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         Sambo:     more books (106)
  1. From Sambo to Superspade: The Black Experience in Motion Pictures by Daniel J. Leab, 1976-10
  2. Story of Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman, 2007-11-01
  3. The Story of Little Black Sambo by John R. Neil, 2009-11-25
  4. Vital Leglocks: 65 leglocks for jujitsu, judo, sambo and mixed martial arts by Steve Scott, 2007-09-19
  5. The Story of Little Black Sambo, and The Story of Little Black Mingo by Helen Bannerman, 2010-03-06
  6. LITTLE BLACK SAMBO AND THE BABY ELEPHANT by Frank Ver Beck, 1935-01-01
  7. Little Black Sambo and Other Stories by Watty Piper, 1927
  8. Histoire Du Petit Negre Sambo by Helen Bannerman, 1921
  9. Mastering Sambo forMixed Martial Arts by Scott Sonnon, 2008-10-01
  10. The Story of Little Black Mingo And The Story of Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman, 2010-02-26
  11. White Sambo: A Novel in Stories by Robert Burdette Sweet, 1993-04
  12. Forces Spéciales: Systema, Sambo, Special Air Service, Liste Des Unités de Forces Spéciales, Commandos Britanniques, Special Forces (French Edition)
  13. Little Black Sambo and the Tiger Kitten by Frank Ver Beck, 1935
  14. The Story of Sambo and the Twins by Helen Bannerman, 1960-12

21. F D Ration Suisse De Sambo
Sport de d fense mains nues. Informations, v nements, manifestations et r sultats des comp titions.

Disciplines Clubs Evenements ... Forum
Prochains �v�nements
du 2011-08-02 au 2011-08-10
Stage vacances sambo- MMA
Palavas-Les-Flots du 2011-07-20 au 2011-07-22
S�curit� self-D�fense Pro
Gen�ve du 2011-07-10 au 2011-07-17
Stage vacances
Croatie - Ile de Cres du 2011-07-04 au 2011-07-08
Stage vacances pour les jeunes
Geneva Martial Arts Convention salle Aim�e Stitelmann du 2011-02-05 au 2011-02-06 Comp�titions 9�me Open Suisse des Sports de Combat-Libre Gen�ve -Bois-Des-Fr�rs Stages Passage de grades Fribourg Comp�titions Villars-sur-Gl�ne du 2010-12-04 au 2010-12-05 Stages free-Fight -Sambo Bienne Stage Sambo, MMA Club de Vevey Stages Stage Sambo, MMA Club de Vevey du 2010-11-04 au 2010-11-08 Comp�titions Championnat du Monde S�niors Taskent; Uzbekistan
Derni�res news

22. Sambo | Define Sambo At
–noun, plural bos. Disparaging and Offensive . 1. a black person. 2. a Latin American of black and Indian or mulatto ancestry. Use sambo in a Sentence See images of sambo

23. A Swedish American In Swedish-America: The Swedish Sambo
DCP is was my sambo. It’s an interesting concept here in Sweden that has its own term attached to it. If you’re living with your girlfriend or boyfriend but aren’t married you

A description of the Russian martial art of sambo. Intro sambo is an acronym of Russian words SAMozaschita Bez Orujiya Self-Defense Without Weapon .
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SAMBO is an acronym of Russian words "SAMozaschita Bez Orujiya" - "Self-Defense Without Weapon".
Today, SAMBO is built from 3 parts:
  • the sportive part (Olympic sport) the self-defense part and the special or combat part.
The sportive part is similar to Judo but with some differences in allowed techniques. SAMBO allows leg locks were Judo does not, but Judo allows choking but SAMBO does not. There are somewhat more techniques in SAMBO than in Judo. The self-defense part of SAMBO is similar in form to Aikijujutsu because it is intended to be entirely defensive. The founder of SAMBO said this about the self-defense part: "We give defensive weapons to citizens. Some people say that this kind of martial art may be learned by criminals or hooligans and used against citizens. Don't worry! This art does not include even one attacking technique! If a hooligan will learn, he will be able to apply it only against another hooligan who will attack him, but never against a citizen." There are many specific techniques for defending specific attacks, including escaping from grips and chokes, defenses against punches and kicks, defenses against weapons (knife, stick etc.), and floor-fighting. The self-defense part of SAMBO is based on body movements and locks with a few punches and kicks. The object is to allow defense but not to injure the opponent more than necessary because this part was created for citizens. In the former Soviet Union the law was that if you injure your opponent more than needed in a self-defense situation you could receive a 5 year prison term. Some of the self-defense techniques are based on sportive SAMBO.

