Tag, Laserta
Laser tag, lasertag lazer tag and lasergame nonprofit group. Research, open, or play in the laser tag industry.
Open or Make Your Laser Tag Business More Profitable!
We are laser tag operators helping current and future laser tag operators.
October 1996 14+ Years on
the Internet

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Start A Laser Tag Business Outdoor Field - Worldwide
Indoor Facility North America Europe Latin and South America Australia/Asia/Africa
Business Development Developer Membership Business Plan Package Corporate Programs Manual And Much More!
General Topics
Homepage Where To Play Laser Tag�? About the ILTA Director's Chair ... Industry Links
2010 ILTA Industry Dinner Registration now Available! The ILTA is proud to announce it's first ILTA Industry Dinner on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 during the IAAPA Trade Show at Houlihan's in Orlando, Florida. To learn more about this event and registration, click HERE October FEC Success Seminar Zone Laser Tag has Partnered with Amusement Products, Inc in holding the FEC Success educational conference for those wanting to learn how to open a family entertainment business which will be held October 12-13th, 2010 in Chattanooga, TN and it has moved to a larger conference center to accomodate an even bigger class. To learn more, click [

4. Lazer Kraze: Laser Tag And Family Fun Centers
Ohio's Ultimate Laser Tag featuring multilevel laser tag arenas, huge arcades, inflatables, spider climbing, lazer maze and snack bars

5. Lazer Tag Reference Guide
Lazer Tag information FAQs, equipment both past and present, games played, rules for playing and a forum.

6. Welcome To Laser Quest, Live Action Laser Tag At Its Best!
Laser Quest is great family fun and entertainment, perfect for birthday parties and youth group events. Sports teams, day camps and schools all enjoy field trips to Laser Quest.
Birthday Parties Youth Groups Corporate Groups Players' Club ... Career Opportunities USA Locations Please select....... AZ-Mesa AZ-Phoenix CA-Chino CA-Fresno CA-Fullerton CA-Mission Viejo CA-Modesto CA-Mountain View CO-Colorado Springs CO-Denver CT-Newington FL-Sunrise GA-Gwinnett IL-Arlington Heights IL-Downers Grove IL-Hoffman Estates IL-Norridge IL-Rockford KS-Wichita MA-Danvers MA-West Roxbury MI-Madison Heights NC-Charlotte NE-Lincoln NV-Las Vegas NY-Rochester OH-Akron OH-Canton OH-Centerville OK-Oklahoma City OK-Tulsa PA-Wyomissing TN-Knoxville TN-Memphis TN-Nashville TX-Houston-North TX-Houston-West TX-Mesquite TX-N. Richland Hills TX-San Antonio-Central TX-San Antonio-West UT-Salt Lake City VA-Potomac Mills VA-Richmond-Midlothian VA-Virginia Beach WA-Federal Way WA-Spokane Canadian Locations Please select....... AB-Calgary AB-Edmonton ON-Brampton ON-Kitchener ON-London ON-Mississauga ON-Ottawa ON-Ottawa-francais ON-Richmond Hill ON-Toronto East QC-Montreal QC-Montreal-francais SK-Regina F.A.Q CONTACT US HOME Français
Laser Quest is an entertainment Centre for the young and young at heart. It is perfect for birthday parties,

7. Ultrazone » Madison's Ultimate Indoor Entertainment
Ultrazone Madison's premier spot for family entertainment since 1995.

8. Guia Do Lazer
Eventos e casas noturnas da noite lisboeta e do Porto.

9. Laser Tag - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Laser tag is a team or individual activity where players attempt to score points by tagging targets, typically with a handheld infrared-emitting targeting device.
Laser tag
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed (November 2008) Laser tag
Soldiers of the e REI training with laser tag equipment Highest governing body International Laser Tag Association First played Characteristics Contact No physical contact between players (contact can result in penalties) Team members Varies depending on game format and level of play (recreational or professional) Categorization Indoor or Outdoor Equipment Laser guns and targets worn by players Laser tag is a team or individual activity where players attempt to score points by tagging targets, typically with a hand-held infrared -emitting targeting device. Infrared-sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated within the arena in which the game is played. Since its birth in 1979, with the release of the Star Trek Electronic Phasers toy manufactured by the South Bend Electronics brand of Milton Bradley , laser tag has evolved into both indoor and outdoor styles of play, and may include simulations of combat, role play-style games, or competitive sporting events including tactical configurations and precise game goals.

