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         Petanque:     more books (100)
  1. From Gutterballs to Strikes by Mike Durbin, Dan Herbst, 1998-01-01
  2. Bowling: Steps to Success (Steps to Success Activity Series) by Robert H. Strickland, 1996-05
  3. Focused for Bowling by Dean Hinitz, 2002-09-26
  4. Let's Go Bowling! by Eric Dregni, 2005-10-27
  5. Sport Psychology Library: Bowling by Fred Borden, Jeri Edwards Dr. Eric S Lasser, 2006-04-15
  6. Bowling: Steps to Success (Steps to Success Sports Series) by Douglas Wiedman, 2005-11-01
  7. Sex & Bowls & Rock and Roll: How I Swapped My Rock Dreams for Village Greens by Alex Marsh, 2010-07-09
  8. CogLab Reader (Sports Skills) by Aimee Surprenant, Greg Francis, et all 2004-07-12
  9. Bowling For Beginners: Simple Steps to Strikes & Spares by Don Nace, 2002-03-28
  10. Bowling For Dummies (For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)) by A.J. Forrest, Lisa Iannucci, 2010-07-06
  11. Bowling Fundamentals (Sports Fundamentals Series) by Human Kinetics, Michelle Mullen, 2003-09-12
  12. Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Bowling (Ultimate Guide to Weight Training...) by Robert G. Price, 2008-09-01
  13. Bowling Execution - 2nd Edition by John Jowdy, 2009-02-13
  14. The Big Book of Bowling by Howard Stallings, Hunter Montana, 1995-06

61. If32hovedforening
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63. Startside
Information om afdelingen, spillet, mesterskaber, resultater og bestyrelse.

64. Tune IF Petanque
Information om holdledere, tr ningstider, arrangementer, spilleprogram og bestyrelse.
Tune IF Startside Informationer Forside Petanque Bestyrelse 2010 Udvalg 2010 Info fra bestyrelsen ... Resultater 2010 Diverse Arrangementer Viking Open 2010 Klubmesterskaber 2010 Medlemsnyt ... Links
Petanque er et spil for hele familien, nybegyndere som �vede.
Du er altid velkommen til at bes�ge os og pr�ve spillet.
Alle er velkommen i Tune IF Petanque.
Se mere under vores tr�ningstider 2010.

65. Petanque
petanque CurryGuide topic P tanque (French pronunciationpetɑ̃k) is a form of boules where the goal is, while standing inside a starting circle with both feet on the

66. K�benhavns P�tanque Klub
Nyheder og billeder fra klubben. Spillested i Kongens Have. Mulighed for firma arrangementer.
K�benhavn �ben

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Danmarks anarkistiske p�tanque klub Bestyrelsen
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Medlemskab og kontingenter Divisionsspil
Danmarkmesterskaberne for klubhold Fotoalbum
Billederne, stemningen Mig og nye mine kugler
Lars Refns bog om p�tanque Medlemmer
For klubbens medlemmer Dansk P�tanque Forbund P�tanque i Danmark DGI Stork�benhavn DGI P�tanque i K�benhavn Svenska Boulef�rbundet P�tanque i udlandet Kontakt KPK
Velkommen til K�benhavn p�tanque Klub (KpK)
K�benhavn p�tanque Klub holder til i centrum af K�benhavn. Mellem april og oktober spiller vi hver onsdag aften foran H.C. Andersen statuen i Kongens Have . Desuden tr�ner vi hver mandag p� Islands Brygge ved Skibet udfor Halfdansgade Alle er velkomne til at komme forbi for at spille med os.

67. Bocce Ball Sets : Petanque Sets : Bocce Sets : Bocce Accessories -
Italian Bocce ball sets petanque sets direct importer Perfetta Made in Italy bocce ball sets - Playaboule LED glo bocce ball sets, petanque Bocce ball accessories for sale.
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  • All Bocce Things We are the direct importer of all the bocce ball sets and petanque sets and accessories you see on this site with nearly all under exclusive contract or designed and manufactured for us Shipping directly from our warehouse in Seattle at the lowest prices not like the other online Bocce stores that drop ship and stock little or no inventory. This means that we handle any issues directly and don't pass the buck!! You'll find the most complete range in North America, of bocce ball sets and petanque sets and bocce and petanque accessories within these pages. Browse around and if you have any questions give us a call at 888-225-2865.
    So if you are looking for a bocce set or a petanque set, this is the place.
    Play the game of Bocce/Petanque. Click the picture to play Note: When playing, to release the ball and control its distance and direction, drag the ball behind the player.

68. Fresno Pétanque Club
Fresno P tanque Club meets three times a week to play boules. Beginners are welcome. We provide all the equipment and training needed. Or if you're an experienced player, we
Game Days: Tuesdays 5:30 p.m., Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. and League Play 5:45 p.m., Thursdays Open Play 5:30 p.m., Sundays 9:00 a.m.
Location: Cary Park (4750 N. Fresno St), behind Macy's at Fashion Fair Mall
For more information: call 559/431-5944 or email
Click here to read our latest newsletter.
Click here for the 2009 FPC European Tour Travelogue.

69. Home
The official website of the English petanque Association Isle of Wight Region and Isle of Wight petanque League. Includes profile, competitions, fixtures, league results, map of Island terrains, rules and contact details.