25. Sambo - RedBear Sambo - Oleg Savitsky's Official Website
Oleg Savitsky's RedBear sambo Academy in Central New Jersey offers group and individual training for Combat sambo, mixed martial arts, weapons disarmament and conflict

26. A.G.S.D.P. Académie Grenobloise De Sambo Défense Personnelle, A.G.S.D.P. Acad�
Pr sentation des activit s de ce club d arts martiaux. Grenoble.

27. FIAS - Ranking System - Novichok
Title Color Requirements Eligibilities Novichok of the 3rd Razryad Black To be able to apply selfprotection. To pass a theory exam and to sign oath.

Honorary Presidents

Executive Commitee


FIAS Anti-doping Provisions

World Championship masters (M). Results

[October 29 , 2010] World Championship masters (M)
[October 25 , 2010] World Cup - Students (M-F). Results
[October 25 , 2010] World Cup - Students (M-F) [October 22 , 2010] World Championship youth and juniors (M-F) [October 7-11 , 2010] Today is the birthday of Fedor Emelyanenko [September 28, 2010] "SAMBO-70" is 40 years old [September 28, 2010] Sambo - in Beijing [August 27 - September 3, 2010] To the attention - Visa Document Directions New perspectives of SAMBO [July 15, 2010] FIAS Anti-doping Provisions Summing up the FIAS participation [April 25-30, 2010] Results of 2010 USA Open SAMBO Championship (Rahway, NJ) [May 2, 2010] Interview with FIAS President Vasiliy Shestakov in �Daily� [April 27, 2010] To the attention of the media [April 23, 2010] Juniors Team Results Youth Team Results and Photos of Europe Championship youth and juniors, held on April 15-19 in Nea Moudania (Greece) [April 23, 2010] Combat Sambo crew from Serbia climbed to the top of the mountain Midzor on their bicycles, and placed the flag of FIAS there

28. La Page N'existe Plus
Pr sentation du club et de ses activit s, historique et pr sentation du sambo, calendrier, album photos. Campsas.
Le contenu de la page perso n'existe plus. Si la page vous appartenait, il vous est encore possible d'utiliser l'URL ist_aff("footer/filtre/footer_ist1.jsp");

29. Urban Dictionary: Sambo
Archetypal Negro Apologetic and subservient, yet will pilfer whenever unsupervised. He schemes constantly, but lacking cleverness, always ends up

30. TNT Sambo Club - France
Photos et Articles Lassociation de Ile Saint Denis.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); TNT SAMBO CLUB
R�vis� le
30 Dec 1999
Palmar�s TNT
Photos et Articles Site de la FFAS
Liens/Links de
9, Rue Ren� et Isa Lefevre
93450 Ile Saint Denis
Tel/Fax :
Port :
Email : Fondateur, Pr�sident, Entra�neur, Arbitre, Comp�titeur M.Michel ORTIZ SEMPERE Licence Sciences et Techniques des Activit�s Physiques et Sportives (S.T.A.P.S.) (Option Education et Motricit�) B.E.E.S. 1er Degr� SAMBO Arbitre de Club Tr�sori�re, Arbitre Me. Coralie ORTIZ SEMPERE Secr�taire Me. No�lle BARTHEL Les Adh�rents PARTOUCHE Jonathan PAUCHET Anthony PAUCHET Geoffrey LHUBERT Marie LHUBERT Julien LHUBERT Emilie LEFEVRE Romain MENCE Samuel PETIAU Michel GERLAND S�bastien LESTAVEL Jean No�l TOUCHAUD Olivier GINESTET Didier RIVILLON Cendrine DELPIERRE Valentin Adresse des cours: Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Villeneuve-La-Garenne 3, rue Pierre Brossolette

31. Sambo - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

32. Sambo France : Le Portail Du Sambo Français
Pr sente les f d rations et organisations d di es au sambo.

33. Submission Judo Archives
History of Judo and how it fathered sambo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, plus origins of Atemi Waza.

