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21. NWA Roller Derby » Arkansas' Premiere Flat Track Roller Derby League All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Fayetteville, AR. http://nwarollerderby.com | |
22. Houston Roller Derby Allfemale, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Houston, TX. History of the league, news, game rules, profiles of the players, photographs, and season schedule. http://houstonrollerderby.com/public/default.aspx | |
23. Calgary Roller Derby Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Canada roller derby, alberta derby, Calgary womens roller derby, games and bouts, roller games, womens sports, becoming a rollergirl, rollergirl http://www.calgaryrollerderby.com/ | |
24. Derby Memoirs: A Tribute To Roller Derby History A collection of stories about the stars of the original Roller Derby League, many of them told in the skaters own words. http://derbymemoirs.bravepages.com |
25. Roller Derby Meetup Groups - Roller Derby Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Roller Derby http://roller-derby.meetup.com/ |
26. Thome Historic articles, vintage photos, and links related to the early days of Roller Derby. http://astroworf.tripod.com/thome.html | |
27. AZ Roller Derby AllFemale, Flat-Track Roller Derby League in Phoenix, AZ http://arizonaderbygirls.com/ | |
28. Flickr: Roller Derby Roller Derby Group Pool Discussion 1,735 Members Map Join This Group. Group Pool 21,403 items Only members can add to the pool. http://www.flickr.com/groups/rollerderby/ | |
29. Gotham Girls Roller Derby All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in New York, NY. http://gothamgirlsrollerderby.com/ | |
30. Rat City Rollergirls Allfemale, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Seattle, WA. Frequently asked questions, news, team profiles, photographs, and season schedule. http://ratcityrollergirls.com/ | |
31. MySpace - Victorian Roller Derby League - 33 - Female - Melbourne, AU - Myspace. Myspace profile for Victorian Roller Derby League with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more http://www.myspace.com/melbournegrindgirls |
32. Providence Roller Derby All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Providence, RI. History of the sport, season schedule, team rosters, forum, and how to get involved. http://providencerollerderby.com/ |
33. Women's Flat Track Roller Derby - Women’s Flat Track Derby Association Flat track roller derby is the fastest growing sport in America, and people new to the sport usually have a lot of questions. This section serves as an introduction to roller http://wftda.com/roller-derby |
34. AZ Roller Derby All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Phoenix, AZ. http://www.azrollerderby.com/ | |
35. Stockholm Rollerderby About Roller Derby. Roller derby is an Americaninvented full contact sport, based on formation roller skating on 'quad skates' around an oval track. http://rollerderby.se/ |
36. Houston Roller Derby All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Houston, TX. History of the league, news, game rules, profiles of the players, photographs, and season schedule. http://www.houstonrollerderby.com/public/default.aspx | |
37. H.A.R.D. » All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Harrisburg, PA. http://www.harrisburgarearollerderby.com/ |
38. Roller Derby Girl Heaven Roller Derby Girls Hosted by the InSinerator. Why are Nice Girls Like These Doing What They're Doing and for No Money! http://roller-derby.net/ | |
39. MySpace - MTL Roller Derby - 103 - Female - Montreal, CA - Myspace.com/mtlroller All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. http://www.myspace.com/mtlrollerderby |
40. Rio Grande Valley Roller Derby All-female, amateur, flat-track roller derby league in Harlingen, TX. http://www.myspace.com/rgvrollerderby |
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