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         Racquetball:     more books (107)
  1. Racquetball by Trent E. Gabert, 1987-11
  2. Racquetball: Learning the Fundamentals by Tom Roberts, James L. Dewitt, 2000-09
  3. Roll-Out Racquetball by Charles Brumfield, 1982-01
  4. Sports With Racquets (Badminton, Racquet-Ball, Squash and Lacrosse):: Index of New Data and Information by Hugo H. Bronsen, 1998-01
  5. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Badminton, Paint Ball, Racquetball, Squash, and Table Tennis Equipment and Traditional and Clamp-On Roller Skates and Related Equipment in Japan by Icon Group International, 2009-05-08
  6. The Digest Book of Racquetball (Sports & leisure library) by Bob Gura, 1980-01
  7. Marty Hogan's Power Racquetball by Marty. Hogan, 1979-03
  8. Intermediate racquetball drills by Jean Sauser, 1981
  9. The 2009 Report on Badminton, Paint Ball, Racquetball, Squash, and Table Tennis Equipment and Traditional and Clamp-On Roller Skates and Related Equipment: World Market Segmentation by City by Icon Group International, 2009-05-01
  10. Racquetball by Philip E Allsen, Alan R Witbeck, 1996-02-01
  11. Power Racquetball: Featuring Pst, the Revolutionary Method of Conditioning for Racquetball by Ellington Darden, 1981-01
  12. Inside Racquetball by Chuck Leve, 1981-10
  13. Championship racquetball: By the experts (The West Point sports/fitness series) by John W Reznik, 1978
  14. Teaching Your Child Racquetball by Jean. Sauser, 1978-01

41. USA Racquetball > Home
USA racquetball (USAR) is the National Governing Body for the sport of racquetball, recognized by the U.S. Olympic Committee. We provide opportunities for members and
Home Tournaments Programs Rankings ... Other Sports Manhattan RFC
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Philly Whitemarsh The Basketball Net Top 20 brings you the pick of the most popular and highest-rating sites. Manhattan RFC
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Philly Whitemarsh Complete Scheduling, Tour nament and Statistics Softw are for your League
About Racquetball in the USA
USA Racquetball depends upon public donations to continue its work. There are several different ways You can help and it's TAX Deductible! Click here for informations in german! Home Member Services News Stories ... Golf

Site devoted to American racquetball enthusiasts living in Europe. Player rankings, calendar of events, and player contact information.

43. Racquetball | Define Racquetball At
–noun a game similar to handball, played on a fourwalled court but with a short-handled, strung racket and a larger, somewhat softer ball. Use racquetball in a Sentence See

44. UTD Racquetball Association
Club information and events list for the University of Texas at Dallas racquetball club.

Club Info
RPA Ladder (Ranking, Rules and How to Join)
Application Forms
USRA official rules ... UT Dallas People to contact for more information:

45. Homepage For RACQUETBALL In Vermont Or More Commonly Called Green Mountain Racqu
Dedicated to racquetball in Vermont. Tournament information and results, racquetball links and player profiles.
Subject: GMRA Website
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 22:33:49 -0400
On behalf of everyone in the GMRA, we would like to thank you very, very much for your support and efforts over the years in maintaining a website presence for the GMRA. A great deal of where we are today is because of the efforts of such people as you.
We have coordinated with the other states in New England and are taking advantage of a common racquetball interface that allows us to work closely together to ensure that racquetball in New England remain a viable and vibrant sport. The new website that we are hosting the GMRA information on is
At your earliest convenience, could you archive and remove the former website that we so gratefully appreciate you maintaining for us? By removing it, we can ensure that the appropriate folks in Vermont (and New England) are referencing the most integrated information that New England is maintaining. Without question, we are truly indebted to you for your efforts.