34. Martial Arts Info - Sambo
Martial Arts explained sambo. Summarizes the characteristics and origin of sambo. Where applicable, additional info such as founder, weapons, origin are provided. Includes many

35. Sambo - Viktor Chenkevitch
Located at Sakhlin Island, Russia.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); You are visitor # since February 17, 1999 SAMBO Club City of Holmsk
Sakhlin Island, Russia Viktor Iosefovitch Chenkevitch The merited coach V. I. Chenkevitch runs the Sambo and Judo School at Holmsk. He also teaches self-defense. He has been teaching sambo and judo for 27 years. Mr. Chenkevitch is available to conduct seminars worldwide to sambo clubs or martial arts clubs that are intersted in the sambo techniques and russian self-defense. V. I. Chenkevitch is also a chiropractor and hypnotherapist. This web site is still under construction. For more information or to contact Viktor I. Chenkevitch sen eamil to
Michael Chernyh is one of V. I. Chenkevitch's former students and is presently one of the Sambo Coaches at UBC and assistent Judo Coach at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada.

36. Sambo's Restaurant
Since 1957
Since 1957
On The Beach
Sambo's Restaurant
The Original Since 1957
Santa Barbara, CA
NOT Seeing the Ocean?
This web site REQUIRES Flash - Here it is

37. Ultimate Sambo Corp
of style, advantages and general information including class times.......
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welcome to Ultimate Sambo Corp
Welcome to Ultimate Sambo Mixed Martial Arts Academy, offering the most comprehensive martial arts and self defense program in the area! Established in 1999, Ultimate Sambo offers benefits for everyone looking for ways to positively influence the body, mind, and soul. Our instructors are of the highest caliber and can effectively ensure that personal goals and objectives are clearly defined and obtained. Some of our current programs include: Combat/Sport Sambo * Judo * Jujitsu * Kickboxing * MMA * Self defense Submission grappling Other special programs offered: Seminars and Tournaments * Law Enforcement program *Competition Team Training
Kettle bell Training * Distance/online learning * Private/small group lessons
Corporate self defense programs * Nutrition counseling * Personal training ***NEW*** Children's Intro to Mixed Martial Arts designed especially for ages 5 - 7 Saturday morning classes beginning soon!!!

38. Sambo -
Learn about sambo on Find info and videos including How to Find a sambo Class, How to Become a sambo Instructor, How to Learn the Rules of sambo and much more.
  • Family Food Health Home Money Style More
Home Sambo
Sambo Featured Articles
  • How to Dress for Sambo Sambo, which is a martial arts discipline that originated in Russia, uses a slightly different dress code than other types of martial arts, such as judo or karate. During sambo practice and competition, one should wear the traditional uniform, or kurtka, shorts and wrestling shoes. How to Learn Sambo Sambo is a Russian martial art that was developed for the military police. Its name is an acronym for SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya, or Self-Defense Without Weapon. A highly effective martial art, it's growing in popularity, and can be seen featured in shows like The Human Weapon, or the Ultimate Fighting Championships and more. Read on... How to Dress for Sambo Sambo is known as the "martial art without a weapon." Originally taught to the Russian military, sambo takes its influences from many other arts. The technical movements and physical exertion of the sport means that dressing in the right attire is a crucial part of sambo success. How to Practice Sambo Sambo is a Russian martial art that was developed in the Soviet Union as a means of fighting without a weapon. Known today as a ruthlessly effective system that incorporates elements of wrestling, grappling and weapons disarming, the practice of sambo is effective as a serious international sport and as a combat system. Follow these...

39. Deutscher Sambo Verband E.V.
Einstieg in die Welt des russischen Ringens mit Regelwerk, Fotos, Geschichte und Kurskalender.

40. American Sambo Association | National ASA Members
CALIFORNIA School/Individual Name CALI COMBAT sambo TRAINING CENTER Type of Membership Member Since 6/1/2004 Location San Francisco, California

- Select a State - Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisianna Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming What does it mean to have an American Sambo Association membership?

Type of Membership:
Member Since:
Location: San Francisco, California
Website: none
Contact Information: Comments: Serge Gerlach , Chief Instructor School/Individual Name: RIK BAER Type of Membership: Affiliate Individual Memeber Member Since: Location: Santee, California Website: Comments: Rik has vast experience in both martial arts and fitness including boxing/USA Boxing Coaches Certification (under R.A Baer, Welterweight All Navy Boxing Champion), Shaolin Kenpo Karate and JiuJitsu (3rd Dan under M. Runcini), US Naval Training, Various Chinese Martial Arts (under Banny Hom), and Arnis (under Mike Gomez), and Malay Kickboxing (under Manolo Rey). Rik�s fitness credentials include many fitness, strength, and conditioning certifications. He is also a level 2 Reiki practitioner. Mr. Baer looks to begin studying Sambo and incorporating Sambo�s training principles into his regimen.

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