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41. Internet Service Provider Broadband DSL Dial Access Hosting The Pacific Northwest orienteering web site contains information regarding orienteering/rogaine events in the Canadian province of British Columbia and the US states of Washington, northern Oregon, and northern Idaho. http://www.pnwo.org/ |
42. Chicago Area Orienteering Club Offers an introduction to orienteering, meetings and events calendar, training, newsletters, contacts and related links. http://chicago-orienteering.org/ | |
43. Home : Orienteering Australia Website organizes and promotes all major events in Australia. Information about events, state clubs, mapping and mountain bike orienteering. http://www.orienteering.asn.au/ | |
44. Orienteering.com Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about orienteering http://www.orienteering.com/ | |
45. Welcome - BAOC The San Francisco Bay Area orienteering Club in orienteering you use a map and compass to navigate a course through unfamiliar terrain. People of all ages enjoy orienteering http://baoc.org/wiki/Welcome | |
46. Merit Badge Workbook orienteering Merit Badge Workbook This workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet (book). No one can add or subtract from the Boy Scout http://www.usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/Orienteering.pdf |
47. Wairarapa Orienteering Club Details of the Wairarapa orienteering and the current year s programme and results, Mountain bike orienteering and rogaining, orienteering and Wairarapa links. http://techs.net.nz/trusthouse.co.nz/sport/orienteering/ | |
48. Orienteering Unlimited: About Orienteering orienteeringrelated services including map making, workshops, corporate training. http://www.orienteeringunlimited.com/aboutorienteering.htm | |
49. OrienteeringOnline.net Offers news, articles, gallery, event calendar and interviews. http://www.orienteeringonline.net/ | |
50. Pennsylvania State Parks - Orienteering - PA DCNR This is an official Web site of the Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks. Begin your adventure here. Called the art of map and compass reading, orienteering is a fun way to http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/recreation/orienteering.aspx |
51. Wisconsin Adventure Racing Society Events include orienteering, on and off road biking, canoeing, trekking, and land navigation. http://wisadventureracingsociety.com/ | |
52. DVOA - All Welcome! Registration Fees Increase after Oct. 25 for Hickory Run Rocks. Registration fees for the Hickory Run A Event will increase after Monday Oct. 25. http://dvoa.us.orienteering.org/ | |
53. MapStudio Orienteering Maps / OL-Karten Software for drawing orienteering maps with Adobe Illustrator. http://www.mapstudio.info/mapstudio/ | |
54. HickokSports.com - History - Orienteering This document is a history of orienteering, with descriptions of the various types of competition involved. It is a page in the History section of HickokSports.com, the largest http://www.hickoksports.com/history/orienteering.shtml | |
55. Florida Orienteering Provides dates and directions to meets in Central Florida. Also includes policies and related resource links. http://www.floridaorienteering.org | |
56. Orienteering Cincinnati Home Offers schedule, news, results, photos, tutorials, and contact information, http://ocin.org | |
57. Orienteering | Endurance Sport New Zealand World Games 2009, in Chinese Tapei (Taiwan) Big congratulations to the New Zealand World Games orienteering team. What a team! Tasked with taking on the best of the best at the http://www.endurancesport.co.nz/orienteering/ |
58. Orienteering What is orienteering? orienteering is a sport in which orienteers use an accurate, detailed map and a compass to find points in the landscape. http://www.williams.edu/Biology/Faculty_Staff/hwilliams/Orienteering/o~index.htm | |
59. Portuguese Orienteering Federation Includes information, events, maps, rankings, and results. http://www.fpo.pt/index_english.php | |
60. International World Games Association : Orienteering orienteering is highly athletic, mentally challenging, environmentally sound, and it is genderneutral! orienteering is the sport where athletes use map and http://www.worldgames-iwga.org/vsite/vcontent/page/custom/0,8510,1044-167458-184 | |
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