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41. Lanakila Outrigger Canoe Club - Redondo Beach, CA Outrigger canoe racing team in Redondo Beach, Southern California. Includes membership information, events, calendar, practice schedule, and club history. http://www.lanakila.com/ |
42. Outrigger Canoeing - Islander Paddler For updates regarding our events, clinics and activities relating to Stand Up Paddleboarding and Outrigger Canoeing, please sign up to our mailing list so as we can keep you http://www.islanderpaddler.com/outrigger-canoeing/ | |
43. Austin Outrigger Canoe Club Practice the sport of Hawaiian outrigger canoing in Town Lake. Event calendar and photo gallery. http://web.mac.com/texasshine/austinocc.org/ |
44. Rochester Rehabilitation Outrigger Canoeing. Outrigger canoeing provides a wonderful way to experience the outdoors, play on the water, and get great exercise all in the social setting of an 8 person http://www.rochesterrehab.org/services/sportsnet/outrigger-canoeing/ | |
45. OUTRIGGER CANOE RACING CLUBS AROUND THE WEB 2003 Clubs and associations from around the world. http://holoholo.org/canunews/clubs.html | |
46. Hokuloa Outrigger Canoe Club Located in Ventura, California. Location, practices and picture albums. http://hokuloaoutrigger.typepad.com/ | |
47. WATERGEAR.DE : Fachversand Für Drachenboot Und Outrigger Canoe Produkte! Verkauf von Drachenbooten, Outrigger Canoes (Ausleger Kanus) und Zubeh r rund um beide Sportarten wie Drachenbootpaddel, Outriggerpaddel, Raceshirts, Paddeltaschen und Paddelshorts. http://www.watergear.de | |
48. Paddling Styles - Outrigger Canoeing Steve West UK 07 859 294 188 Overseas + 44 7859 294 188 FACEBOOK Mandy West UK 07 859 296 741 Overseas + 44 7859 296 741 FACEBOOK . We've redesigned and reprinted both of our http://www.kanuculture.com/paddling-styles/ | |
49. Outrigger Canoeing Come and enjoy the fun amp excitement of outrigger canoeing on the beautiful Noosa River and the ocean with Noosa OCC http://www.mysunshinecoast.com.au/articles/article-display/outrigger-canoeing,18 |
50. Malama Custom Paddles Offering custom outrigger canoe paddles and sailing steering blades. http://www.malamapaddles.com/ | |
51. Outrigger Canoeing Information, Outrigger Canoeing Reference Articles - FindTarg Information and research on Outrigger canoeing on FindTarget Reference online encyclopedia. Find articles and information resources on Outrigger canoeing. http://reference.findtarget.com/search/Outrigger canoeing/ | |
52. - Patterson Lakes Outrigger Club Inc Official Website - Describes outrigger canoeing, training, safety requirements, membership and regattas. http://www.pattersonlakes.outriggers.com.au/ | |
53. OHANA HOE OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB || オハナホウ・アウトリガーカヌー http://ohanahoe.com/ | |
54. New Page 1 A seakayak, surfski and outrigger canoe race to be held at Captiva Island, Florida on Saturday December 1st and Sunday December 2nd, 2001. Includes contact information. http://www.canopy.net/captiva_classic/ | |
55. Outrigger Canoeing Micronesia Adventure Tour Reef Rainforest, Dive Adventure Travel worldwide, US Travel Agency, San Francisco, California, Jenny Collister, Accommodations, Scuba Diving, Air Tickets, Land Excursions http://reefrainforest.com/adventure_tours.php?toukey=130 |
56. HAWAII OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB NEWS - OUTRIGGER RACING NEWS FROM GREATER POLYNESIA Molokai Hoe, Na Wahine O Ke Kai race websites, news of outrigger racing from around greater Polynesia, canoe clubs in Hawaii, links to paddling events, people, and places. http://holoholo.org/canunews/ | |
57. Hui O' Hawaii Of Sacramento OUTRIGGER CANOEING. Hui O' Hawaii of Sacramento is a cultural organization founded in 1971 that perpetuates the Hawaiian/Polynesian http://www.huiohawaiisacramento.org/canoe.html | |
58. Israel Kamakawiwo`ole Long Distance Outrigger Canoe Race Includes race photos and results of the 1999 event. http://waikikiyc.com/izrace99/ | |
59. O U T R I G G E R C A N O E . C O M By Michael Nyberg The Premiere Outrigger Canoe Racing Site in Northern California by Michael Nyberg http://www.outriggercanoe.com/ | |
60. Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association - Home Includes organization information and race results. Designed to provide insight into the sport and information for anyone who is interested in joining or starting a club. http://www.aocra.com.au/ | |
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