70. Pétanque Wellington Home Page
Welcome to the website of P tanque Wellington. On these pages you will find information regarding the game of p tanque within the lower North Island of New Zealand.
Please take some time to browse through the site and we welcome your feedback (
News Archive Last month
1 November 2010 : WPA Seeding List
One hundred and five players are listed on the lastest Regional Seeding list which has been updated following the Regional Doubles Championship. Michael Rocks (Khandallah) maintains his top placing, with Christine Strichen (Wanganui East) taking over second place from Andrew Joe (Windy Hills). Explanation of the Seeding list.
29 October 2010 : Upcoming Events
Entry forms are now available for the:
28 October 2010 : Jacques Cochonnet Challenge Trophy
The draw for Round 15 was conducted at the WPA Meeting. The winner of the final Round 14 match will be removed from the list of challengers for Round 15 ( Article 3
27 October 2010 : World Championships
The final match is available online at . The commentary is in French and quite amusing in places even for non-French speakers.
The FIPJP Congress in Izmir, Turkey ratified some corrections to the Playing Rules.

71. Welcome To The
Includes information about this California club, directions to the court, photos, calendar, boules for sale, and related links. Also provides information on how the game is played, definition, and history.

72. Petanque -
Learn about petanque on Find info and videos including What Is petanque?, How To Play petanque, Rules for petanque and much more.
  • Family Food Health Home Money Style More
Home Petanque
Petanque Featured Articles
  • What Is Petanque? Petanque is a game that originated in France. Players throw their boules (balls) to try and get closest to the target known as the jack or "cochonnet," French for "piglet." Strategies include getting closest to the jack and knocking the opponent's balls away from the jack. Petanque is most popular in France, with a large following... Petanque Strategy Petanque is a French game of skill that is generally played in the backyard. Players take turns throwing metal balls towards a smaller wooden ball or cochonnet. The ball that lands closest to the cochonnet scores a point for its player. Players can play in teams or by themselves. The rules for Petanque are very simple but the... How to Win at Petanque Petanque is very similar in nature to Bocce. Both games consist of players landing large, heavy balls as close as possible to a target ball. The player or team that lands a ball or balls closest to the target ball earns points. Unlike Bocce players, Petanque players typically throw with the palm facing downward, giving the balls...
Related Topics
Articles: Petanque

73. Petanque - Wairarapa Wiki
Contact Alison Priddle, Club Captain. Ph 06 377 3404. Our club was established in 1994 and is now located at the Park Bowling Club, Queen Elizabeth II Park.
var authentication_url = ''; User name: Password: new user Front Page Wiki Editors About this Wiki ...
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Masterton Petanque Club
The Masterton Petanque Club is affiliated to WPA and PNZ. Contact: Alison Priddle, Club Captain. Ph: 06 377 3404. Our club was established in 1994 and is now located at the Park Bowling Club, Queen Elizabeth II Park. Memorial Drive, Masterton, New Zealand (click on Map icon above) . We are next-door to The Fat Duck Cafe Playing times are Sunday 2:00pm, Wednesday 6:00pm . Visitors are most welcome. We have petanque boules for you to use, so there is no need to bring your own. Once you are ready to buy your own set we can help you make the right selection. Membership is only $50.00 per year. How to get to our Terrain: Go along Dixon Street, and when you get to the swimming complex (Genesis Energy Recreation Centre) turn right into Memorial Drive. Follow the lake around all the way to the Bowling Club car park. You can't miss us from here. We look forward to seeing you. PS. watch out for the ducks as you drive around the lake. Our club receives sponsorship from Wairarapa Building Society Tulloch Farm Machines During tournaments, players from outside of Wairarapa enjoy staying at

74. Home
Playing p tanque (boule) in Bushy Park, Dublin on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Includes rules of the game, photos and events calendar.
Do you want to take a vacation ? Travel the countryside on a tour of Ireland Ireland vacations are unlike any other. Don't worry about traveling with a group get your own Budget car rental in Ireland . It's a trip your whole family will never forget
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[Home] [ News Events Celtic Challenge Bastille Day 2007 ... Boule story #1

75. YouTube - How To Play Petanque
petanque is the French game of boules, popular throughout the world. Here are the basics of playing the game.

76. Valley Of The Moon Petanque Club
Based in Sonoma, California. Includes history, photos, schedule, newsletter, and membership information.

77. NZ Petanque Wiki - NZPW / FrontPage
Location New Zealand Number of pages 348. This independent NZ petanque Wiki (NZPW) is sponsored by Boules to You. Welcome to our petanque Community

78. H Ng Petanque Club.
Resultater, klubmestere, meddelelser og aktivitetskalender.
H�NG PETANQUE CLUB Form�let med denne hjemmeside er, dels at pr�sentere HPC overfor g�sterne, og dels at formidle informationer til klubbens medlemmer.
Brug menuen ude i venstre side til at komme rundt om H�ng Petanque Club. Find de oplysninger du har brug for. Kontakt os endelig hvis du har noget p� hjertet. Is�r hvis du har lyst til at spille petanque i HPC.
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Bronze til HPC i 1. division
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Slutspillet i DGI's kvartetturnering bragte medaljer til flere hold: S�lv i C-r�kken S�lv i A-r�kken Rygtet forlyder, at Line sammen med Maria Saxild og Louise Miland gjorde rent bord ved Dansk Olie Cup. Resultatet og fotos fra H�ng Open 2010 kan ses under Resultatb�rsen til venstre. L�rdag d. 7. august - Klubmesterskab Single - Resultater L�rdag d. 25. september - Klubmesterskab Double - Resultater L�rdag d. 30. oktober - Klubmesterskab Mix-double - Resultater L�rdag d. 20. november - Klubmesterskab Triple

79. Søborg Pétanque Klub
Om klubben, tr ningstider, turneringer, resultater og nyheder.
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80. Søgård Petanque Klub
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