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61. XCW Wrestling Professional wrestling franchise; news, overview, roster, pictures and fan board. http://www.xcwonline.net/ | |
62. Professional Wrestling - SPORTS : Hellokids.com Professional wrestling is a noncompetitive professional sport, where matches are prearranged by the promotion's booking staff. Pro wrestling is an athletic performing art http://www.hellokids.com/c_16471/reading/reports/sports/professional-wrestling |
63. Professional Wrestling Professional wrestling is a form of sport and performing art which contains strong elements of mock combat and catch wrestling. Most matches are prearranged by the promotion's http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Professional Wrestling | |
64. Professional Wrestling Essays And Articles At ENotes Professional Wrestling essays, articles, and viewpoints It is 9 P.M. Monday night, and an announcer asks thousands of professional wrestling fans crowded into a local http://www.enotes.com/professional-wrestling-article |
65. Professional Wrestling - Zimbio Professional wrestling features some of the most athletic men and women in the world pitted against each other in semistaged hand-to-hand combat that often eschews rules and http://www.zimbio.com/Professional Wrestling |
66. Professional Wrestling Fan Club | Fansite With Photos, Videos, And More Fanpop community fan club for Professional Wrestling fans to share, discover content and connect with other fans of Professional Wrestling. Find Professional Wrestling videos http://www.fanpop.com/spots/professional-wrestling |
67. Dan Tanaka - Professional Wrestling Referee The Official Website of Professional Wrestling Referee, Dan Tanaka! View event schedule, commentaries, photographs and more! http://professionalwrestlingreferee.com/ | |
68. Professional Wrestling / Female Single Combat Club Milded Burke is locked. Professional wrestling is a form of performance art where the participants engage in simulated sporting matches in the boxinglike ring. http://www.fscclub.com/vidy/profi-e.shtml | |
69. Professional Wrestling Summary | BookRags.com Professional Wrestling Introduction. Professional Wrestling summary with 103 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/researchtopics/professional-wrestling/ |
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