10. Unofficial Lazer Tag Home Page
Fan site that pays homage to Worlds Of Wonder s Lazer Tag, and other past manufacturers. Includes a message board and equipment news.

11. Intersphere Laser Tag Creates The World's Best Laser Tag Equipment.
Professional laser tag equipment, as well as site selection assistance site designs - special effects, and marketing assistance. Creators of LaZerware laser tag equipment Laser Games - Exciting Laser Tag Opportunities
Laser Tag Features
Laser Tag Equipment

Laser Tag Software

Special FX
What's New?
    The Wall Street Journal calls the Laser Tag business �very lucrative.�
Make Money with Lasertag
Are you an entrepreneur? Want to be your own boss? Want to find a world class business opportunity? Now you can own your own exciting laser tag entertainment business. Lasertag offers you all the tools you need to realize your vision of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Request more information now if you want to own a low-overhead, all-cash lasertag business that is fun and has high income potential. Rely on Intersphere
Lasertag delivers and supports a complete laser tag game system that is the Ferrari-Lexus of the industry that we helped to create. You can easily launch your laser tag business with confidence in the reliability and durability of our LaZerware laser tag equipment . Get into the Game!

12. Laser Tag & Games
Laser Tag and Games Coming Back to New Orleans Laser Tag and Games - Metairie Status. For ten years, Laser Tag and Games in Metairie was New Orleans' premier family entertainment
Laser Tag and Games - Metairie Status For ten years, Laser Tag and Games in Metairie was New Orleans' premier
family entertainment venue. Hurricane Katrina brought that run to a close. But she gave
us the opportunity to build a new facility. We are currently under construction, and we are
coming back bigger, better, and with all of the latest and greatest technology.
Keep checking back for updates on our Grand Re-opening date.
Now accepting applications

Please mail all applications to: Laser Tag and Games
Attn: Human Resources
8855 Veterans Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70003 Updated November 1, 2010

13. Steradian Technologies - Laser Tag Equipment
Worlds of Wonder-compatible laser tag guns and sensor sales for outdoor use.
Steradian Technologies
Outdoor Laser Tag Equipment

Fantastic new pricing on the S-7TE!
� 2006 Steradian Technologies, LLC

14. Where To Play Laser Tag - Find Laser Tag Sites In US & Canada - Sponsored By LAS
Find locations to play laser tag or if you're interested in building your own laser tag arena or facility, this web site can help direct you to the top Laser Tag Equipment

Find out Where to Play Laser Tag
Need to find a laser tag arena for a party, group or just to play? Want to play laser tag on your next trip or vacation? Welcome to Where To Play Laser Tag! Now with 761 laser tag locations listed!
More than any other laser tag site. The International LASERTRON Alliance is an organization comprised of some of the best laser tag facilities in the world utilizing LASERTRON laser tag equipment . This searching tool includes Alliance members and most other known laser tag locations currently in the United States and Canada. The Alliance encourages you to try laser tag. We've made it easy with the largest on-line database of laser tag facilities in North America. When you are in the area, please consider playing at one of our member sites (listed in blue when you search). And if you're interested in building your own laser tag arena or facility, this web site can help direct you to the top Laser Tag Equipment Manufacturers operating in the United States and Canada. Laser tag can be a fun and profitable business.

15. Lazer Tag - Mulligan Family Fun Centers Torrance
Mulligan Family Fun Center Torrance Lazer Tag, Go-Karts, MiniGolf, Arcade and More.
Mulligan now offers FREE Wi-Fi for our Guests! Join Our New Birthday Club Today Find Out About Our Group Package Discounts
Enjoy a fast-paced game of Lazer Tag where players compete in teams in our 2,200 square foot arena. This interactive sport challenges your mind and coordination skills. Blast your friends with state-of-the-art lazer beams in a fun arena filled with sound effects and special lighting.
SPEEDWAY MINI-GOLF ROOKIE ... CONTACT Please send email to for more information.