46. History Of Racquetball
Home racquetball The Game History or racquetball. The History of racquetball. Joseph G. Sobek (1918 – 1998) was the inventor of racquetball
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Racquetball Community Racquetball Resource Guides ... Contact SHOP BY BRAND Ektelon Racquetball Gear E-Force Racquetball Gear Wilson Racquetball Gear Head Racquetball Gear ... Under Armour Clothing SHOP BY PRODUCT Racquetball Racquets Racquetball Gloves Racquetball Shoes Racquetballs ... Racquetball Apparel CUSTOMER SERVICES Your Account Track Your Order Order History Saved Carts ... Racquetball - The Game
The History of Racquetball
Joseph G. Sobek inventor of racquetball Using a platform tennis racket as a pattern, Sobek drew up plans for a new, short, strung racket and had 25 prototypes made in 1950. He began promoting the new sport by selling these prototypes to his fellow members of the Greenwich, CT YMCA. The game was catching on, but players found fault with the ball, so Sobek set out to find a better ball for his new sport. He found what he was looking for in an inexpensive Spalding rubber ball for children, and bought as many as he could to keep his new sport going. Sobek eventually founded his own company to manufacture balls to his exact specifications. In 1952, Sobek founded the Paddle Rackets Association. He codified a set of rules and printed them up, sent out promotional kits to YMCAs and other sporting organizations to promote the sport, and provided clinics to teach new players the new sport of racquetball.

47. Racquetball
Tennis racquets, tennis shoes, tennis apparel and more. New models and closeouts. TennisBoom.Com order online or call.
Tennis shopping online for tennis racquets, tennis shoes, apparel, accessories and other tennis equipment. Tennis Boom Inc. is the official dealer of Adidas, Babolat, Gamma, Head, Fila, Nike, Prince, Volkl, Wilson, Yonex and many other respected tennis brands.
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Your order is placed online through the secure server call 1 800 336 8180 or email with any question tennis racquets strings tennis balls ... show order csell_env = 'mud'; // Begin Y! Store Generated Code // Begin Y! Store Generated Code

48. German Racquetball/Deutscher Racquetball Verband E.V.
Dachverband mit Infos zum deutschen und internationalen racquetball, bietet auch Adressen zu den angeschlossenen Vereinen an.

49. Racquetball Meetup Groups - Racquetball Meetups
Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about racquetball

50. Pro Racquetball Videos And DVDs
Pro tour schedules, biographies, sponsors, and video sales of tour matchplay.

51. Racquetball - Compare Prices, Reviews And Buy At NexTag - Price - Review
racquetball 677 results like the SSG / BSN Eye Protectors (EA), SSG / BSN Deluxe Eye Protectors (EA), Ektelon Specter racquetball Eyewear, E-Force Bedlam 185G E-Force

52. R-ball - Racquetball Tips
Collection of expert advice from newsgroup postings and e-mail, organized by topic.
Racquetball tips Search this site Racquetball dictionary What's new Get a grip - how to hold the racquet handle ... How to hit a consistent lob Doubles
Links Official rulebook

Kevin's Racquetball FAQ
Racquetball Magazine

Racquetball Newsgroup [

The Pro tour
Jordan's simplified rules of rball ... E-mail There are a lot great tips in the form of temporary racquetball news group postings and e-mail. The purpose of this site is to capture the best of this info and organize it into categories. The result would be a huge library of racquetball tips arranged by topic. There are instructional pages already on the Web but I�d like to see a place where many players� unique ideas on one tightly focused subject are all on the same page. Maybe different players will be able to conceptualize some suggestions better than others. Each player's spin on the subject would help the readers understand it in a different way.

53. Racquetball Courts Lessons & Leagues In Hartland WI | Lake Country Racquet & Ath
Lake Country racquetball is a great way to get fit, while building agility and having fun.

54. Health Clubs In Portland, Or - Cascade Athletic Clubs - Serving Gresham, OR And
11 racquetball courts complete with tournaments and leagues in Gresham, Oregon.

