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1. Ringette of ringette, information about and links to championships, and links from the Women s Hockey Web....... http://www.whockey.com/ringette/ | |
2. Splash ringette Canada Ringuette Canada. Welcome Bienvenue http://www.ringette.ca/ |
3. International Ringette Federation (IRF) Find history, rules, committees, administration, member countries, and an archive of world championships by year. http://www.ringette.cc/ | |
4. WELCOME TO SURREY WHITE ROCK RINGETTE! Association has players ranging from ages 5 18. Provides required equipment list, rink locations, photos, news, team results and schedules. http://www.surreywhiterockringette.com/ |
5. Saskatchewan Ringette Information about the history of ringette, the game, tournaments and championships, community activity, SaskFirst program, and merchandise. http://www.ringettesask.com/ | |
6. Ringette - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ringette is a team sport played on an ice surface. Played primarily by females, ringette requires the use of straight sticks to control a rubber ring; with the objective of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringette | |
7. | Ringette Calgary Association Don Henderson Memorial ringette Scholarship The Don Henderson Memorial ringette Scholarship was awarded to Justine Williamsfor the 2010/11 Academic year. http://www.ringettecalgary.ca/news.htm | |
8. We Are Ringette ... Www.ringette.com DOM Sports has manufactured quality sports equipment for over 30 years. We supply school boards, jails, government housing, community centers, parks and recreation centers and http://ringette.com/ | |
9. Kelowna Ringette - Pages Register. Register Your Child for the 2010 2011 Season Contact the registrar Terry Thompson email - maddog4@shaw.ca. Secure your child a spot with Kelowna ringette for http://www.kelownaringette.com/page.php?sectionID=11 |
10. Lower Mainland Ladies Ringette Homepage A ringette Website about the Ladies Teams of BC s Lower Mainland. How women of all ages can enjoy the fun and fast ice sport called ringette! http://mypage.direct.ca/k/katymayrs/ | |
11. Personalized Ringette Gifts Personalized gift giving ideas for ringette players, ringette teams and your ringette coach. http://www.sportsgiftswarehouse.com/shop/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=29 |
12. Ontario Ringette Association Scan ringette information, history, tournaments, and related links. http://www.ontario-ringette.com/ |
13. Ontario Ringette Association ringette information, history, tournaments, and links. http://ontario-ringette.com/ |
14. Nepean Ringette Association - Home Of The Ravens A site containing information about the Canadian winter sport of ringette and specifically about ringette in Nepean. http://www.nepeanringette.ca/ | |
15. ERC Home Critical Dates. Oct 15th. Deadline for player registration and associated fees to ringette Alberta ; Deadline to submit player releases to ringette Alberta http://www.edmontonringetteclub.com/cmsimple/ | |
16. Tuusula Ringette Ry. 1989 Seuran tietoja ja joukkueet. http://www.tuusularingette.fi/ | |
17. RINGETTE.ORG ringette.ORG is the ultimate online source for ringette information. FREE Email (yourname@ringette.org), internet search, Domain Forwarding (http//teamname.ringette.org, http http://ringette.org/ | |
18. Sackville Ringette Association - Welcome! Happy New Year! Welcome to the homepage of the Sackville ringette Association. We are proud to be part of Sackville Minor Hockey ringette Association. http://sackvilleringette.org/ | |
19. Kelowna Ringette - Home Kelowna ringette Association PO Box 21156 RPO Orchard Park Kelowna BC V1X 7N5. info@kelownaringette.com http://kelownaringette.com/ |
20. Ringette | Multicultural Games | Germantown Academy State the name of your game and why you chose it. The name of our game is ringette. List the countries where it is played and its origin. It was invented in 1963 in Ontario. http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/Academics/MS/6th/MCGAMES/Games/ringette.htm | |
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