DIY information for Lasertag equipment construction, including electronic sensor assemblies.
M E N U News
Wie bitte?

Tech Stuff

DIY case

You are the 921-th visitor since 15.8.00 N E W S

17. Unofficial Lazer Tag Homepage - Terms
Lazer Tag Terms WoW (noun) This is short for Worlds of Wonder, the company that first brought us Lazer Tag and other hitech toys like the locker answering
Lazer Tag Terms
(noun) This is short for Worlds of Wonder, the company that first brought us Lazer Tag and other hi-tech toys like the locker answering machine and Teddy Ruxpin. Taggies
(noun) There is a nickname for the loud player who constantly shouts, brags about his StarLyte skills, crashes into people, and is generally disagreeable. He is called a "taggie." This is because everyone wants to tag him out. Lazer Tag Sportsmen should avoid being taggies at all times. Lazer Tag Marshal
(noun) The Team leader and captain. It is the marshal's job to direct his team to victory using strategies discussed before the contest. Trellendon
(noun) A tasty morsel often enjoyed as a reward after a hard earned victory. Beam
(verb) To use the StarLyte in any attempt to register a hit on a StarSensor. Prones
(noun) Someone lying prone or kneeling. These could be hit players or bystanders. Avoid prones as they may move when you least expect it, causing a collision. Blocking
(verb) Putting something between a StarLyte user and your StarSensor.

18. Dave Bodger's Lasertag Info
Lasertag news, history, events, and equipment sales for the UK.
Dave Bodger's Lasertag Info
Warp 9 to the info that interests you.....
A brief introduction to LaserTag
Lasertag, as played by myself in the UK, is a role-play combat system based around a set of commercially produced toy guns and sensors that used to be made by a company called 'Worlds of Wonder' in 1986-1988.
The company went bust about 10 years ago after making some 4 million pieces of Laser Tag (TM) equipment and we continue to play today with what equipment we can find or build for ourselves.
Recently, the LaserTag brand name has been used again for a laser gun toy made by 'Tiger Toys'.
Unfortunately it is not backwardly compatible with the original WoW equipment. The guns fire a totally safe beam of infra-red light at an electronic sensor which beeps at you when it has been hit.
It can record a total of 6 hits before it 'dies' and you are out of the game.
It has none of the electronic sophistication of the arena-based 'laser' tag games such as Quasar (Qzar), Laser Quest, UltraZone, etc.; but it is easy to use and cheap to play outdoors and, with modifications, over great distances.
Home-built guns with 200 meters range are common here.

19. Details
$10 Free Coupon Card Catalog Offer

20. What-A-Blast Extreme Laser Tag--State College, PA
WhatA-Blast is the ultimate laser tag experience played in a 2400 sq/ft arena in downtown State College! Named the Best of Amusement Places in State College since 2008 by the US
111 Sowers St. State College, PA 16801 814.234.8740 What-A-Blast is the ultimate laser tag experience
played in a 2400 sq/ft arena in downtown State College! Named the Best of Amusement Places in State College since 2008 by the US Local Business Association, you know it will be beyond fun for guys and girls alike!! It is truly appropriate for all ages over six. Though very popular for kids birthday parties, college kids and organizations, greeks, high school and middle school kids, sports teams, youth groups, families, office workers, and adult friends also thoroughly enjoy it!!! With a reservation of six or more players, you have the place to yourselves! Birthday parties or Group outings!. Normal reservations are for 2 hours of play time, but if necessary, there are also one hour reservations. Walk-in's still please call 234-8740 first to ensure the facility is available and staffed. We are currently staffing to scheduled parties, so it is best to pre-schedule. If it is a last minute decision, please give us 15 minutes to get there. Call 234-8740 or email

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