55. Racquetball And Squash At Franklin Athletic Club
Franklin Athletic Club, a Premier Health Club. Located in Southfield Michigan 48034, Multipurpose Health Club featuring the Franklin Academy Preschool, Jr. kindergarten
The Racquetball/Squash Department is under the direction of Greg Lewerenz . There are many exciting activities for members to choose from. League play for racquetball and squash, as well as lessons, are available. Greg Lewerenz and Alex Cobb are our Racquetball Professionals, and are available for racquetball lessons for all ages and ability levels. Rob Graves, a National and State Champion, is our Squash Professional.
Racquetball courts are reserved on the half-hour for one-hour periods. (i.e. 3:30, 7:30, 11:30)
Squash court reservations are made on 45-minute intervals. (i.e. 3:45, 4:15, 5:00)
For all court reservations, only one reservation per person during prime hours. Prime time hours are located at the reservation desk, or just ask the desk attendant over the phone.
Court Check In:
All Members must check in before court time. Failure to do so may result in court reassignment or removal from the court. If players are not present on a reserved court 15 minutes after the reserved time, the court will be considered open.
Lessons Rates  Members Non-Members Private / Semi-Private $65 per hr $75 per hr Packages Available Buy four lessons and get the fifth lesson Free.

56. North Carolina Racquetball Association > Home
Official site includes ratings, tournaments, and state news.

57. Bellingham Athletic Club - Racquetball
Bellingham Athletic Club's programs are clubbased, so please select either Cordata or Downtown Bellingham to view our programs, which include aerobics, racquetball, weights
  • Home Facilities Programs Fitness Info Membership
    • Corporate Membership Club Amenities ...
      Junior League


      Pro Tips

      The Bellingham Athletic Club opened its doors in 1975 as primarily a Racquetball facility. While over the years we've added more stuff, racquetball continues to be one of our most popular activities. See how you can get in on the action!
      • Beginner's Clinic - If you have never played racquetball before or need a refresher, there is a free beginner's clinic each month Please call to sign up. Racquetball League - We offer three leagues per year: Fall, Winter and Spring. It is a mixed league with divisions for A through D level players. Open to Members and Non-Members. We also offer a j uniors only league Tournaments - BAC hosts a variety tournaments each year: The BAC In The Swing Tournament (for club members only) starts the season off every August. Then the Fall Classic in November, the Winter Shootout in January, and the Northwest Open in March. The Northwest Open is a premier Washington Racquetball Association event, drawing players from as far away as Alaska, Montana and Oregon. We also participate with British Columbia in a great Juniors two day Event: Racquets Without Borders. Lessons - If you are interested in brushing up your game, we have beginner, intermediate, and advanced racquetball lessons at a variety of times. The Club Pro also holds private and semi-private lessons.

58. Maryland Washington Racquetball Association
Provides information on events, rankings, and court information.





The Maryland Washington Racquetball Association (MWRA) is the official governing body of racquetball in Maryland and the District of Columbia. Under exclusive charter from USA Racquetball, the national governing body for the sport of racquetball, the MWRA is committed to providing quality tournaments and programs for competitive players of all ages.
Next Event
MWRA Doubles Championships
November 6-7
SportFIT Laurel Racquet and Health Club **Participation is welcome from all States** FB.init("5d66f798455929debf77f6b7a1c0037a"); KEEP YOUR USAR MEMBERSHIP AND PROFILE CURRENT! In order to receive current racquetball-related information, please keep your email address current with the USAR. Click here to renew and update! October 6, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

59. RacquetWorld: Racquetball Racquets
racquetball Racquets by all manufacturers. Authorized dealer for EForce, Head, Ektelon, Pro Kennex and Wilson
100% Racquetball - Largest Online Dealer
Our return address 35 Fuller Rd Albany, NY 12205
Store Hours: 9 AM - 5:30 PM EST Mon-Fri
Home Basket Checkout Restring Warranty Returns Specials ... Exclusives Product Search: advanced search Sign In

60. Illinois State Racquetball Association
Information on membership, schedule, rankings and junior clinics for Illinois.

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